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Requests for new languages/Wikiversity Portuguese

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Wikiversidade Portuguesa

submitted verification final decision
This proposal has been approved.
The Board of Trustees and language committee have deemed that there is sufficient grounds and community to create the new language project.

The closing committee member provided the following comment:

Esta wiki foi criada em pt.wikiversity.org. —{admin} Pathoschild 02:38:33, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
Proposal summary

marcomartim(N) MCruz(N)Rodrigofera(N)OTAVIO1981(N)

Please read the handbook for requesters for help using this template correctly.

Número de oradores: Total de 230 milhões

Locais falados: Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, Macau, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe, Timor Leste.

Argumentos a favor

(English) The Portuguese Wikiversity has real conditions to function very well for every causes:
(Portuguese) A Wikiversidade em Português tem condições viáveis para funcionar bem pelas seguintes razões:
  • (English) The Portuguese is a very important language,because it is the third Occidental Language most spoken in the world and the sixth language most spoken in the world,with 280 million of speakings(P.S.:The country who has more Portuguese speakers is Brazil).
    (Portuguese) O português é uma língua muito importante, pois é a terceira língua ocidental mais falada no mundo e a sexta língua mais falada em todo o mundo, com 280 milhões de falantes (P.S.: O país com mais pessoas falando português é o Brasil Brazil).
  • (English) The Portuguese speakers are able and active in the Wikimedia Foundation projects. And, besides this, we have big projects. Observe the Wikimedia Foundation's Statistics about the projects in Portuguese.
    (Portuguese) Os usuários da língua portuguesa são hábeis e ativos nos projetos da Wikimedia Foundation. Além disso, nós temos grandes projetos. Observe as estatísticas da Wikimedia Foundation's em relação aos projetos em Português.
Projects World Position Articles' number Official Website
Wikipedia in Portuguese tenth 1375025 [1]
Wiktionary in Portuguese seventh 80459 [2]
Wikibooks in Portuguese forth 15343 [3]
Wikiquote in Portuguese sixth 12541 [4]
Wikisource in Portuguese seventh 28460 [5]
Wikinews in Portuguese seventh 12131 [6]
  • (English) The Portuguese Wikiversity goes to have the opportunity to make a union of the education's style of many different countries,how Portugal,Brasil and Angola.
    (Portuguese) A Wikiversidade em português surge como uma grande oportunidade para promover a união entre os diferentes estilos de educação entre países muito diferentes, como Portugal, Brasil e Angola.
  • (English) How Lucas 13 says:"(...)this site would be useful because everyone will be able to learn from his/her home quickly and free."
    (Portuguese) O que Lucas 13 diz:"(...)Isso seria muito útil, porque todos poderiam aprender a partir de sua casa, de forma livre e rápida."
  • (English) We are interesting in a E-learning.
    (Portuguese) Todos estamos interessados em uma E-learning (escola virtual pela Internet).
  • (English) Now exists a good project ,the project Wikiversidade no Wikilivros.It needs to be developement .But,we can be this in the Wikiversity model,and not in Wikibooks.
    (Portuguese) Já existe um bom projeto, o projeto Wikiversidade no Wikilivros. Ele precisa ser desenvolvido. Mas nós podemos imprementá-lo no modelo Wikiversidade, em vez de Wikilivros.
  • (English) In the Wikiversity,exists a change to do learnings that can't be did in a normal university.And the lusophonos has new knowledges to share.
    (Portuguese) Na Wikiversidade, há mudanças no conhecimento que não se conseguem em uma universidade comum. E os lusófonos têm novos conhecimentos a compartilhar.
  • (English) In Portuguese Wikiversity,can be debate topics that amplify the people's point of view.Above this,the debate of the topics can update and capacite teachers,workers and other people.And the lusophonos' debates are always many available and bright.
    (Portuguese) Na Wikiversidade Portuguesa poderemos debater temas capazes de ampliar o ponto de vista das pessoas. Com o debate desses tópicos poderá elevar-se a capacidade de professores, pesquisadores e outras pessoas. E os debates dos lusófonos são sempre muito produtivos e brilhantes.
  • (English) In Brazil and Portugal,we're side with educationals lawyers about distance education.
    (Portuguese) No Brasil e em Portugal, estamos habituados a legislações referentes a educação à distância.
  • (English) The stuffes created by the Portuguese Wikiversity can be avails for studentrs,teachers,not-governamental organizations,courses and others.
    (Portuguese) Os conhecimentos gerados pela Wikiversidade Portuguesa podem ser proveitos para estudantes, professores, organizações não-governamentais, cursos e outros.
  • (English) It can,with the Wikieducator,to formate a educational curriculum that can be a model with others universities.In small and poor countries,this is very important.
    (Portuguese) Quem sabe, com o Wikieducator, possamos formatar um curriculum educacional que sirva de modelo a outras universidades. Em países pequenos e pobres, isto é muito importante.
  • (English) Surely,the Portuguese Wikiversity will be complement the other Wiki projects in Portuguese.
    (Portuguese) Certamente, a Wikiversidade Portuguesa será complemento de outros projetos Wiki em português.
  • (English) (OBS.I'm going to help in Portuguese,History,Geography and Spanish)
    (Portuguese) (OBS. Eu pretendo ajudar em português, história, geografia e em espanhol)


Arguments against/Argumentos contrários

  1. (English) — There is no debate between users about the project regarding things like the format that it should adopt and stuff like that, as can be see here. There is no community.
    (Portuguese) — Não há debate entre os usuários sobre o projeto envolvendo assuntos como o formato que deveria ser adotado e coisas assim, como pode ser visto aqui. Não existe uma comunidade.
  2. (English) — There is already a lack of active contributors in other pt projects like pt.wikiquote and pt.wikinews. If we are going to form "learning groups" this will be a big problem.
    (Portuguese) — Já há uma falta de contribuidores em outros projetos pt como o pt.wikiquote e o pt.wikinews. Se nós vamos formar "grupos de apredizagem" isso será um grande problema.

General Discussion

  • I believe that I've heard about some situations at pt.wp in which there have been some nasty content disputes about whether what type of Portuguese to use. I even know of many users who are boycotting pt.wp because of these disputes between Brazilians and the Portuguese. What do you plan on doing to avoid this? --Agüeybaná (hábleme) 23:22, 18 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
The problems with the idiom is the minor thing to worry; Portugal is also the Nation-mother of the portuguese, and all lusophon countries and all lusophon peoples can understand what your "Nations-brothers" talk; and in Portuguese Wikipedia have others problems than the idiom; the linguistic variety isn't a problem for us and all lusophon collaborators of Portuguese Wikipedia. --Brunoy Anastasiya Seryozhenko 00:55, 19 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I agree. Linguistic variation isn't a major problem in wiki-pt. Charley Vasconcelos 01:21, 19 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, the portuguese speakers is one of the major linguistic community in the world, and don't have a manner of this project to give "wrong". All interrested in the project (I believe) will make the possible to build a solid project; ando one more suscefull lusophon project. --Brunoy Anastasiya Seryozhenko 01:31, 19 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hoi, the general situation is that it does not matter if you vote in favour. The project has conditional approval. What is needed is people demonstrating that they want this project by making it shine in the Incubator before it goes life. GerardM 23:53, 19 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

From me, all things who I planned for the project is in my first commentary below. --Brunoy Anastasiya Seryozhenko 01:58, 20 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Agree with people above that said that the minor variations between Brazilian portuguese and European-African Portuguese isn't a big deal. But I would like to propose that The Wikiversidade adopts the new orthographic convention even if it is not ratified by all Portuguese speaking countries yet. See [7] Maque 20:12, 31 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

  • Notice that the purpose of wikiversity is not to host any reference text in any definitive way - if participants in a wikivesity learning project succeed in producing a book, or a survey article, such results should be moved to the relevant domain, such as wikibooks, wikisource or wikipedia. (The exception being reports of original research, but that is another long story.) A principal function of wikiversity is to host learning communities, whose compositions may change over time. I know very few Portugese phrases, but so long the participants can communicate and understand each other, there is little reason for preferring one system or the other. Hillgentleman 19:45, 19 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
    Yes the portuguese variations never have been a big problem. We indeed have a problem with the creation of content because the educational model of the Superior Education in portuguese speaking countries is different from that in english ones, it follows the french model. Until now, at wikibooks, we had decided to create a minimum curriculum and it should be used as a base. We would had to discuss that if there where interest from the participants at beta... Jorge Morais 01:27, 25 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Final translation


Thank you for your perseverance; this request is ready for approval and the wiki will soon be created. Please provide the following translations so that we can create the wiki:

Variable English Portuguese Explanation
$wgSitename Wikiversity Wikiversidade The name of the website, which will appear in the title bar or when you use {{SITENAME}} on the wiki.
$wgMetaNamespace Wikiversity Wikiversidade The name of the project namespace, which contains policies, processes, et cetera.
$wgMetaNamespaceTalk Wikiversity_talk Wikiversidade_Discussão The name of the talk namespace associated with the project namespace.

{admin} Pathoschild 18:46:40, 17 May 2008 (UTC)