From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Proposal summary
Language details: Tatar (татарча , tt ISO 639-1)
Editing community: ???
List your user name if you're interested in editing the wiki. Add "N" next to your name if you are a native speaker of this language.
Relevant pages: development wiki project
External links:
Project name: Wikisource
The name of the project in the requested language; for example, "Wikipédia" in French.
Project namespace: Wikisource
The name of the namespace for project pages like policies; usually the same as the project name.
Project_talk namespace: Discussion Wikisource
The name of the discussion namespace for project pages like policies; for example, "Wikipedia talk" in English.
Wiki logo: Wikipedia svg logo-tt.svg
The name of the wiki logo uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons , like "Wikipedia-logo-v2-pl.png" (see logo ).
Default timezone: CET (UTC+3)
The default timezone on the wiki, like "CET (UTC+1)". This is usually the default UTC .
User interface: See Translatewiki .
Please read the handbook for requesters for help using this template correctly.
Replace this line with your opening argument in favour of the new project.
Arguments in favour[ edit ]