Requests for comment/Userrights on Hindi Wikipedia/Appendix
The additional setting on, as of early March 2012, are as follows:[1]
'hiwiki' => array(
'confirmed' => array( 'upload' => true, 'patrol' => true ),
'rollbacker' => array( 'rollback' => true ),
'reviewer' => array ( 'patrol' => true, 'autopatrol' => true ),
'autopatrolled' => array( 'autopatrol' => true ),
'editprotected' => array( 'editprotected' => true, 'patrol' => true, 'autopatrol' => true, 'autoreview' => true, 'review' => true, 'upload_by_url' => true, 'ipblock-exempt' => true,
'validate' => true, 'patrolmarks' => true, 'suppressredirect' => true ),
'interface_editor' => array( 'editinterface' => true ),
'flood' => array( 'bot' => true ),
'filemover' => array( 'movefile' => true ),
'eliminator' => array( 'delete' => true, 'undelete' => true, 'rollback' => true, 'browsearchive' => true, 'deletedtext' => true, 'deletedhistory' => true ),
'Patroller' => array( 'patrol' => true, 'autopatrol' => true, 'unwatchedpages' => true, 'patrolmarks' => true ),
'botadmin' => array( 'autopatrol' => true, 'autoconfirmed' => true, 'suppressredirect' => true, 'nominornewtalk' => true, 'noratelimit' => true, 'skipcaptcha' => true, 'apihighlimits' =>
true, 'writeapi' => true, 'bot' => true, 'createaccount' => true, 'import' => true, 'patrol' => true, 'protect' => true, 'editusercss' => true, 'edituserjs' => true, 'editinterface' => true,
'browsearchive' => true, 'movefile' => true, 'move' => true, 'move-rootuserpages' => true, 'undelete' => true, 'rollback' => true, 'delete' => true,
'deleterevision' => true, 'reupload' => true, 'deletedtext' => true, 'deletedhistory' => true ),
'Ex_Bureaucrat' => array( 'autopatrol' => true),
'Ex_Administrator' => array( 'autopatrol' => true),
'wgAddGroups' => array( [...]
'+hiwiki' => array(
'bureaucrat' => array( 'interface_editor', 'flood', 'abusefilter', 'eliminator', 'import', 'transwiki', 'accountcreator', 'editprotected', 'botadmin', 'Ex_Bureaucrat', 'Ex_Administrator' ),
'sysop' => array( 'confirmed', 'rollbacker', 'autopatrolled', 'Patroller', 'reviewer', 'filemover', ),
'wgRemoveGroups' => array( [...]
'+hiwiki' => array(
'bureaucrat' => array( 'sysop', 'interface_editor', 'flood', 'abusefilter', 'eliminator', 'import', 'transwiki', 'accountcreator', 'editprotected', 'botadmin', 'Ex_Bureaucrat', 'Ex_Administrator' ),
'sysop' => array( 'confirmed', 'rollbacker', 'autopatrolled', 'Patroller', 'reviewer', 'filemover' ),
'wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf' => array( [...]
'hiwiki' => array( 'botadmin' => array( 'botadmin' ) ),
Will be changed to:
'hiwiki' => array(
'reviewer' => array ( 'patrol' => true, 'autopatrol' => true ),
'autopatrolled' => array( 'autopatrol' => true ),
'sysop' => array( 'validate' => true ),
'wgAddGroups' => array( [...]
'+hiwiki' => array(
'sysop' => array( 'abusefilter', 'autopatrolled', 'reviewer' ),
'wgRemoveGroups' => array( [...]
'+hiwiki' => array(
'sysop' => array( 'abusefilter', 'autopatrolled', 'reviewer' ),