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Requests for comment/Global Wikidata Bots/is

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Requests for comment/Global Wikidata Bots and the translation is 47% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Global Wikidata Bots

This page will not be used but should be retained.

Það eru um 1 milljón greinar á öllum wikipedium sem innihalda tungumálatengla (sumir á vernduðum síðum) sem verið er að færa á Wikidata. Vélmenni hafa verið sett upp til að færa þessa tengla en þau geta ekki fjarlægt tengla af vernduðum síðum. Þessi vélmenni eru notuð til að minnka mannleg mistök við færslu tenglana á wikidata ásamt því að auka hraða ferilsins og minnka þann tíma sem fólk þarf við að færa tenglana yfir.


Lagt er til að nýr altækur hópur og wiki sett verði búið til með nafninu "altæk Wikidata vélmenni". Þetta mun gera vélmennunum sem eru í þessum fyrirhugaða hóp kleift að breyta vernduðum síðum á Wikimedia verkefnum í wiki settinu. Nýji altæki hópurinn myndi innihalda öll réttindi altæku vélmennana auk "editprotected" réttindana.

The new global group would contain all of the permissions that are currently in the Global bot group as well as the editprotected flag.

"Global Wikidata bot" access should be requested on Steward requests/Bot status. To qualify for access, the bot must already be active on several wikis, with long-term contributions to back up its trustworthiness. Since it is proposed that projects can require that they need to assent to a request first, requests should include links to places where the bot owner has informed these wikis.

Þessi tillaga þýðir ekki að:

  • Öll vélmenni á wikidata geti breytt vernduðum síðum á öllum wiki vefsvæðum
  • Öll altæk vélmenni munu geta breytt vernduðum síðum á öllum wiki verkefnum

RFC procedure

The request for comments about the establishment of a new global group "Global Wikidata bots" will last 2 weeks, from 10 to 24 June (proposed). All Wikipedias will be notified of it via (insert here: EdwardsBot, CentralNotice??). If the result is in favour of creating the group, it will be created; and notices will be sent out to all Wikipedias (drafted here) that it is proposed that they opt-in to this group. If there is no response on a Wikipedia within 1 month after the notification, it will be taken as "no objection". Of course, wikis can start an opt-in discussion also before they are notified.

The local opt-in decisions will be listed (below) and the opting-in wikis be added to the wikiset for this group. Wikis can decide to opt-in to the global group and require that every "Global Wikidata bot" request be presented to them before it can be granted.

Comments below

For discussion on meta see the talk page.


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Staðbundnar umræður

Umræður í bið

  • examplewiki - [1] - Closing 10th July, 2013 00:00 UTC (NOTE: this is not a real RFC, but just an example)

1 - Fully Opt-in

The local project community blanket approves all Wikidata bots and does not need to be informed.

  • ...

2 - Opt-in with Local approval

The local project community needs to be informed about the bot operator and has the ability to object the global bot approval.

  • ...

3 - Fully Opt-out

  • testwiki - [2]
  • test2wiki - [3]