Requests for comment/Abuse of power by bureaucrats in the Hebrew Wikipedia
This is a subpage; for more information, see the Requests for comments page.
Hello, I need your help, please.
I am an active contributor to the Hebrew Wikipedia since August 2023 (username: Be'Ikar Yerakot) and I am contacting you because on June 2, 2024 my username and ip address were permanently blocked without any warning or explanation.
The blocking was carried out by the bureaucrat GARFILD (גארפילד) and all my requests to him and to the second bureaucrat in the Hebrew Wikipedia, BIKORET (ביקורת), to get an explanation, were NOT answered.
I was never involved in anything mentioned in the list of disrupting the Wikipedia project, and it is very outrageous that there are those who take the freedom to block others, just because of suspicions, without warning or referring to inquiries and requests for an explanation. Along with the great appreciation I have for those who invest their time and energy to keep the Wikipedia project reliable and free of bias, I expect absolute actions such as "permanent blocking" to be done after thorough investigation in accordance with Wikipedia’s formal procedure: Warn before blocking, with explanation.
In my case, there was no warning, no inquiry was made with me, and I was not presented with the data, and certainly not the evidence to justify the "sentence". I really want to get an explanation why I was blocked. I can't find anything in my actions that would justify it.
I want to emphasize the fact that I joined Wikipedia out of interest and curiosity and with the desire to contribute. I am active not only in the "minor" edits offered to me by the system, such as internal links and adding information sources, but also in enriching entries, and I even wrote two new entries in Hebrew: Anna Boghiguian (אנה בוגיגיאן) and Leandro Erlich (ליאנדרו ארליך). I am currently working on another entry about a contemporary French artist, and I really hope that at the end of the writing, I will be able to upload this information to the Wikipedia entry space.
I can't understand what in my activity caused GARFILD to block me permanently, and I can't get any explanation from him nor from the other bureaucrat BIKORET.
I hereby request to unblock my user and IP address. If not, I demand an explanation.
I hope you can help me with that,
Sincerely, Be'Ikar Yerakot Be'Ikar Yerakot (talk) 15:41, 25 June 2024 (UTC)
Comment Blocks may be carried out without further warning if a user is believed to be a long term abuser or a sockpuppet. Contrary to what you claim, "to be done after thorough investigation in accordance". Based on your hewiki userpage's notice, a page about this case, w:he:ויקיפדיה:פרשת הטיית הצבעות ודיונים 2024 exists, and per Google Translate it seems like there is an established suspicion of abusing multiple accounts. Sometimes it is not only about the edits someone had done, but also the underlying technical data tied to someone's account. Was suspicion ever confirmed by a hewiki CU? A09|(pogovor) 11:44, 26 June 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you very much for your reply.
- I apologize if I didn't explain myself correctly. When I claimed that no thorough investigation was made, I meant that as part of such an investigation, somebody should have contact me, present the evidence, and check the suspicions with me.
- The notice on my userpage appeared there after I was blocked, and I don't understand what made them suspect me in the first place. I am not an abuser nor a sockpuppet (please check my user contributions page for that matter). I am a real person. Could it be that the bureaucrats were wrong? We all make mistakes.
- The problem is that I didn't receive any reply for my requests for explanation. If there is something in my activity that made the bureaucrat suspicious, I expect them to explain to me what it was, and to check it with me. Blocking me and my ip address permanently, without prior inquiry with me, is as if I was judged in absentia, no evidence had been presented, and the sentence was carried out without being able to appeal it. This is absolutely unacceptable.
- You asked if suspicion was ever confirmed by a hewiki CU. I admit I don't know what "CU" stands for. Regarding the suspicion – I don’t know why I am a suspect in the first place.
- I would like very much to continue editing and contributing to the Hebrew Wikipedia. Please help me with that.
- Be'Ikar Yerakot (talk) 18:21, 26 June 2024 (UTC)
- I cannot help you edit Hebrew Wikipedia and lifting the block is solely in hands of hewiki community. Pardon for not explaining, CU stands for checkuser, a user right that allows looking into underlying technical data of an account (ie. IP). " The notice on my userpage appeared there after I was blocked": if I presume this notice has equal function to what ie. w:en:Template:Sockpuppet would be, is actually completely normal to appear only after the proccess was carried out. Furthermore please note blocking processes are not courts. "Blocking me and my ip address permanently": as said, was your block a check-user block or not? Otherwise normal bureaucrats cannot access your IP, as well as per standard for IPs, they are not blocked indefinitely. I cannot comment on hewiki sysops feedback as I am not active in the community nor do I speak the language. Best, A09|(pogovor) 21:15, 26 June 2024 (UTC)
- I don't know if my block is a CU block, but it is a fact that my IP address remains blocked. I still do not understand what I did wrong and under what pretext the bureaucrats found it appropriate to block me, and why they keep ignoring my requests for explanation. Should I understand from your response that there are two individuals in the Hebrew Wikipedia who are 'all-mighty,' holding absolute power without any checks and balances? As far as I know, the bureaucrats were authorized by the World Wikipedia and if they misuse the power they were given and block against the rules, I expect you to intervene and stop it. What do you recommend I do? Should I simply give up? Be'Ikar Yerakot (talk) 19:00, 27 June 2024 (UTC)
- I cannot help you edit Hebrew Wikipedia and lifting the block is solely in hands of hewiki community. Pardon for not explaining, CU stands for checkuser, a user right that allows looking into underlying technical data of an account (ie. IP). " The notice on my userpage appeared there after I was blocked": if I presume this notice has equal function to what ie. w:en:Template:Sockpuppet would be, is actually completely normal to appear only after the proccess was carried out. Furthermore please note blocking processes are not courts. "Blocking me and my ip address permanently": as said, was your block a check-user block or not? Otherwise normal bureaucrats cannot access your IP, as well as per standard for IPs, they are not blocked indefinitely. I cannot comment on hewiki sysops feedback as I am not active in the community nor do I speak the language. Best, A09|(pogovor) 21:15, 26 June 2024 (UTC)
- No, I'm not at all implying bureaucrats of hewiki are almighty. Also, one thing you're very mislead about is there is in fact no "world Wikipedia". Each community has its own rules, regulations and policies in place and any local functionary is appointed on a local level by a local community. I cannot help you. I suggest we wait for someone else's input, preferably by hewiki community members. A09|(pogovor) 20:15, 27 June 2024 (UTC)
- It should be noted that many of the blocked accounts are suspected meat pupets. פעמי-עליון (talk) 09:48, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
Comment So if I understand correctly, hewiki decided to block multiple established editors (as in not new editors, not necessarily users with any user right besides autoconfirmed) on bassis of behavioural comparison without any checkuser check? Meatpuppetry usually applies to new accounts/single use accounts only and should not be used in potentially controversial cases. A09|(pogovor) 13:13, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
- I am by no means a "meat pupet" as it was implied above. And if I am suspected in ANYTHING, it should be checked with me, as well! The bureaucrats should NOT take such an absolute actions based on mere suspicions. Evidence is needed.
- I don't want to attribute any bias to the bureaucrats at the Hebrew Wikipedia, but it's quite clear that I (and others like me) fail to communicate with them. Therefore, I ask you, if you have any influence on what is happening in local Wikipedia projects, to activate it.
- Be'Ikar Yerakot (talk) 08:05, 30 June 2024 (UTC)
- I am by no means a "meat pupet" as it was implied above. And if I am suspected in ANYTHING, it should be checked with me, as well! The bureaucrats should NOT take such an absolute actions based on mere suspicions.
- Be'Ikar Yerakot (talk) 08:04, 30 June 2024 (UTC)
- It should be noted that many of the blocked accounts are suspected meat pupets. פעמי-עליון (talk) 09:48, 29 June 2024 (UTC)
- Per the request of A09 I'm adding my post here as it is another example of that blocking. However, due to the fact that there's no response - I can't tell if it's the same reason (because none of us can tell what's the reason for blocking): 4 weeks ago I (user: Louisis14) was completely blocked from the Hebrew Wikipedia. The claim made in the announcement page was that the 43 users (me included) were blocked as they were identical to other users AND their activity patterns showed them to be working as part of an organization trying to harm the Hebrew Wikipedia (my free translation to the Hebrew announcement). It took me by surprise to be included in such a list as I'm working on my own and tried to contribute to Hebrew Wiki to the best of my capabilities. I've added completely new two entries, added sources and footnotes, fixed mistakes, added images as well as adding local links (and external links). Ever since then I've tried to get a response on my activities and it was in vain. The most I could get is to open my talk page (and tag the bureaucrats that blocked me) - but everything that I wrote there was completely ignored. From the announcement it seems that users were blocked not because they failed the CU test - but rather due to some vague criteria that the bureaucrats are unwilling to expose. Hence - leaving me in a dead-lock. I'm not getting any specific response and I can't explain why I'm not falling within their criteria (as these are not provided). I've already tried writing to the Wikimedia Stewards - they told me to talk with the local Hebrew Wikipedia bureaucrats. There are only two such bureaucrats both were tagged by me and none of them is answering. Hence I'm trying this method to get a response. Louisis14 (talk) 10:37, 4 July 2024 (UTC)
- Well the official block reason that bureaucrats left is the same as those of users above, but I don't think they have enough proof to execute such a block especially without local checkuser help. Stewards cannot impose their decisions on already established communities in cases like this, we would first have to wait for the outcome of these requests regarding this problem. I still expect input from hewiki functionaries. A09|(pogovor) 18:01, 4 July 2024 (UTC)
- Hi,
- You wrote that you still expect input from hewiki functionaries. We are already aware of the fact that the bureaucrats have not provided an explanation for over a month now, and by reading the requests for comment added after this one – I understand I'm not the only one. Is there any other function that can assist in these cases? Is there any time limit for that?
- Thank you,
- Be'Ikar Yerakot (talk) 14:52, 9 July 2024 (UTC)
- Well the official block reason that bureaucrats left is the same as those of users above, but I don't think they have enough proof to execute such a block especially without local checkuser help. Stewards cannot impose their decisions on already established communities in cases like this, we would first have to wait for the outcome of these requests regarding this problem. I still expect input from hewiki functionaries. A09|(pogovor) 18:01, 4 July 2024 (UTC)
- as requested by A09 , i add my case here,as another exat of unjustified block from Hebrew wikipedia:
Hello friends,
I would like to complain about my recent permanent blockage from Hebrew Wikipedia. This blockage was unjustified, in my opinion, with no warning, reasoning or explanation given, and I would appreciate your kind help in getting it canceled.
It is worth mentioning that I was blocked along with some other ~40 users, as part of a so-called “enforcement action”. This action was allegedly based on some secretive data analysis. However, the administrators did not expose any of this data analysis, nor any evidence of any rule that was breached, nor any reasoning whatsoever for this severe action. To the best of my knowledge I did not break any of Wikipedia rules; but I did not get any opportunity to explain or respond to any of the (hidden) allegations.
I tried sending messages to the people who performed the blocking, twice, but did not get any response. I also tried posting the same questions on my user page and also via info@wikipedia mail but did not get a response. Some background about me and my Wiki activity: I enrolled a year ago. As a newcomer, most of my contribution were medium-sized editing, such as improving existing entries, correcting entries that were marked as “need rewriting” , expanding entries, adding sources, etc; and some were larger. I received 34 ‘Thank You’ notes from various users, indicating that my editing was genuine, and not aimed at accumulating voting rights.
Some of my editing were related to political and/or controversial entries. I never thought this to be violating any of any Wikipedia rules, nor do I think so now, but I have a hunch that my blockage is related to this fact. My feeling now is that some witch-hunting is happening on Hebrew Wikipedia, aimed primarily at liberal editor who have inclinations for Democratic, Feminist and Progressive values. Having said that, I should note that editors with opposite opinions were also blocked. All in all, it seems to me that being politically vocal on Wikipedia is the main common factor for all those who were recently permanently blocked.
I am hoping that, perhaps with your kind help, my blockage shall be removed, and I will resume contributing to Hebrew Wikipedia.
with gratitude, mnm2023 Mnm2023 (talk) 20:15, 6 July 2024 (UTC)
- Stewards, I'm asking you to force the beureucrats to give an explanation. This is the only way to stop all the drama 2A02:14F:1F6:8538:0:0:6C4E:C8CA 12:15, 11 July 2024 (UTC)
- Well no, some progress was made in another request for comment where a hewiki checkuser made some input. I don't think stewards should enforce anything at hewiki functionaries just yet and there are numerous better ways of finding a resolution without further steward actions. A09|(pogovor) 17:34, 11 July 2024 (UTC)
- can you please share here the progress that was made and the better ways for resolution? Be'Ikar Yerakot (talk) 05:02, 12 July 2024 (UTC)
- So far it seems that a checkuser has checked group's technical data and recognised you as a sockpuppet. Apart from that comment no further progress has been made and I don't think it will be - sockpuppet accounts are indefinetly banned and WikiMedia has very good tools supporting checkuser actions. A09|(pogovor) 09:02, 16 July 2024 (UTC)
- Well, the checkuser that responded said that the beureucrats better respond than him, and neither of them said a thing in any open RFC so far, why?
- Can they explain themselves to you, in private at the very least if they can't do it in public? 2A02:14F:17D:633B:0:0:661:DAE1 07:01, 16 July 2024 (UTC)
- Stewards cannot and will not make public of their own conversations. Furthermore, I am not part of their team. Apart from the comment of the hewiki checkuser no further public progress has been made that I am aware of. A09|(pogovor) 09:01, 16 July 2024 (UTC)
- But I'm NOT a sockpuppet. How can I proove such a thing? Whoever clames I'm a sockpuppet, should proove it. Don't you think so?
- Be'Ikar Yerakot (talk) 10:50, 17 July 2024 (UTC) Greetings My name is Danny Rashef and I have been active as an editor at Wikipedia Israel for over eleven months, during which time I have accumulated over 500 quality edits. I'm on Wikipedia with the username "Danny hayarok" I am a retiree of the Ministry of the Interior and in my background I have two academic degrees, one from Safed College and the other from Haifa University. I joined Wikipedia because I have free time and a desire to help make information accessible to the general public and I see this as a mission knowing that knowledge is power and ignorance endangers the future of all of us. About two weeks ago I was suddenly blocked from Wikipedia without any warning. I don't know who decided to permanently block me from working on Wikipedia and the decision bears the hallmarks of an inquisition, being without reason and without explanation at all. It is true that my edits do not usually include complete paragraphs, but I do try to maintain a quality level of editing both linguistically, factually, and in terms of wording and proofreading, and my ambition in the future is to professionalize and deepen the quality of the edits I will make. I would be happy if the decision would be reconsidered and I would be given the opportunity to return to being active in the project and not be left with a bitter taste in the mouth of a victim of a decision that seeks balance for the removal of a group of straw dolls from a certain sector. I would like to add that I sent a letter with the same wording through the public inquiries within Wikipedia Israel and did not receive a response at all. Best regards, Danny Reshef (the green) Danny hayarok (talk) 10:59, 17 July 2024 (UTC)
- Stewards cannot and will not make public of their own conversations. Furthermore, I am not part of their team. Apart from the comment of the hewiki checkuser no further public progress has been made that I am aware of. A09|(pogovor) 09:01, 16 July 2024 (UTC)
- can you please share here the progress that was made and the better ways for resolution? Be'Ikar Yerakot (talk) 05:02, 12 July 2024 (UTC)
- Well no, some progress was made in another request for comment where a hewiki checkuser made some input. I don't think stewards should enforce anything at hewiki functionaries just yet and there are numerous better ways of finding a resolution without further steward actions. A09|(pogovor) 17:34, 11 July 2024 (UTC)
I was asked to move my request to this discussion. And here it is:
During October and November 2023 I have participated in a Wikimedia pensioners course on my own initiative and at my expense. I started editing on Wikipedia on December 2023. I made linguistic proofs, added links to articles and also participated in several votes. My Wiki username is the following: User:אילת צורי
For some reason, on June 2nd 2024 I was banned from editing on Wikipedia without any explanation.
Here is the link to the ban: [1]
The block has being made by a user named Garfield as stated in 2024 vote bias case.
I contacted the Israeli Wikimedia, but I got an answer that they are not the address for it.
I would like to know what this severe suspension is for. I have neither an idea nor explanation for it.
All the best, Ayelet Zuri אילת צורי (talk) 08:15, 26 July 2024 (UTC)
Hello, Has this rfc been forgotten? Please let us know what is going on. Thank you, Be'Ikar Yerakot (talk) 11:58, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
- stewards, the longer you avoid responding, the more complicated this gets. The hebrew beurocrats still haven't said a thing here 2A00:A041:349B:9200:A919:10DD:E87E:8E33 13:32, 21 August 2024 (UTC)
- Stewards have no obligation to respond and typically do not intervene for local disputes like this. --SHB2000 (t • c) 13:40, 21 August 2024 (UTC)
Following the closure of my Request for comments with the remark that there is no need for multiple open requests about a single wiki's governance, I am adding the details of my case here:Sofiblum (talk) 20:17, 16 October 2024 (UTC)
I am an active editor in the Hebrew Wikipedia since December 2021 (sofiblum). A bureaucrat of the Hebrew Wikipedia (גארפילד) blocked me two weeks ago from editing in the article namespace with the explanation that I edit current events topics, and demanded that I undergo mandatory mentorship to be able to return and edit (here) .
This block was made despite the following facts:
- There is no rule in the Hebrew Wikipedia prohibiting editing current events.
- The bureaucrats' authority does not include content matters.
- Editing on current events topics continues to be carried out constantly by other editors, who face no sanctions (Here is a list of a few examples).
- The Hebrew Wikipedia community members (including myself) have repeatedly raised requests and ideas for establishing a uniform set of rules for editing current events, but these requests have not been addressed by the bureaucrats.
- The edits I make on current events articles are phrased neutrally, based on reliable sources, and are mostly accepted by the community. The day before I was blocked the Hebrew Wikimedia team gave me a "gold medal" on my talk page in recognition of my "ongoing and significant contribution to Hebrew Wikipedia", for "improving hundreds of significant articles" and for "sensitive and polite participation in talk pages" (here)
Ten days after the block from the article namespace, the bureaucrat blocked me from the other namespaces of Wikipedia as well. His argument was that 10 days have passed since the mentorship was imposed on me and I haven't found a mentor yet. This extensive block was imposed on me unlike other editors who were also required to undergo mandatory mentorship but were not blocked from additional namespaces even after several months (for example, the user Yts24).
The decision of the bureaucrats to block me in the first place and then to extend the block raises serious questions about the motives/biases behind it (I am a woman and I am liberal, as stated on my user page).
Since my activity as an editor has always been within the project's rules, it is unclear to me (and to many other editors) what is the purpose of a mandatory mentorship in this case. It seems its purpose is to police me so that I do not make edits on current events (while other editors continue to do so). Therefore I see no use in accepting this sanction. I have tried explaining all of the above to the bureaucrats (גארפילד and ביקורת) but they are entrenching themselves in their position.
I am appealing to you with a request to assist in removing my arbitrary and discriminatory block.
I regret the processes occurring these days in the Hebrew Wikipedia and regret the hard work done by the Hebrew Wikimedia Foundation to integrate new editors, especially new female editors, into the project, work that is largely wasted due to these processes Sofiblum (talk) 21:05, 2 July 2024 (UTC)
- A week ago, I posted on my talk page an appeal to bureaucrats to reconsider my block and the requirement for mandatory mentorship. I pointed out the injustice done to me by attaching to the appeal a list of edits on current events that continue to be made in Hebrew Wikipedia since I was blocked for this very reason. Some of the edits on the list were not based on any reliable source, some were based on fake reports, and one even referred to an event that had not yet occurred, but the editors who made them were not required to undergo mandatory mentorship or receive any other sanction. The bureaucrats did not respond to my appeal. I would appreciate your intervention to remove my discriminatory block.Sofiblum (talk) 09:50, 25 August 2024 (UTC)