
Dear (future) friends, we invite you to join us on the 24th Dec 2024 for the QW2024 Unconference...
… FAQ: WHAT, HOW and (for) WHO :-)
[edit]QW2024 is a part of a series of annual activities that emerged out of need for gathering and acting as queers and allies around wikis. Initially planned as a physical classical conference format in 2020 (canceled in pandemic), it kept morphing from 2020 to 2023, transforming itself and us also.
[edit]This year the format is an unconference that has only vague structures for onboarding and skill-sharing, as well as supporting infrastructure for us to socialize, act, share and learn ... based on interests, urgencies and availabilities. It will run more-less open but not fixed for an (un-)specific amount of time and (un-)programmed content on 24th of December (anywhere on Earth) while saying goodbye to 2024.
[edit]Anyone with track record of queer work and commitment is welcome to join in self organized and any-amount of commitment, as long as engagement does not directly go against safety and security of others. Team (un-)organizing this is a loose connective of QueeringW organizers, friends from the Balkans and newbies forming Baqlava network (including Middle-East diaspora) and will try to manage both safety and security, as well as expectation of others but can not guarantee it for all and at all times.