QW2023/Poziv k oddaji predlogov

Poziv k oddaji predlogov
- Rok za oddajo predlogov: 22. februar 2023.
Kaj iščemo?
Iščemo predloge za predstavitve, okrogle mize, učne delavnice, strateška srečanja in seje gradnje tima v zvezi z naslednjimi temami:
- Izpraševanje, prevpraševanje in izpodbijanje cisnormativnosti, heteronormativnosti in/ali homonormativnosti v projektih Wikimedie.
- Zagotavljanje, da so prostori Wikimedie prijazni varni in odprti za prispevke vseh, z nenehnim izobraževanjem in sistemskimi izboljšavami.
- Gradnja partnerstev, vključevanje skupnosti in ozaveščanje kvir skupnosti, ki niso dovolj zastopane v gibanju Wikimedie.
- Ozaveščanje o kvir ustvarjalcih in kvir vsebinah Wikimedie.
- Opolnomočenje kvir oseb, da postanejo sodelavci in voditelji gibanja Wikimedie.
- Jezikovna, kulturna, generacijska, etnična in geografska raznolikost kvir Wikimedijcev in kvir vsebine Wikimedie.
- Porajajoči se kvir projekti Wikimedie (npr. kvir kraji v Wikipotovanju, Wikislovar idr.).
- Sodelovanja med wikimedijci in knjižnicami, arhivi, muzeji in skupnostnimi/akademskimi/vladnimi projekti.
- Wikipodatki in izzivi pri poimenovanju in kategoriziranju kvir ljudi, kultur in identite.
- Vloga uporabniške skupine LGBT+ Wikimedie.
- Varnost, ustrahovanje in nadlegovanje.
- Recenzirane raziskave o naštetih temah.
Čeprav se ta konferenca imenuje »Queering Wikipedia«, je namenjena vsem projektom Wikimedie (wikipedijam, wikipodatkom, Wikimedijini zbirki idr.).
Rok za predloge je 22. februar 2023.
Za opis konferenčnega programa in predlaganje prispevkov se premaknite navzdol.
Kdo naj prispeva predloge?
We invite all Wikimedians, activists, scholars, educators, community organizers, students, librarians, archivists, record keepers, knowledge keepers, critical theorists, computer scientists, data specialists, and creative individuals to network and build partnerships to consider how Wikipedia or other Wikimedia projects may lift up or diminish Queer populations and our cultural, historic, and scientific output.
We invite work that offers critical reflections on access to Queer information, queering Open Culture, decentering the voices of privileged groups and empowering the marginalized.
We are interested in work that suggests critical interventions into tools and traditions that oppress Queer people and Queer information within Wikimedia projects.
We seek contributions that will describe or construct practices that challenge entrenched ideas about Wikipedia, the Queer community, the types of Queer information resources sought after around the world, cisgender heterosexual involvement in Queer Wikimedia projects and engagement, and the roles of Queer Wikimedians in regard to supporting Queer visibility, civil rights, and activism.
We are particularly interested in hearing perspectives on Queering Wikipedia from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC); the disabled; People Living With HIV; sex workers; refugees; addicts in recovery; the formerly incarcerated; and, people from non-English speaking countries outside Western Europe.
Deadline for second round of proposals is March 19, 2023.
Please scroll down for conference program descriptions and application for proposals.
Conference program session types
- Traditional presentation
- 20 minutes (approx 15 min for presentation and 5 min for Q&A and Discussion). Please include a conference abstract (and after acceptance, a paper and/or slides for the presentation to share on the conference Wiki).
- Panel discussion
- 45 minutes (total 1 hour includes time for Q&A and Discussion). Propose a moderated 3-4 person panel where presenters engage in a live conversation with each other and the QW23 attendees on a topic or common theme. Proposal must include a moderator and 3 example questions that may be discussed.
- Lightning Talks
- 7–10 minutes. Briefly share your topic, program, tool, or initiative. Format examples are
- Traditional timing: 7 slides, one per minute (on average, it takes one minute to present a slide).
- PechaKucha style: 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide (see www.pechakucha.com for more information on how to develop a great PechaKucha presentation).
- Poster presentation
- Casual 7–10 min. presentation and discussion with visual materials. Visual materials will be shared on the wiki. Please include an abstract and copy of the poster to share on wiki. Ideally formatted to A1 (59.4 × 84.1 cm / 16.53 × 23.39 in), and submitted, preferably, as an accessible PDF.
- Workshops / Edit-a-thons
- Successful workshop proposals will blend lecture and active learning techniques. Brief instruction, skill share and/or guidance for a hands-on activity, development of a new practice, learning how to use an emerging Wikimedia tool, or editing / creating Wikipedia content. (Workshop example: finding and choosing photos that express diversities.)
- Edit-a-thons should include a learning activity / experience about terminology, identities, best practices within and/or for LGBTQ+ Wikipedia initiatives. (Edit-a-thon example: Top 100 LGBTQ+ articles significant to LGBTQ+ histories or rights to be available in as many languages as possible)
- Community Building and Engagement, Strategizing Meetings, or Roundtables
- 90 minutes. Facilitated discussion on how to engage local, regional, national, and/or global communities in LGBTQ+ Wikimedia efforts. This time will be dedicated to meeting people with common goals and drafting a strategic plan for the LGBTQ+ community engagement effort.
- UnConference (self organized, flexible and improvised space)
- There will be a time set aside during the conference for an “UnConference”, a dedicated space for groups of people to discuss topics or issues not (sufficiently) addressed by the conference programming. This is a great opportunity for people to share emergent ideas or challenges, and to seek out more information, build new community alliances, and/or work on solutions to challenges.
- Creative Works
- Works that present and/or embody creative interpretation of the theme of the conference. These can take many forms, including: an artistic-creative work in digital and/or analogue media, UI prototypes, creative and critical collaboration (performative) practices that reflect on inclusion, diversity, emancipation, discrimination and similar phenomena from the realities or visions of LGBTQ+ Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects…Limitations of work presented would be primarily related to topical relevance, urgency, resources and capacities to display it space (non-gallery) and time (extended weekend) of the Conference.
Preparing your proposal
In order to ensure a strong application, please check the questions we ask as you prepare your submission. There is an example proposal below.
- Primary contact (email if submitting through form, username if submitting through meta. We don’t need both, but we need some way to contact you)
- The session type for your proposal.
- Title of proposal.
- Short description of the presentation or proposal. What do you intend to present, discuss, and/or teach?
- (This can be a proposal abstract. It needs enough description that evaluators know what you’re going to do, and how you’re going to do it.)
- What will the participants learn from this presentation?
- (If you’re stuck answering this question, try filling in the blank: Once my session is finished, viewers/participants will be able to ___________)
- Does your proposal address challenges/solutions for specific at-risk populations or underrepresented communities? If so, describe how?
- The focus of the proposal in terms of Wikimedia strategy goals (Community growth, Policy and safety, Academic content growth, Collaborations and partnerships, Capacity-building)
- Language of the presentation
- Is this presentation for specific populations? If yes, who do you want to attend your program?
- Do you need accommodations as a presenter?
When writing your proposal, we encourage you to do the following:
- Describe how your proposal addresses one or more of the conference themes as described above.
- Explain what you want people to learn from what you will show, teach, or demonstrate;
- State clearly how the proposal addresses Wikimedia strategy goals (Community growth, Policy and safety, Academic content growth, Collaborations and partnerships, Capacities building, Other_____)
- Kratek opis predstavitve ali predloga. Kaj nameravate predstaviti, o čem nameravate razpravljati, kaj nameravate naučiti?
- V moji predstavitvi bom prikazala, kako so majhne skupine temnopoltih lezbičnih wikipedistk ustvarile veliko večkulturno skupnost v [mestu X]. V tej predstavitvi bom delil_a strategije, ki jih je ta skupnost uporabila za vključitev širšega občinstva v gibanje Wikimedie, pojasnil_a, kako so k sodelovanju v projektih Wikimedie pritegnile širšo skupnost, kako so se za podporo povezale z lokalnimi knjižnicami in kako učijo udeležence editonov v [mestu X] o izboljševanju in ustvarjanju LGBTQ+ vsebine v Wikipediji.
- Kaj se lahko udeleženci v predstavitvi naučijo?
(Če se vam je pri tem vprašanju zataknilo, poskusite izpolniti naslednje: Ko bo moja predstavitev končana, bodo gledalci/udeleženci lahko [opišite strategije, načine, postopke za premagovanje ovir za …])- Udeleženci se lahko naučijo naslednje: strategije za gradnjo skupnosti Wikimedie v krajih, kjer sta varnost ali vidnost LGBTQ+ morda ogroženi; strategije za vključevanje ne-LGBTQ+ prebivalstva v izboljševanje ali ustvarjanje LGBTQ+ vsebine; kako v sodelovanje v Wikipediji pritegniti javne knjižnice; učenje različnega občinstva o urejanju Wikipedije.
Upoštevajte svoje občinstvo in glavno temo konference. Kaj želite pokazati, naučiti ali priazati, naj temelji v obstoju LGBTQ+ za mednarodno, večjezično, večkulturno LGBTQ+ občinstvo. Če ste akademik/raziskovalec na področju LGBTQ+, pojasnite, kako se lahko vaše znanje prenese in/ali uporabi v projektih Wikimedie (npr. Wikipediji, Wikipodatkih, Wikimedijini zbirki idr.) ali LGBTQ+ uporabniških skupinah Wikimedie.
Čeprav sta glavna jezika konference angleščina in španščina, ki ju bomo kolikor se bo dalo simultano prevajali, ni vsakdo, ki bo pregledoval vaš predlog, rojeni govorec angleščine/španščine ali akademik. Uporabljajte besedišče, ki bo dostopno za širše občinstvo.
Vabljene predstavitelje bomo prosili za dovoljenje, da nastop posnamemo.
Prijavni obrazec
Update: Conference call for proposals is closed. You are welcome to propose for unConference.
Predlog seje lahko tudi javno objavite, tako da sledite naslednjim korakom:
- 1. korak: V spodnje besedilno polje vpišite naslov svojega predloga.
- 2. korak: Kliknite gumb »Dodaj nov predlog«, da ustvarite nov prijavni obrazec.
- 3. korak: Izpolnite prijavni obrazec in stran shranite za predložitev.
Pred predlaganjem zagotovite, da ste prijavljeni