The Wikimedia LGBT+ User Group will hold its first User Group Working Days on Friday May 14, Saturday May 15, and Sunday May 16. The purpose of these working days will be to build an operating structure for the user group and to begin planning for the 2022 Queering Wikipedia Conference.
Registration is closed now, but please ask if you wish to make a late request to join, by sending an e-mail with the answers to the questions below to annemarie.buchmannwikimedia.at using the subject line "Registration QWP Working Days". The link to the event will not be public, but sent to the attendees via the e-mail address they provide. Please make sure to use a mail address you check regularly.
All global Wikimedia events are conducted in English, but Wikimedia LGBT+ would like to make participation in these Working Days as accessible and inclusive as possible. Please provide information about your needs in the questions below in order to help us provide appropriate support.
All information will be dealt with confidentially and not shared outside Wikimedia Österreich the core organising team. All data will be deleted after the event. You can find the WMAT's privacy policy here.
Visit the event page for more information and the full event schedule.
Please send us all the information below via e-mail (just copy&paste the question into your e-mail):
- Name (optional):
- Wikimedia Username:
- What time zone will you be joining from? (optional)
- Please indicate which sessions you will attend:
- I will attend all sessions of all three working days
- Friday May 14
- Introduction
- Wikimedia Movement “Decision Points”
- Networking and Social Event
- I am unable to attend on Friday
- Saturday May 15
- Introduction
- What is Membership?
- How do we decide things? Create operating procedures?
- What does our leadership structure look like?
- I am unable to attend on Saturday
- Sunday May 16
- Introduction
- User Group Plans for 2021-2022
- Queering WIkipedia Conference planning
- Evaluation and Wrap Up
- I am unable to attend on Sunday
- Will you need language interpretation?
- If you responded YES, what language will you need?
- Will you need captioning or transcripts in your language?
- If you responded YES, what language will you need?
- Will you need captioning or transcripts in English?
- Is there any other type of support that would help you take part in the meetings? (ex. sign language, child or other dependent care, internet connectivity, etc.)