Public outreach/Academy/Evaluation survey
E-mail text
[edit]Note: On Friday, an email message will be sent out, thanking participants and soliciting survey responses.
Thank you for attending the NIH Wikipedia Academy and making it such a pleasant success! We were happy to meet you and enjoyed discussing ways in which we can work together. The NIH's enthusiasm and hospitality were much appreciated.
Over the next few weeks, we hope that you will look at Wikipedia articles in your areas of interest and expertise. You can edit them yourself, suggest changes on the talk pages that others can act on, or even combine the two. Please keep in mind that our handpicked volunteers are ready to answer any questions you might have; just click on the "help, please!" tab at the top of every page. You can also write to them (or us) directly using the e-mail addresses provided in your folder, or available from Marin Allen.
You could help us learn from this experience by answering a survey you'll find here:
Answering the questions should take only a few minutes of your time and will help us make even better Academies in the future.
Let's stay in touch! We can leave messages for one another at the Talk page for the event
For example, we can make announcements there and you can propose collaborations there. Be sure to include this page in your watchlist by clicking the "watch" tab at the top of the page.
Echoing a colleague on the WikiProject Medicine, we hope that all you "bright people will descend on Wikipedia and make it better"! The contributions you make will be much appreciated. Working together, the NIH and Wikipedian volunteers should be effective at providing the world with reliable and free health and scientific information.
Many thanks again,
Evaluation Survey
[edit]Please indicate your role at the NIH:
- Scientist
- Web Author
- Communications
- Community Education
- Other (text box)
Did the Academy improve your understanding of Wikipedia and how it works?
- Yes, I understand it much better
- Yes, I understand it a little better
- My understanding did not improve significantly
- No, I understand it even less now
- Other (text box)
Which portion(s) of the day was most informative?
- Note: possible responses will include "Not present/did not attend"
- Presentation: "Mission and Culture (Jennifer Riggs)"
- Presentation: "Wikipedia's Reach: A Case Study in Health Information (Tim Vickers)"
- Presentation: "Wikipedia: Articles, communities and why you should contribute (Bill Wedemeyer)"
- Presentation: "Wikipedia's system of quality management (John Broughton)"
- Afternoon workshops (Tim Vickers, Lennart Guldbrandsson, John Broughton, Adrianne Wadewitz, Bill Wedemeyer)
- Final presentation: "Open question-and-answer session (all volunteers)"
- Other (text box)
Having attended the Academy, are you more likely to contribute to Wikipedia?
- Yes, I'm much more likely to contribute
- Yes, I'm somewhat more likely to contribute
- I'm just as likely to contribute
- No, I'm less likely to contribute
- Other (text box)
Please rank your level of agreement with the statements according to the following scale:
1 = Disagree Strongly
2 = Disagree somewhat
3 = Neutral
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree
Wikipedia can be a credible educational resource for public outreach.
- 1 = Disagree Strongly
- 2 = Disagree somewhat
- 3 = Neutral
- 4 = Agree
- 5 = Strongly Agree
The participation of scientists in Wikipedia is important.
- 1 = Disagree Strongly
- 2 = Disagree somewhat
- 3 = Neutral
- 4 = Agree
- 5 = Strongly Agree
I have confidence in my ability to make simple edits on Wikipedia.
- 1 = Disagree Strongly
- 2 = Disagree somewhat
- 3 = Neutral
- 4 = Agree
- 5 = Strongly Agree
I have confidence in my ability to participate in discussions on Wikipedia.
- 1 = Disagree Strongly
- 2 = Disagree somewhat
- 3 = Neutral
- 4 = Agree
- 5 = Strongly Agree
Overall, were you satisfied with the morning presentations? What elements did you particularly like or dislike? Please offer suggestions on how we might improve such presentations for other scientific groups.
(Text box)
Overall, were you satisfied with the afternoon workshops? What elements did you particularly like or dislike? Please offer suggestions on how we might improve such workshops for other scientific groups.
(Text box)
Did the information presented at the Academy address your questions? What would you still like to learn about Wikipedia or the Wikimedia Foundation?
(Text box)
Other suggestions or comments?
(Text box)
User Name:
Open questions
[edit]- Is the above the finalized survey?
- No, although some of these questions must be on our survey in some form for us to be able to measure our success indicators articulated on the Goals page Public outreach/Academy/Goals
- What are the plans for sending out this survey?
- Is there going to be any follow-up to improve the percentage of respondents? (If yes, by whom?)
- Who is going to analyze and publish the survey results?
- Frank and anyone who wants to help him.