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Project Tiger Training 2018/Feedback/Charan Gill

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Hello, thanks for participating in Project Tiger Training 2018. This is the feedback time.

Please write in details on areas such as

  • Event planning
  • Training
  • Logistics
  • Management

For private feedback, send an email to tito(_AT_)cis-india.org. For unidentified feedback, please use this form

Please share your detailed feedback below:

  • Please summarize your experience in this workshop in 2-3 sentences? (How was you experience, was it helpful? Be innovative! You may write in text, or upload a video/audio etc)
A: it was very very useful... learnt a lot. Frank and free discussion on community related issues will go a long way in the growth of our community.
  • In a scale of 1–5 (where 1 means the lowest and 5 means the highest), would you join a similar Wikidata workshop in future? (write in details, please)
A: I would join.
  • Please explain in details what went well during the workshop?(write in details, please)
A: arrangements were good. A well experienced trainer impressed one and all. No time wasted and we were feeling in the end the need for more such workshops. The presence of Tamil community was an extra boon for us to ensure the higher standards of discussions.
  • Please explain in details what would you have liked to be different?(how could we improve the workshop, write in details, please)
A: There should always be an opening session expanded by The inclusion of twenty-thirty local personalities so that they can be able to form an idea of to what objectives we are preparing ourselves through such workshops.
  • How do you plan to use and share your learning in near future?
A: now I am planning to focus on outreach activities. In late December 2018 I attended with our team Bhatinda book fair to share my learning. In future we will organise workshop at local levels to develop more centres and train new users.