Programs & Events Dashboard/Using the Dashboard/Metrics and tracking/ja
Across the top of each program page, is a series of numbers. These numbers are aggregate statistics compiled over the window of time described for the event in the “Program details”.
The numbers are collected once your participants start editing. The software to count these metrics sometimes takes a little while to run, but an edit should definitely be counted in the metrics within 24 hours. If metrics are not running properly, please reach out to dashboard[a]

The metrics data at the top of the page includes:
- Articles Created -- this is the number of new articles created by the cohort of the users within the program. The list of articles created can also be found alongside the articles edited on the "Articles" tab [Note 1]
- Articles edited -- this is the number of articles contributed by the cohort of users within the program.[Note 1]
- Total edits -- this is the total number of edits from the cohort during the program timeline.[Note 1]
- Editors -- this is the number of editors that have been added to the cohort for the program, either through self-sign up or through the program organizer enrolling them
- Words added -- this is an estimate of the number of words contributed to the project from recorded edits based on the number of bytes added per edit. Currently the average number of bytes per word is based on English. [Note 1]
- Article views-- this is a an estimate of the number of pageviews to the pages contributed to as part of the program, from the first edit to that page by an enrolled editor.
- Commons Uploads -- this is the number of media files uploaded to Wikimedia Commons over the course of the program.