Programming Languages Diversity Project/Resources
At this page you can find links to repositories with implementations of special concepts of programming. If you know a know a concept with free implementations you can add a section at this page and describe the concept and add a link to a code repository.
[edit]Codification as used for example in Visual Programming Language Snap! enables the mapping of visual blocks to source code.
[edit]Spreadsheets are a common way of making calculations. The functions of Spreadsheets enable complex programming. The script can convert some Spreadsheet functions into source code.
Translating COBOL-Statements
[edit]COBOL is a language with a syntax similar to short English sentences. You will find a link to a program that enables the translation of COBOL-Statements in other languages. This makes it possible to program in a COBOL-like way with Keywords out of other natural languages.
[edit]It is similar to the principle of Translating COBOL-Statements. The idea is to read lines of code and convert this into a text with senteces. The result can be viewed in the visual programming language Snap! or for the beginning at least in a text file. This happens through a mapping of code snippets to sentences that describe the content.