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Press Corps

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Bahasa Indonesia: Korps Pers Wikipedia mengkoordinasikan foto, wawancara, dan rekaman-rekaman asli lain yang diambil dari kejadian-kejadian besar, yang diambil oleh para Wikipedian untuk dipakai dalam WP.
Deutsch: Das Pressecorps Wikipedias koordiniert ursprüngliche Aufzeichnungen von wichtigen Ereignissen, die durch Wikipedianer für die Verwendung in der WP gemacht werden. (Fotographien, Töne, Videos, Interviews, usw.)
English: The Wikipedia Press Corps is a project aimed at scheduling reporting, photographing, or otherwise recording events for Wikipedia.
Español : El Wikipedia Press Corps coordina los expedientes originales de los acontecimientos importantes, tomados por Wikipedians, para ser utilizado en el WP. (Fotografías, sonidos, videos, entrevistas, etc.)
Français : Le Wikipédia Press Corps est un projet visant à planifier des reportages, des photographies ou des enregistrements d'événements pour Wikipédia.
Italiano: Il Wikipedia Press Corps coordina le registrazioni originali degli eventi importanti, presi da Wikipediani, per essere usato in WP. (fotografie, suoni, video, interviste, ecc.)
Nederlands: Het Wikipedia Pers Agentschap coördineert originele verslaggeving over belangrijke gebeurtenissen, gemaakt door Wikipedians voor gebruik op WP (fotografie, geluidsopnamen, video, interviews, enzovoorts).
Polski: Wikipedia Press Corps zajmuje się koordynacją działań Wikipedystów-reporterów, którzy przekazują na potrzeby Wikipedii relacje zdjęciowe, wideo, wywiady itp.
Ελληνικά: Το Σώμα Τύπου της Βικιπαίδειας συντονίζει τις αυθεντικές καταγραφές κύριων γεγονότων, που λαμβάνονται από Βικιπαιδιστές για χρήση τους στη Βπ. (φωτογραφίες, ήχοι, βίντεο, συνεντεύξεις, κ.λπ.)
  • To join, link to your primary wiki userpage along with where you are located/travel.
  • If you want to be a point of contact for your region, leave a note on the talk page.
  • If you can translate, add yourself to Translators.
  • If you have experience using professional camera/video/audio equipment, note this as well.
Deutsch: Wer plant, als Repräsentant von Wikinews oder Wikimedia Commons eine Veranstaltung zu besuchen, sollte seinen Plan so früh wie möglich ankündigen, um unnötige Überlappungen zu vermeiden. Formell vereinbarte Berichterstattung wird am besten hier vermerkt.
English: Anyone planning to schedule attendance at an event, for instance for Wikinews or Wikimedia Commons, should announce their plans here early, to avoid unnecessary overlap. Formally arranged coverage should be registered here.
Español : Todo aquél que planee asistir a un evento como representante de Wikinews o Wikimedia Commons debería anunciarlo aquí lo antes posible con el fin de evitar solapamientos innecesarios. Este es el mejor lugar para organizar la cobertura formal.
Français : Toute personne ayant prévu d'assister à un événement, en tant que rédacteur de WikiNews ou comme membre de Commons, se devrait d'annoncer ici son projet.
Nederlands: Iedereen die van plan is om een evenement bij te wonen als vertegenwoordiger van WikiNews of Wikimedia Commons, zou best zijn/haar plannen zo snel mogelijk aankondigen, om geen onnodig dubbel werk te doen. Formele verslaggeving wordt hier best aangegeven.
한국어: 어떤 이벤트 예를 들면 위키뉴스 또는 위키미디어 커먼스 에 참석을 계획하는 이는 불필요한 중복을 피하기위해서 그들의 계획을 여기에 일찌기 공지하여야 합니다. 공식적으로 준비된 범위는 여기에 등록되어야 합니다.
日本語: 日本語 (Japanese): どなたでもウィキニュースまたはウィキメディア・コモンズの代表としてあるイベントに参加する予定を計画している方は、なるべく早くその計画を知らせて必要のない重複を起こさないようにしてください。ここで整理して公式に担当を登録します



People interested in taking non-travel photos for Wikimedia projects. Bold indicates explicit interest in the Press Corps. see also list of Photographers on en:

Africa | Afrique

  • I'm Sergio from Portugal, a volunteer in Mozambique. I was a photojournalist and TV reporter and cameraman. I am 30 years old [as of 2005] and would like to know better this programme. sersporting@hotmail.com
  • Dewet, South Africa | Canon Powershot A95
  • Guaka, been in Mali, took photos and videos when working on Bambara and Fulfulde WP | Canon Ixus IIs




(including Australia, NZ & Pacific Islands)




  • PZFUN | Brussels | Canon Digital SLR EOS-20D










  • Fruggo | Netherlands | amateur digital camera
  • Huib | Netherlands | Nikon D40 and D40x


  • Kpjas | Poland | Canon Powershot A-40
  • Dixi | Poland | Canon Powershot G-5
  • Polimerek | Poland | Canon PowerShot S40
  • Krasnall | Cracow (Krakow), Poland | Nikon D70


  • Andersju | Stockholm | Nikon SLRs (film & digital)



United Kingdom

  • andersja | London / Nice/Cannes / Norway | Canon EOS 10D
  • Max Sang | London | Canon 5D and pro lenses
  • MykReeve | London | Canon Ixus 400
  • Finlay McWalter | Scotland | ??
  • Nicolas Delerue | Oxfordshire | Canon EOS Kiss (300D)
  • en:User:Sjc:|Cornwall, Devon / Jutland, Denmark |various film SLRs, EOS350D, Powershot A520, + Photoshop & skills to go with it, also Walkman Professional


  • [[en:User:%C6var_Arnfj%F6r%F0_Bjarmason|Ævar]] | Denmark, Iceland | Canon IXUS v3

Middle East

  • ... (maybe you?)

North America


(including Central America & the Carribbean Isles)

South America

  • ... (maybe you?)



(including Arctic & Antarctic Stations, disputed islands, travelling WPans, &c.)

  • ... (maybe you?)

Upcoming Events


Include a link to a WP article about the upcoming event, and include the location and date, to request coverage. If you wish to cover it yourself (photos/text for Wikipedia/Commons or photos/audio/video/interviews/reporting for Wikinews), add your name next to the event.




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  • G8 summit.
    • I can take photos of the protests in Edinburgh, will take a few days to develop and scan - Asbestos (from 2005)


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  • COMPUTEX & WiMAX Expo Taipei (2008: May 29 - Jun 7, BrockF5)


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Other Events




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Sporadic and Former Events






For press inquiries directed *to* you


Please see Press and the Communications Project for more details. You can also see the en:Wikipedia:About page for more.

For press passes, etc.


There is no such thing as a Wikipedia press pass yet, though samples have been made (see the talk page). Wikinews has a formal accreditation process for Wikinewsies; see the link on the talk page - this is also a good place to discuss how to find a contact near an event you are attending (to rent or borrow equipment, etc.),or how to get into restricted events. If you are planning to attend as a reporter and write your own original pieces on the event, please consider joining the Wikinews project.
