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PhilWiki Community/Board Meetings/2021/Resolution: Policy on Code of Conduct

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
2020 Resolutions Policy on Code of Conduct
2021 Resolutions
This resolution was approved by vote on 3 September 2021.

RESOLVED, the policy on code of conduct shall be:

The Philippine Wikimedia Community commits to uphold the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and respect from its officers and members, and as such, the following shall be observed at all times in furtherance of this policy:
1. Respect each other. In general, regular members and members acting in an official capacity should aim to be honest and ethical in their dealings with each other, community members, project contributors, volunteers, partners, and the general public.
The organization will not practice or tolerate discrimination on the basis of physical appearance, gender, ethnicity, nationality, political or religious affiliation, educational attainment, age, or marital, socioeconomic, or medical status. The organization aims to treat all human beings with respect, and to foster participation, collaboration, and a productive environment free of any form of abuse, violence, provocation, force, deception, and lies.
2. Respect confidentiality. Regular members and members acting on official capacity must respect and maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information they have collected due to their association with the organization including but not limited to the member’s personal information, and the internal information and affairs of the organization.
3. Protect organization property. Regular members and members acting on the official capacity should seek to take good care of properties of the organization, and not expose them to loss, damage, misuse or theft. The organization's property should be used solely for official use, and other activities related to the advancement of the organization’s objectives. Any damage or loss of the organization's property should be immediately reported to the property custodian.
4. Be honest and trust-worthy. Regular members and members acting on the official capacity should uphold honesty and integrity on their actions in project-related online and offline activities including but not limited to contributions, implementation, and reporting.
The organization’s books, records, accounts, and financial statements must be maintained in appropriate detail, and must conform both to applicable law and to the organization’s internal systems of controls.
5. Represent the best interests of the organization. Regular members and members acting on the official capacity should aim to advance the organization’s genuine interests, and should never misrepresent the organization or engage in any activities, deal or associate with anyone with a bad reputation which could bring the organization into disrepute.
6. Be fair and objective. Regular members and members acting on the official capacity always assume good faith, and are strongly encouraged to foster an environment where civilized dialogue and peaceful resolution of disputes are the norms. All claims made either for or against a pertinent party should be substantiated with the requisite documentation, and the organization shall commit to upholding the highest standards of objectivity and fairness in all its decisions and rulings.

This resolution was approved by vote on 3 September 2021.