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Open Science for Arts, Design and Music/Guidelines/Open Research Work Cycle/(Re)Use

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(Re)USE: use open access and third parties data[edit]

This section answers the questions:

How to use open data: best practices[edit]

Re-use CC licensed works

Re-use CC licensed works[edit]

To use CC-licensed materials you must follow the license conditions.

  • If the work you are using is licensed under one of the three CC licenses that includes the NC-NonCommercial restriction, you cannot use it for a commercial purpose. Whether a use is commercial or not depends on the situation and intentions of the user.
  • If the original work you want to use is licensed under a ND-NoDerivatives license, you can make and use changes only privately but you cannot share your adaptation with others.
  • If the the original work you want to use is licensed under a SA-ShareAlike license, then must license you adaptation under the same or a compatible license.

Attribution is required by all CC licenses. According to the CC0 license, it is not mandatory to give attribution of authorship; however, it is always good scientific practice to give credit to the author. A proper attribution follows the TASL rule and includes the following information: Title, Author, Source and License. When you don’t have some of the TASL information, include as much detail as possible in the attribution statement.
In case of derivative works, you should indicate your work is a modification or an adaptation of another work and provide attribution to the creator of the original work. Include also a link to the work you modified and indicate its license.

Adaptations and remix of CC licensed works[edit]

Adaptation and remix mix content from different sources to create a wholly new original work.
You can license the copyright you have in your adaptation. The Adapter’s License applies only to your own original contribution. When choosing a license for your new work (i.e., Adapter’s License), it's recommended to choose one of the licenses indicated in the green boxes of the following table.
CC Adapter's License Chart
'CC Adapter's License Chart' by Creative Commons is licensed under CC BY 4.0

If you create an adaptation or remix of differently licensed works, you must choose a compatible license. Some items cannot be remixed depending on the license they have. The following remix table help you determining what license can be used together: if there is a green check mark in the box where row (license of original work 1) and column (license of original work 2) intersect then you can go ahead and mix the two licenses.

Creative Commons License Compatibility Chart

'CC License Compatibility Chart' by Kennisland is released under CC0

Collections of CC licensed works[edit]

A collection involves the assembly of separate and independent original works into a collective whole while keeping them organised as distinct separate objects.
If you are producing a collection, you must attribute all the individual works in your collection and provide the licensing information for each one of them.
When you create a collection, your selection and arrangement of the various original works in the collection (not the individual works themselves) may follow under you own copyright thus you may apply a license to it.
Watch out for NC-NonCommercial: if anything in your collection is licensed under a NC license, then you must also license the collection NC.

How to use third parties data: challenges and best practices[edit]

Copyright clearance: checklist with templates