Open Culture/Glossário GLAM/T
Task force refers to an instrument used throughout the Europeana Initiative designed to help solve specific issues and challenges affecting the digital heritage field in a short term. The Task Force took on the task of producing an action plan for adoption across Europeana Initiative stakeholders. Members recognised the need for a united approach and a clear plan of action to help us understand how to harness the potential that digital transformation offers. Wikidata: Q1637368 Referências: Visualização: |
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Text and data mining (TDM) is the process of deriving information from machine-read material. It works by copying large quantities of material, extracting the data, and recombining it to identify patterns.
Wikidata: Q70708084 Visualização: |
The 20th century black hole is a term first used by librarians in order to describe the effect that copyright law has on making cultural heritage available online.
Wikidata: Q115132544 Visualização: |
Thumbnail refers to a reduced and/or low resolution version of the Digital Object, normally limited by pixel dimensions, commonly used as the basis of the Preview.
Wikidata: Q873806 Referências: Visualização: |
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Tier is a scenario for sharing collections with Europeana, based on what Data Partners want and are able to provide. For every tier there is a set of requirements that the data need to adhere to.
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Tool refers to two Creative Commons mechanisms (i.e., marks or tags) that can be used to communicate the public domain status of a work. The CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0) tool is a waiver of copyright that dedicates the work to the worldwide public domain and acts as a fallback license in countries that do not permit waiver. The Public Domain Mark (PDM) tool is designed for informational purposes to communicate the worldwide public domain status of a work. The person or institution applying the PDM does not hold rights to the work, but can say with some degree of certainty that the work is in the public domain around the world. Tools are not licenses. Wikidata: Q39546 Referências: Visualização: |
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Traditional knowledge (TK) (and Traditional Cultural Expression) is a legal and cultural heritage term that lacks an international definition, but is described by WIPO as “knowledge, know-how, skills and practices that are developed, sustained and passed on from generation to generation within a community, often forming part of its cultural or spiritual identity,” and, in particular, the “knowledge resulting from intellectual activity in a traditional context,” including “innovations.” Traditional Cultural Expression (TCE) refers to the forms in which traditional culture may be expressed, like music, dance, art, performances, or ceremonies, and is key to a cultural identity.undefined This resource’s use of these terms extends to contemporary and ongoing forms of traditional knowledge that occur outside of traditional contexts.undefined We may also use “traditional knowledge” to refer to both TK and TCE, unless it is important to clarify TCE independently. Wikidata: Q1428168 Referências: Visualização: |
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Training refers to an activity of teaching someone a new skill, competency or knowledge with established, communicated and validated intentional learning outcomes.
Wikidata: Q918385 Referências: Visualização: |
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Training course refrs to multiple Training sessions in a particular field or profession.
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Training resource refers to a document that can be used for training activities. This can be a web page, text document, video, presentation, quiz, etc or a combination of these.
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Training session is a single event where people gather for Training purposes.
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Transcribathon (sometimes Transcrib-a-thon) refers to an event in which the public is engaged in transcribing, annotating and georeferencing Europeana’s collection of digitised items - particularly handwritten materials - amassed from libraries, archives and museums from all across Europe.
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![]() | Except where otherwise noted, the Open Culture/GLAM Glossary and its supporting documentation are made available under a CC BY 4.0 license. |