Noongarpedia/Wikibomb July 2016
Noongarpedia wikibomb on Saturday 30 July 2016 10am-12noon at State Library of WA. Theme: Plants and Animals of Noongar Boodjar

Kaya everyone
Attached is a flyer for our next Noongarpedia Wikibomb event in Perth at the State Library of WA on Saturday 30 July 10-12noon. The theme for this Wikibomb is "Plants and Animals of Noongar boodjar." We will have Noongarpedia team members, Wikimedians, Noongar Language speakers and academics on board to assist the creation of entries on the Noongarpedia.
Please note that at this stage of the Noongarpedia project, you can also work in a mixture of Noongar and English languages. Noongarpedia will only grow and develop through the contributions of people like yourselves and others who join in. We are working with the view that, as Noongar spoken and written language is strengthened and supported in educational and language community work in Noongar boodjar over the next decade, all content on the main pages in Noongarpedia will eventually be available in Noongar.
You are very welcome to come along to learn how to be a contributor to Noongarpedia and Wikipedia, to enjoy yourself and share some food and drinks, and importantly, to join us in strengthening Noongar katitjin and waangkiny about Noongar boodjar. The site can be viewed at the following address:
If you are a Face Book user, you are also very welcome to visit our page at for more information about events and activities we are involved in. You are very welcome to contact Len and myself if you would like more information We are happy to run workshops and training sessions for you, other staff and students if you are interested in finding out more.
Ms Jennifer Buchanan
ARC Research Associate
School of Indigenous Studies
The University of Western Australia