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Nouveaux lecteurs/Pays cibles

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page New Readers/Target countries and the translation is 33% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Nous voulons savoir quelles mesures et chiffres nous devrions utiliser pour identifier les pays prioritaires au sein desquels la Fondation Wikimédia s’étend. À partir de là, nous pouvons commencer à identifier les coutumes et les habitudes dans ces régions, ce qui nous permet de développer des solutions aux problèmes empêchant les gens d’utiliser Wikipédia plus largement, et ainsi d’accélérer l’augmentation de l’impact de Wikipédia.

There are a few reasons for deciding to table this effort. In short, implementation of a new metric would take staff resources and there wasn't any clear consensus from people we consulted about our proposal or another suitable option. With the movement strategy process happening, it's likely that our thinking as an organization will shift, and we plan to reconsider how to prioritize countries at that time.

Thanks to everyone who gave feedback on the proposal to use the Social Progress Imperative's Access to Basic Knowledge index as a rubric to segment the countries of the world. We appreciate your time and careful consideration.

Le projet Nouveaux Lecteurs a commencé un premier test avec six pays : le Nigeria, l’Inde, le Brésil, le Mexique, l’Indonésie et l’Égypte, ayant été identifiés à travers une série de réunions avec des acteurs interes. Maintenant que nous passons de la phase de recherche à la mise en place, nous continuerons de cibler quelques pays de la liste initiale. De sus, nous aimerions avoir une liste plus large de pays pour conduire le prochain travail.

Historiquement, la Foundation utilisait la notion de pays du Nord/pays du Sud pour concentrer nos efforts et mesurer le trafic associé aux milieux à faibles ou à importantes ressources. Il s’agit d’une nomenclature développée par l’Union internationale des télécommunications (ITU) et les Nations unies (ONU). Cette définition est problématique en raison de nombreux raisons, et certains membres de la communauté Wikimedia la dénonce depuis des années. L’équipe Nouveaux Lecteurs est désignée pour classer les pays de manière plus sensée.

Comme nous avons délaissé la liste de « pays du Sud », nous voulons développer une classification et cibler nos efforts sur des pays de manière pertinente dans notre contexte – les lieux où nous pensons que la libre connaissance et la mission de Wikimedia peuvent répondre à des besoins non satisfaits.

Les membres de l’équipe Nouveaux Lecteurs depuis la Lecture et le Rayonnement mondial ont réduit sur demande notre liste pour refléter les pays cibles où l’accès à la connaissance et/ou l’éducation sont limités. Nous croyons que cela nous fera nous concentrer sur les lieux où le contenu de Wikimedia peut réduire les manques en terme de (libre) connaissance.

Nous aimerions votre contribution pour s’assurer que nous nous concentrons sur les bons facteurs pour cet objectif.

Choix d’un indicateur

Pour construire la liste des pays cibles, nous voulons utiliser un indicateur précis qui mesure les facteurs que nous croyons faire partie de la tâche que nous menons.

Most existing indices focus on economic growth, particularly around GDP and poverty. Although these can be important, we think these are incomplete for the Wikimedia use case, since our mission is about disseminating free knowledge globally. Instead, we wanted to look for a way to group countries by their access to knowledge and information along different dimensions.

We'd like to suggest using the Access to Basic Knowledge component of the Social Progress Index (SPI), by the Social Progress Imperative.

The Social Progress Imperative is creating indices that reflect social progress in an attempt to make it as important as economic growth. The Social Progress Index is used actively in the international development industry and pulls together a wide range of sources.

For Wikimedia Foundation research, we would like to use the SPI component "Access to Basic Knowledge". This combines the following:

  • Adult literacy rate
  • Primary school enrollment
  • Lower secondary school enrollment
  • Upper secondary school enrollment
  • Gender parity in secondary enrollment

We think this makes sense for Wikimedia's work because they fall in line with our mission statement: to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally. We want to get the world's information into the hands of those who are without it, and we believe this index would allow us to focus those efforts more effectively.

Qu'est-ce que tu penses ?

Do this index make sense to you? If so, how can we apply it to our work identifying areas to grow readership of Wikimedia projects? If not, which indices would work better for this?

Étapes suivantes

Once we agree on the factors we'll use to segment the regions of the world, we can build a list to classify those countries that are in scope for the New Readers work. These will be places with relatively limited access to education and knowledge.

Within that segment, we can prioritize our efforts according to some of the factors listed below and develop metrics to measure our impact in those regions.

Discussions and updates

Autres options envisagées

These are options that we considered as using to create the list, but ultimately decided were either irrelevant, out of our control, or barriers we may try to address in our solutions.

  • Wikimedia projects performance. We could segment the countries along our performance relative to internet access in order to maximize growth. We rejected this because growth on its own does not fulfill our mission.
  • Development indicators. There are many indicators used for poverty, economic growth, and other generalized "development." While these factors definitely play a role in access to resources such as internet and education, we aren't directly trying to change prosperity, access to healthcare, etc. Some examples:
  • Mobile Connectivity Index by the GSMA, or some subset of their indicators. Initially, we thought we could define our target countries by access/connectivity by mobile. On further consideration, this is something we can use to help us understand countries better, rather than drive our work.
  • The Web Index. The Web Index was a project by The World Wide Web Foundation that measured the impact of the internet on social, political, and economic progress. Unfortunately, they stopped updating it in 2015 so it won't stay relevant for very long. We'd like to build our work on something that will continue to evolve as the world does.
  • Digital skills / digital literacy. We considered that maybe we should focus our work on places where digital skills were improving in order to reach people who are just coming online. This isn't exactly our mission, and the index doesn't really exist. There is some ongoing work by Mozilla, among others, to quantify this, but it hasn't reached maturity to serve us yet.
  • Building our own index. We want to make sure that the way we segment relies on solid sources, is easy to understand, and is chosen transparently. Building some index that pulls together many of the factors we considered would be difficult to build, communicate, and understand.

Études et rapports en lien

We looked at the way others are approaching this kind of work in order to inform our thinking. Here's some of what we found.

  • GSMA: Mobile Connectivity Index 2016 Report: Measures key enablers of mobile internet connectivity in 134 countries. One of the 4 key enablers is "Content", and interestingly, they use Wikipedia edits and accessible WP articles as part of their metric.
  • GSMA/Mozilla Study: Has information on coverage of mobile in some New Readers countries, and attempts to understand digital literacy.
  • Facebook's State of Connectivity Report 2015: Facebook's support and thinking for Internet.org. While we know Facebook's mission is not ours, this report has great information on affordability, infrastructure, and content.
  • UN/ITU: Measuring the information society report 2015: Includes ICT development indexes, and prices and affordability of ICTs. The report reveals that 3.2 billion people are now online, representing 43.4% of the global population, while mobile-cellular subscriptions have reached almost 7.1 billion worldwide, with over 95% of the global population now covered by a mobile-cellular signal.