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Novaj Legantoj/Eltrovitaĵoj

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This page is a translated version of the page New Readers/Findings and the translation is 42% complete.
Novaj Legantoj
Esplorado kaj Eltrovitaĵoj
  Rezulto #1: Atingo
  Rezulto #2: Konscio
  Rezulto #3: Malkovro
  Rezulto #4: Reteno
  Rezulto #5: Abonado
Oftaj demandoj and ĉiuj paĝoj

Generative research

Ĝis Junio de 2016, la teamo Novaj Legantoj esploris pri:

The research started with discussions with local community members to direct our lines of investigation, and included phone surveys (over 11000 people), in-person interviews (145+ people), and desk research. Our findings are summarized per country above, and synthesized in the decks and video below across all target regions.

Kiajn metodojn vi uzis por esplorado?

This project follows contextual inquiry, or deep dive researching, based on practices from human-centered design research. We use ethnographic interviews in people’s homes with debriefs done as closely after each interview as possible. For this research, we have two teams of three doing interviews. The teams will share out their debriefs with each other, and identify patterns along the way.

Questions follow an established research protocol and semi-structured interview format. So in Mexico, for instance, we followed this complete research protocol and completed:

  • 16 interviews, segmented:
    • Participants will vary in their usage of Wikipedia from non-users to frequent readers
    • po 6 intervjuojoj por ĉiu aĝintervalo: 15–17 / 18–25 / 26–35
    • 8 viroj kaj 8 virinoj
    • 6 with unlimited access to the internet, 6 with moderate access to internet (has access but financial or other considerations limit use), 6 with limited access to the internet (use is occasional and may be dependent on access to other peoples devices and where digital confidence is low)
    • 1/3 working, 1/3 in school, 1/3 not working (some parents and some not parents)
  • Intervjuformo
    • Farita en la lingvo de la partoprenantoj
    • Farita en la hejmo de la partoprenantoj, laŭeble
    • 90 minutoj, konsistantaj el
      • Konversacio kun strukturitaj demandoj
      • Drawing or collage mapping of users ecosystem of technology (devices, connections to the internet, electricity)
      • "Remember the future" (more description to come)

Evaluative design research

See also

  • Global Reach Insights – insights from phone surveys undertaken by the Wikimedia Foundation's Global Reach team