এনডিইসি উইকিমিডিয়া বুটক্যাম্প ২০২২/পঠন
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This page is a translated version of the page NDEC Wikimedia Bootcamp 2022/Reading and the translation is 57% complete.

এনডিইসি উইকিমিডিয়া বুটক্যাম্প ২০২২
১ম কর্মশালা
- Description: In this workshop, participants will be introduced with Wikimedia Movement.
- Date & Time: Saturday, May 21th 2022, 02:00 to 04:30 (UTC)
- Trainer: M. Rafiul Bahar Rafi
- Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IVdU6TPrSZupsFIFJkD_Pib97yloy_LwwQ0A0iFTOF4/edit?usp=sharing
- Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to5_ue1KWXk
- Reading Materials:
- What is a wiki?
- Nas Daily’s video about a Wikipedian. - "People like Steven are the reason Humanity is beautiful", people like YOU are the reason humanity is beautifulǃǃ; Don't forget to check the comment box of this video, I promise, it will make your dayǃ
- What does Business Insider say about Wikipedia?
- What does Wikipedia say about itself?
- 10 things you may not know about Wikipedia.
- What does Forbes say about the Wikimedia Movement?
- What does Wikipedia say about the Wikimedia Movement?
- How does Wikimedia Foundation earn?
- Google donated 2 million USD in 2019 to Wikimedia Foundation.
- Jimmy Wales: How a ragtag band created Wikipedia.
২য় কর্মশালা
- Description: In this workshop, participants will know how to contribute to Wikimedia projects.
- Date & Time: Saturday, May 24th 2022, 02:00 to 04:30 (UTC)
- Trainer: M. Rafiul Bahar Rafi
- Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yrzQ-ahLo6XZ4MwXyiUGaxZVyDpDIVwbphlDmNxkBFw/edit?usp=sharing
- Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38XSZch8hwY
- Reading Materials:
৩য় কর্মশালা
- Description: In this workshop, participants will know the process of participating in the edit a thon.
- Date & Time: Saturday, May 27th 2022, 02:00 to 04:30 (UTC)
- Trainer: M. Rafiul Bahar Rafi
- Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12ddOsLDrmTzVLvYnDKl6snqFofTnH6hOZiHhD0qQY5U/edit?usp=sharing
- Recording:
- Reading Materials:
- Edit-a-thon, on Outreach Wiki
- Edit-a-thon, on Wikipedia
- How to run an Edit-a-thon
- Wikipedia Edit-a-thon by University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Submitting articles on Fountain