Movement roles project/Initial Questions/Responses/Aphaia
Initial Questions
[edit]Vision and Mission
[edit]- Are you familiar and comfortable with the vision and mission of the Wikimedia Foundation?
- Do you and your organization share this vision and mission?
Strategic Goals
[edit]The strategic planning project framed the following goals for the movement:
- Secure the infrastructure
- Increase global participation
- Improve quality
- Expand reach
- Support innovation
With that in mind:
- How applicable do you think these goals are to your role in the movement?
- How can the Wikimedia movement best meet these goals?
- Should the movement spend its resources on goals/activities of groups that are not wholly aligned with the strategic goals?
Roles in the Wikimedia movement
[edit]- What role do you see for you and your organization in achieving the vision, mission and strategic goals?
- What role should other groups play in achieving our movement priorities?
- What do these groups need to fulfill this role?
- What do they need from others to fulfill this role?
- What do they need to provide others to fulfill their roles?
- Which interactions with other groups in this movement are critical for each group to play their part?
Entities in the Wikimedia movement
[edit]- What should be the core tasks and roles of the Wikimedia Foundation in the movement?
- What do you think should be the core tasks and roles of a chapter in the movement?
- How should the role of a sub-national chapter differ from a national chapter?
- What do you see the core tasks and roles of the chapters committee to be?
- Are there core movement tasks or roles that are not now adequately served, or that might need to be served in the future?
- What should other and new Wikimedia entities (groups that don’t fall within the current definition of a 'chapter', but share many attributes and goals) do?
Relationships among entities within the Wikimedia movement
[edit]- What should be the minimum standards of transparency among Wikimedia entities – the Wikimedia Foundation, chapters, etc.?
- What safeguards should be in place between entities to protect the integrity and reputation of the movement?
- To whom are the Wikimedia entities accountable? (e.g. their members, other entities in the movement, etc.)
- What is the right way to include various movement groups in the overall governance of the Wikimedia movement?
Resources for entities within the Wikimedia movement
[edit]- How should resources be secured to support the growth of the Wikimedia movement and fulfilling of the mission?
- How best to ensure that each Wikimedia entity has the funds it needs to a) survive and b) fulfill its mission?
- How best to ensure that money is distributed to ensure that the Wikimedia movement achieves its goals in the best way?
[edit]- To support the growth and sustainability of the Wikimedia movement, what is the one, most important change we need to make?
- What change could most help you now in your role in the Wikimedia movement?
[edit]- How would you describe your affiliation with Wikimedia?
- Would you consider yourself to be affiliated with:
- The Wikimedia Foundation?
- A chapter? (If so, which one?)
- A project? (If so, which one?)
- Another group? (If so, which one?)
- None at all? (If so, feel free to elaborate.)
Anyone else?
[edit]- Is there anybody else you would specifically recommend we ask for their views?