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Movement Strategy/Recommendations/Iteration 3/Create Cultural Change for Inclusive Communities/fr

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Créer un changement culturel
pour des communautés inclusives
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This recommendation proposes the idea of making our ecosystem a welcoming, safe, and collaborative environment to ensure growth and sustainability. It shares commonalities with ‘Improve User Experience’, ‘Evaluate, Iterate, and Adapt’, ‘Provide for Safety and Security’, ‘Ensure Equity in Decision-Making’, and ‘Promote Sustainability and Resilience’.

Nous devons introduire un changement culturel qui soit fondé sur des standards communs à tout le Mouvement afin de créer un environnement inclusif, accueillant, sûr et collaboratif qui permette la pérennité et la croissance future du Mouvement, et ce par le biais d’une vaste consultation des communautés impliquées.

Sur la base de cette consultation, nous devrons créer des processus de signalement et des mécanismes de mise en oeuvre et de contrôle de ces standards, à la fois en respectant autant que possible l’autonomie des communautés, mais aussi en prévoyant des garde-fous dans le cas où une communauté échouerait manifestement à les appliquer. Ces mécanismes doivent être évalués afin de déterminer s’ils permettent efficacement de créer des opportunités plus équitables de participation pour des communautés diverses.


Our communities generally do not reflect the diversity of profiles of our global society and suffer from a lack of renewal in the most active contributors and positions of responsibility.[1] The alarming gender gap in contributors can be attributed to several causes,[2] among them the lack of a safe environment,[3] as evidenced by numerous reported cases of harassment over the past years.[4] People feel isolated when facing problematic behavior issues because our systems do not readily provide for incident reporting and follow-up in easily-findable procedures.

This lack of safety in the current culture of many Wikimedia projects limits the work of the existing community and is a barrier for new people to join.[5] Diversifying requires different types of contributors and different innovations in collecting and creating free knowledge. These may not be entirely aligned with today’s projects, but still have a place in the Wikimedia Movement. We must ensure that we have a welcoming and usable environment where contributors and new communities can safely flourish. The effects are not restricted to the online communities, but reach into external social media channels, off-wiki communities, workgroups, and organizations: more often than not there are the same conflicts and biases with the same people and views missing from the table.


To make the cultural change to become inclusive and welcoming to larger and more diverse communities, we recommend an approach based on several actions. We must create a Movement Charter that lays out the shared values and principles of the Movement and from which other governance documents will derive—for online and offline governance alike.[6] Establishing a unified baseline from which nobody can fall below enables us to set ground rules which can be contextualized according to specific use and enriched with local requirements.

In addition to the Charter, we must have a universal Code of Conduct[7] setting standards of behavior for all stakeholders and a Movement Governance Document[8] for all offline Movement bodies and organizations. These documents should align and reinforce each other in our shared values. Designed with consultation and based upon existing best practices, the documents will also specify adequate structures for conflict management and measures for situations where the basic values and principles are breached. These and all Movement policies and procedures need to be routinely evaluated to ensure that they provide equitable opportunities for inclusion and participation in the Movement, create frameworks for accountability, and counterbalance existing biases, both direct and systemic.[9]

In order for the cultural change to be effective, there needs to be continual improvement in the editors’ user experience in the platforms that lowers the technical knowledge requirements, capacity building to learn the skills to enable safety and security for new and existing editors, and access to decision-making in an equitable way.[10] By focusing on the unique needs and challenges of the stakeholders, which reinforce the values of inclusivity, we will make effective change to ensure our sustainability. However, we should not only take into account the needs and views of the existing communities but also those of future contributors in order to ensure equitable opportunities for participation.

Mesures escomptées
  • Créer une Charte du Mouvement qui énonce nos valeurs et principes communs afin de maintenir et de développer un Mouvement accueillant et sûr, et ce par le biais d’un processus de consultation de toutes les parties prenantes[11].
  • Créer un Code de conduite clair et transparent[12] qui fixe des normes de conduite applicables dans tout le Mouvement ainsi que des mesures de contrôle visant à établir les responsabilités de base des communautés en termes de protection et de maintien d’une atmosphère de travail saine. Il fixerait également les procédures à suivre pour les signalements et le suivi.
  • Établir des documents de gouvernance du Mouvement communs à tous les organes et organisations du Mouvement hors ligne[13].
  • Développer un processus d’évaluation pour tester l’efficacité des politiques et procédures existantes à chaque niveau du Mouvement afin de garantir des opportunités de participation équitables, favorisant la diversité et l’inclusion, à la fois pour les communautés existantes et futures[14].
Les références
Les références
  1. Miquel Ribé, M. (2017). Identity-based motivation in digital engagement: the influence of community and cultural identity on participation in Wikipedia (p. 120-121), Hindi Speaking Community - June 2019, [Wikimedia Statistics - English Wikipedia - Active Editors.
  2. Women and Wikimedia Survey 2011: How do respondents feel they are treated?, WikiDivCon plenary - Gender Diversity Mapping, New Voices Synthesis report (July 2017).
  3. Community Health working group survey: AN/I survey: Wikipedia:Community health initiative on English Wikipedia/Research about Administrators' Noticeboard Incidents, ESEAP Strategy Summit 2019.
  4. Notice incidents survey, 2017.
  5. AB Cycle 2 Insights summary, Cycle 1 report: Community health & support, Community Health R6: Newcomers are a key indicator to the success of the Movement.
  6. Suggestion supported by many communities. Eg. Hong Kong Strategy Salon -July 2019.
  7. Community Health R1: Code of Conduct, Community Survey Analysis: Diversity, Q1.
  8. Elaboration of Movement Charter from WG:Roles and Responsibilities.
  9. Diversity R5: Reflective policies for participation and governance.
  10. Roles & Responsibilities R6: Wikimedia Movement organizations.
  11. Roles & Responsibilities R: Scenario (Hybrid), Roles & Responsibilities R4&5: Establish a Movement Charter
  12. Community Survey Analysis: Roles & Responsibilities, Q4, “need for transparency by the board”. Resource Allocation: “numerous responses about accountability and transparency”. Revenue Streams, Q2, “Improving reporting and transparency”
  13. Roles & Responsibilities: Scenario, Hybrid
  14. Phase 1 synthesis, Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/New Voices Synthesis report (July 2017)"New Voices Synthesis report, Diversity R5: Reflective policies for participation and governance