Estratègia del Moviment/Identificar l'impacte de Wikimedia
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Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content

In order to Identify Topics for Impact, we need to understand and identify the impact of the Wikimedia Projects and their content. We need to research how people use the content of Wikimedia Projects. For example, this research may explore the extent to which people understand and trust Wikimedia’s content. Consequently, research conclusions would be used to create tools to measure the impact of Wikimedia Projects in different contexts. Communities, researchers, and partner organizations should collaborate closely in understanding the impact and creating tools to measure it.
- Investigar com s'utilitza el nostre contingut, mesurant la cobertura, la qualitat i la verificabilitat del contingut, la confiança del públic i la capacitat d'accés i comprensió del nostre contingut. Això ens donarà una millor comprensió de les diferents maneres en què el contingut de Wikimedia pot incidir en la millora de la vida de les persones.
- Comprendre com es poden fer mal ús o abusar dels nostres projectes tot detectant amenaces amb un potencial significatiu de danys (com ara informació falsa, desinformació o estafes).
- Realitzar i donar suport a la recerca i anàlisi per identificar àrees temàtiques que tinguin un gran impacte en el món i en els consumidors de coneixement.
- Això requereix desenvolupar eines per analitzar el contingut, crear una comprensió compartida de l'impacte entre els grups d'interès del moviment i desenvolupar relacions amb socis especialitzats.

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Sol·liciteu una beca per a la implementació de l'Estratègia del Moviment per crear un projecte que faci avançar aquesta iniciativa.
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Podeu escriure a l'equip en qualsevol dels 19 idiomes (llistats a la pàgina de l'equip), tot escrivint un correu electrònic a: strategy2030wikimedia
Initiative | Project | Stakeholder type | Project lead | Geography of the project | Implementation Phase |
37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content | Overall Initiative Coordination | ||||
37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content | Knowledge Gaps Index Taxonomy | WMF | Research | ||
37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content | Harmful Content Portfolio | WMF | Content Compliance | Global | Execution & Implementation |
37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content | Wikimedia Enterprise | WMF | Enterprise | Global | Execution & Implementation |
37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content | Overall Initiative Coordination | ||||
37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content | Identifying local topics of impact - Chile | Chapter | WM Chile | Latin America & The Caribbean | Completion & Reporting |
37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content | Harmful Content Portfolio | WMF | Content Compliance | Global | Execution & Implementation |
37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content | WM UK/Research into Knowledge Gaps | Chapter | Wikimedia UK | Project Planning | |
37. Identify the impact of Wikimedia projects & content | Harmful Content Portfolio | WMF | Content Compliance | Global | Execution & Implementation |
Related documents and discussions

Some of the past discussions, texts and old versions of Movement Strategy recommendations that can provide further context to this initiative:
- Resource Allocation recommendation #1: Include knowledge consumers
- Diversity recommendation #6: Establishing partnerships in order to represent and protect worlds’ cultural diversity
- Partnerships recommendation #1: Provide the knowledge needed for understanding and solving global issues
- Partnerships recommendation #4: Data partnerships approach to fulfill the vision of knowledge as a service for our partners
- Partnerships recommendation #5: Focus on knowledge equity when determining priorities for Partnerships
- Research:Wikipedia Knowledge Graph with DeepDive (2015)
- Research:Wikipedia Knowledge Integrity Risk observatory (2021)
- Research:Prioritization of Wikipedia Articles (2020)
- Research:Cross-lingual article quality assessment (2022)
- Research:Automatically labeling low quality content (2020)
- Research:Knowledge Gaps Index/Taxonomy (2020)
- Thinking about the impact of the Wikimedia movement
- Toolforge: Highest priority articles in Portuguese (Artigos com maior prioridade, 2020)