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Movement Learning and Leadership Development Project/Next Steps

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Movement Learning and Leadership Development Project

Moving forward, Community Development will be exploring meaningful ways to collaborate with movement volunteers to continue to iterate and build resources that meet the diverse needs of the Wikimedia community. We want to be able to highlight and distribute the incredible work our communities are already doing to support learning and leadership development in service to the mission. If you are interested in sharing what you or your community is working on, learning how to collaborate with our team, or have questions or feedback, please visit the Community Development meta page.

Although this is core work for our team, we recognize that others are thinking about similar challenges, and we want to share this insight and more about what our team is working on - as well as how we would like to collaborate. Therefore we will be reaching out to community facing teams as well as offering information sessions to share more about our core work, what we have planned, and to support other community learning and capacity development efforts happening across teams.

Many participants expressed interest in having more support for the development of mentors. Therefore, the Community Development team will be using these insights to build mentorship and development pathways into our training and capacity building efforts. We will also work collaboratively with Wikimedia Foundation teams who are leading or developing mentorship programming to ensure a consistent framework that applies the learnings of this research, builds accountability for participants, and improves and expands mentorship in the Wikimedia Movement.

Many actors within the Wikimedia movement will need to work together to increase the engagement and successful learning and development of our volunteers. To support this effort, the Community Development team will begin by doing the following:

  • Broadly share the Learning and Leadership Development Framework and incorporate it into future trainings, workshops and community capacity development efforts
  • Build a standard of practice for community-informed learning design for programmatic outputs
  • Build out our team page to serve as central repository of resources and guidance for learning and development within Wikimedia
  • Provide and support accessible skill development through multilingual online and offline learning opportunities
  • Collaborate with Wikimedia Foundation teams to develop pathways for volunteer engagement
  • Engage community-supporting teams at the Foundation to share findings and help integrate knowledge from this report into the development of future tools, platform evolutions and movement programming
  • Centralize dynamic work from communities that are doing to serve as a resource and best practice for others to use as a guide
  • Develop clear pathways and role mapping to create awareness of the various roles and opportunities that exist in the movement