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Movement Charter Ambassadors Program/Punjabi Wikimedians Feedback

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Template:Movement Charter

General Information

  • Feedback channels: One to One conversation and Online meeting
  • Number of participants: 3 (Nominated by Community for strtaegydiscussion)


Open Questions regarding Fund Dissemination
  • What role should the Global Council have in fund dissemination?
    • Oversight or review of WMF decisions
    • Coordination with WMF
    • Other (please elaborate)
  • Should there be a committee that reports to the Global Council and handles central/cross-regional fund dissemination?
  • What should be the Global Council’s role with regards to the allocation of the funds within the WMF?
    • The Global Council should be consulted on the allocation of the funds within the WMF.
    • The Global Council should have no role in the allocation of the funds within the WMF and only be informed.
    • Other (please elaborate)
  • Most of the contributors are in favour of giving the global council an oversight or review role because by this responsibility the funds are distributed fairly and efficiently.
  • Yes, there should be a committee that reports to the Global Council and handles central/cross-regional fund dissemination. It would facilitate effective fund distribution and coordination amongst various regions.
  • Most of the contributors are in favour that the Global Council should be consulted on the allocation of the funds by the WMF to bring diverse perspectives and expertise.
Open Questions regarding Structure
  • Should the Global Council exist only as an executive body or should it exist as an executive body with an advisory board? (See scenarios below)
    • If the Global Council is an executive body with an advisory board, how are the members of both entities (executive body and advisory board) seated?
  • With its size, the Global Council must have adequate diversity and clout, but not be so large as to undermine effectiveness. As an executive body, how many members should the Global Council have?
    • Option 1: 9-13 members
    • Option 2: 17-21 members

Majority preferred option 1 over the second option. The community generally favours Global council as an executive body with an advisory board. The members of both entities should be selected by voting process and there should be some criteria for selection like experience.

Open Questions regarding Membership

With an intention to ensure fair representation, power balance, and promote diversity and inclusivity within the Global Council, we seek your inputs on the following:

  1. Should there be some imposed limits to the membership in terms of movement representation?

Please share your opinions about potential criteria of such limits:

  1. Should there be a regional cap, e.g. max 3 persons from a single region? If yes, please specify the condition.
  2. Should there be a home project or entity cap, e.g. max 2 persons from a single wiki project or affiliate? If yes, please specify the condition.
  3. Should there be a specific cap for large[1] language communities, projects, or affiliates, e.g. not more than 5 seats from between the 5 largest projects? If yes, please specify the condition.
  4. Should there be any other limits for Global Council membership? If yes, please specify the condition.

To promote diversity, fair representation, power balance and inclusivity within the global council, the majority responsed that there should be some imposed limits on movement representation that can be considered. The limits may be contribution, active participation, experience etc.

  • Yes, there should be a regional cap as it helps to bring diverse perspectives, unique ideas and balanced representation.
  • Yes, there should be a home project cap.
  • Yes, there should be a specific cap for large language communities, projects or affiliates. To ensure equitable representation and inclusivity, a balance must be maintained.
  • It covers the various limits for Global Council membership but transparency and expertise can be included.

Community Question: Should there be a limit to how many hubs an affiliate can join? (Please elaborate on your answer.)

  • Community supports enforcing a limit for affiliates to join the hubs so that everything works in a properly organised manner, creating a more productive and effective environment for all. By implementing a limit, the better balance between the number of affiliates and available resources can be maintained so that they provide necessary support, meaningful interactions and attention to every individual and projects. This will also promote a cohesive and productive community. It is also expected to help in managing the quality of affiliate networks.
Other Feedback
  • There should be a list of standard requirements which the affiliates have to follow.
  • The limit of founding members should also be fixed so that a consistent criterion across all hubs.
  • In the responsibilities, it is mentioned that the hub needs to develop a high level of knowledge , the question is what type of knowledge, the community seeks understanding of the expected knowledge sharing, prioritisation and available support.
  • In the ‘Should’ statement- informal groups were included. Who are considered the informal groups? What will be their responsibilities in Hubs?
  • The approach that hubs will collaborate with other hubs for support and advice is commendable. There should be one team so that everyone works cooperatively with each other and shares their ideas with each other to promote one main motto: ‘Wikimedia’. But there will be issues and conflicts between affiliates and hubs in shared spaces, which is a concern that must be addressed by identifying proper mechanisms and a responsible entity.

  • It is recommended that the document's details be written in a straightforward manner to make it easier to read and comprehend. The community made no specific comments regarding the revised draft's stated objectives.

  • A glossary is one of the important resources that was included in the Movement Charter. It is beneficial for newcomers and volunteers that helps to bridge a gap between different levels of familiarity with the movement’s terminology. It is an easy way to understand the specific terms used in the movement. It promotes inclusivity.
  • The definition of Volunteer should be added. In the revenue generation- the example for membership fees for affiliates should be elaborate. The question is how much fees for membership. Is this fees for only affiliates or for any other user group or any organisation? And is it same for everyone or what is the criterion for fee?

Miscellaneous feedback

  • The charter is a legally binding document with intricate details. Thus, background information that is relevant to understanding this legal document should be given. The community finds it challenging to comprehend the complicated terminology. It is recommended that legal expertise be used.
  • Reading a text heavy document is challenging. It would be helpful to include a few real-world examples presented in an understandable graphic style so that those who are not comfortable in English can still use the examples to follow the fundamental instructions.
  • It is recommended that the Charter's language be kept straightforward so that everyone involved is able to understand its meaning. Additionally, several formal terms that are complex in nature and are typically not used in discussions were encountered during the translation process.
  • The Movement Charter is not known to everyone. Its complexity is another reason why not everyone is drawn to reading it. Gathering community feedback is a challenging task. Furthermore, it will be difficult for newcomers to comprehend the charter in its entirety and how it is being implemented.
  • Three chapters have been completely altered: The Preamble, Values and Principles, and Roles and Responsibilities. The community must therefore be made aware of this in order to gather feedback for the upcoming chapters, which will require a discussion of the first three chapters once more. In order to gather feedback, the MCDC members first go over each chapter in detail with each Movement Ambassador. Next, there will be a community conversation.
  • We ought to make clear which provisions of the charter are unchangeable and inflexible, as well as which are subject to revision.
  • It's high time for us to spread awareness about the Movement Charter because not everyone is interested. To engage the entire community and get their input, we must use a variety of strategies.
  1. As determined by number of active editors for projects and voting members for affiliates