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This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter/Ratification/Voting/Frequently asked questions and the translation is 35% complete.






确保您已登录。确保您从中央维基投票,您可用此链接转到投票开始页面。若您是开发人员、维基媒体基金会工作人员或顾问委员会成员,则可能无法匹配您与特定用户名。您应联系 cec(_AT_)wikimedia(_DOT_)org 以将其添加到列表中。如果您仍然无法投票并且认为您应该可以投票,请在选举讨论页面上留言或联系 cec(_AT_)wikimedia(_DOT_)org。回复应在 72 小时内发送。


You do not need to log into VoteWiki to vote. If you see the ballot, then SecurePoll has successfully identified you. For security reasons, only a limited number of accounts are registered on VoteWiki.

Is anyone able to see how I voted (as an individual)?

No, the election is secure. The election uses SecurePoll software. Votes are secret. No one from the Board or anyone on the Wikimedia Foundation staff has access to them. A member of the Trust & Safety team at the Wikimedia Foundation holds the encryption key for the election. Once the key is activated, the election is halted.

What data is collected about voters?

Some personally identifiable data on voters, including the IP address and user agent, is viewable by a select few persons who audit and tally the election, in particular the scrutineers. This data is automatically deleted 90 days after the election.

How will this data be used?

Metrics about this election will be summarized on the election pages results on Meta and the post-analysis report of the election. No personally identifiable information will be published. This personally identifiable information may be used to determine the number of independent voters and the global spread of voters.

When I vote, I see no acknowledgement that the vote was received, and an automated message appears saying that I need to be logged in to vote. What is happening?

You do not need to log into votewiki to vote. This error is likely a caching issue. We apologise for this problem: please try to vote again at SecurePoll landing page. This should prompt you with a message saying "The vote will be conducted on a central wiki. Please click the button below to be transferred." Clicking on the button will send you to the voting server and should allow you to vote. Also note that you are free to assign or change your voting preferences as many times as you like. Only one vote per user will be stored, and the system will simply replace your old vote(s) with the new one, and discard any previous vote(s). When your voting process is complete, a receipt is displayed on your screen, which you may retain as evidence that you have voted.

How is the voting system safeguarded from users entering multiple votes?

Only one vote per user is stored on the system. You are free to assign or change your voting preferences as many times as you like. The system will simply replace your old vote(s) with the new one, and discard any previous vote(s).

What does the ballot say and how do I understand it?

Both the individual and affiliate votes have the same ballot. The ballot asks one simple question: "Do you/your affiliate support the ratification of the Wikimedia Movement Charter?" The options for this question are: yes, no, -. Please select "yes" or "no" to cast a vote. Selecting "-" does not count for or against ratification - it is essentially a neutral or abstain vote - but it will allow you to leave a comment. There's an optional field for you to leave a comment with your vote (regardless of how you vote); the comment will be public, but will not be attributed to you as the voter.

Other questions not mentioned here

For technical or vote system errors, please email cec(_AT_)wikimedia(_DOT_)org. Please specify the username you are trying to vote with and the project where you are trying to vote. A member of the project team will respond to your email as soon as possible.