Monuments of Spain Challenge/help
Pregunta y te responderemos lo antes posible.
Ask and we'll answer as soon as we can.
Pose ta question et nous y répondrons dès que possible.
Pregunteu i vos respondrem al més prompte possible.
Pregunta e responderémosche o antes posible.
Hablamos inglés, italiano, francés, castellano, gallego y catalán. En otras lenguas, hacemos lo que podemos, pero no prometemos nada.
We speak English, Italian, French, Spanish, Galician and Catalan. For other languages, we'll do our best, but we cannot promise anything.
On parle anglais, italien, français, espagnol et catalan. Pour d'autres langues, nous ferons de notre mieux mais nous ne pouvons rien promettre.
Parlem anglès, italià, francès, català i castellà. Per altres llengües, farem el possible, però no prometem res.
Falamos inglés, italiano, francés, castelán, galego e catalán. Noutras linguas, facemos o que podemos, pero non prometemos nada.
Lenguas y combinaciones
[edit]- Hola. Antes de nada, agradeceros esta gran iniciativa, hacéis de Wikipedia un sitio mejor. Mi pregunta es, ¿te puedes apuntar en dos idiomas o sólo puedes elegir uno? Muchas gracias Rauletemunoz (talk) 15:39, 29 September 2014 (UTC)
- Por lo que entiendo, y basándome en la sección Premios, donde se lee "las mejores contribuciones verificables en cualquier combinación de lenguas", se pueden en varias lenguas. Lo mismo nos indica el usuario de ejemplo que hizo dos redacciones en la wiki castellana y tamil. --Sahaquiel9102 (talk) 22:27, 29 September 2014 (UTC)
Rauletemunoz: como dice Sahaquiel, aunque pongas una única lengua para contactarte, puedes editar en todas las que quieras. Todos los puntos te los puedes sumar en tu cuenta. B25es (talk) 14:24, 30 September 2014 (UTC)
- Entendido. Muchas gracias por vuestras respuestas. Un abrazo. Rauletemunoz (talk) 05:33, 1 October 2014 (UTC)
Contest log
[edit]Hola. Is there a means to correct typing errors in your contest log? For instance: people "has" --> people "have" or "writen" --> "written" ? (Esperanto userpage and User talk page). Un abrazo -- 08:22, 3 October 2014 (UTC)
- Thanks. I edited Template:Wikimedia España/Monuments of Spain Challenge log. --Millars (talk) 12:37, 4 October 2014 (UTC)
- It was all my fault. Thank you both! B25es (talk) 16:09, 4 October 2014 (UTC)
[edit]Some users have created articles on cities. Do they count or are you going to delete them ? --Satdeep gill (talk) 17:11, 12 October 2014 (UTC)
- Some cities are catalogued as monuments by themselves: Melilla, Ávila, Cuenca, Santiago, Betanzos, Tuéjar ... The same thing happens with the islands of Ibiza and Menorca (but not with Majorca). A contestant posted Albacete and that was removed: the city itself isn't catalogued as a monument. Here you have a category from which to choose, in English. Here you have the same category in Spanish, which is much bigger. These lists are just the BIC, which is one category. There are regionally protected monuments (in the Land of Valencia, Bienes de Relevancia Local, the name changes from one region to another). In addition, some Unesco listed places are not covered by BIC status, but are monuments anyway. (I won't argue with the UN, they have Blue Helmets!)
I don't think that writing about cities is the best way to get many points, there are fewer cities than -say- castles or cathedrals, and many cathedrals have bigger articles in English or Spanish than their cities. For instance, the companion that had done Albacete, has changed to do many monuments in Albacete province, earning many more points than with the city itself.
If you run out of things to write about, just let me know. B25es (talk) 17:59, 12 October 2014 (UTC)
Deducting Points
[edit]Hello B25es, how will you decide whether to deduct points or not ? How will you get know whether the person knows the language in which he edited or not ? I just hope that it remains fair.--Satdeep gill (talk) 01:50, 31 October 2014 (UTC)
- Hi. I talked with B25es and he told me that he wanted to check if the article doesn't have any template of different issues in its Wikipedia. I mean, as I understood, if an article has a template of deletion, or was marked as a bad translation or has problems with grammar, etc. The points of this one should not be added. I hope that can help you. --Millars (talk) 17:14, 1 November 2014 (UTC)
All in a go
[edit]Well i dont think it was good to add all the articles at the end moment. This is not fair as far as i can see it.--Satdeep gill (talk) 18:53, 31 October 2014 (UTC)
- Igual que me quejo de unas cosas doy la razón en otras. Considero acertado el comentario de Satdeep gill y no me parece justo no mostrar tus cartas, por lo que estoy dispuesto a que se me eliminen todos los puntos que he añadido hoy si así se considera juego sucio. Lo que me parece indignante es esto.
Rauletemunoz You talking to me? 19:01, 31 October 2014 (UTC)
- Una cosa de la que me he dado cuenta es que dondequiera que pusiera los comentarios, había participantes que los leían. Sabía que Lilitik22 tenía artículos redactados -los encontré por casualidad al puntear unos Qs en Wikidata- y le dije que los subiera (asumí que al hacerlo alguno de los concursantes lo leería, como había pasado siempre hasta entonces). No veo que sea irregular que lo haya hecho así, aunque en algún momento me planteé si había decidido no participar después de todo el ruido de fondo. Respecto de Alphama vs Alphama-bot, está claro que el bot no concursa. Lo curioso es que en algunos casos perderá bytes por las rectificaciones del bot (si le corrigen lo que está mal, pierde lo corregido, eso es evidente). Ya veremos cómo queda, creo que no es el principal de los problemas, pero lo veremos también. B25es (talk) 19:38, 31 October 2014 (UTC)
- This is inappropriate. If he wins this competition is going to be failure. I want a fair judgement. Every competition should be fair.--Parveer Grewal (talk) 19:57, 31 October 2014 (UTC)
- If judgement is to be done based on what happened just now, I would like not to take anything. This isn't fun anymore. I was doing all this for my love of Wiki and Spain. But it is very sad that some people take it so serious that they think this is war and that they must use each and every trick to win the war. I am really sorry but i am quite disappointed. --Satdeep gill (talk) 20:10, 31 October 2014 (UTC)