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Module:Wikimedia Resource Center/Content

Permanently protected module
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Module documentation

Hello! This page contains each individual entry on the Wikimedia Resource Center.

We store each individual entry in a Lua table. This is somewhat unconventional for a wiki, but doing it this way allows us to keep track of all the entries in one location, categorize them, and then display the ones that are most relevant based on selected criteria. This should, in the long term, make maintenance simpler by minimizing the number of pages that need to be kept in sync.

There is a gadget that lets you edit individual entries and create new ones without needing to edit this table directly. Go to Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets, scroll to the bottom, and enable the "Wikimedia Resource Center specialized editing interface" gadget. Once you've enabled it, go to any Resource Center page and you will see new plus icons and a button in each section that says "Add new resource." (If you do not see this, you may need to "hard refresh" your browser by pressing control-shift-R or command-shift-R on a Mac.)

If you prefer to edit the listings by hand, it's pretty straightforward.


Each entry looks like this:

		unique_id = 'XgpcDgtbID',
		header = '[[Trademark policy]]',
		description = 'Summary of situations when you are and are not allowed to use the Wikimedia trademarks',
		category = 'Legal',
		audiences = {'For program leaders', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate leaders'},
		community = 'no',


First, a note on the general syntax: editing these entries is comparable to editing templates on Wikipedia such as infoboxes, but with a few key differences:

  • Each "block" is wrapped in curly brackets, with a comma following each entry, as you can see above.
  • To add a new entry, add a block like above below the last entry, but before the final } on the bottom of the module that closes off the whole thing.
  • Each value after the equals sign has to be surrounded in single quote marks. Here we use single-quotes instead of double quotes. If, however, you want to use an apostrophe, you will need to escape it with a backslash. For example: Wikimedia\'s mission is to make knowledge available to everyone.
  • The audiences parameter is special, since it is a list of values rather than just one value. Therefore it should be wrapped in curly brackets, with each value in single quote marks, separated by commas.
  • Indenting is not strictly necessary but it does look nice.

Per parameter

For each individual parameter:

  • The unique_id is used to distinguish each entry even when the other values change. It does not need to follow a specific pattern but it does need to be unique.
  • The header takes regular wiki markup. So you link to other pages on Meta-Wiki [[like this]], and external links are done [https://example.com like this].
  • The description, related, and contact parameters also support wiki markup. Try not to make it too long.
  • The category takes one value. An entry cannot belong to more than one category. The current categories are as follows:
    • Contact and Questions
    • Skills Development
    • Grants Support
    • Programs Support
    • Software Basics
    • Software Development
    • Technical Infrastructure
    • Global Reach Partnerships
    • Legal
    • Communications
  • As stated above, audiences takes any number of values. (For zero values, simply put {}.) Even if there is only one value, you still need to treat it like a list of values. The current options are as follows:
    • For program coordinators
    • For contributors
    • For developers
    • For affiliate organizers
  • The community parameter is used to distinguish between Wikimedia Foundation-originated resources and non-Wikimedia Foundation-originated resources. If the resource originates from the Wikimedia Foundation, put community = 'no', – otherwise, don't include the parameter.

We recognize that the categories and audiences are not perfect. If you think they should be different, please coordinate with James Hare.


The strings of text presented on the Wikimedia Resource Center are stored in Template:i18n/Wikimedia Resource Center and can be translated through the Translate interface.

Note that this module stores English versions. To update English text, you should update this module directly.

Even if you are editing this module by hand, there is no need to update Template:i18n/Wikimedia Resource Center by hand, since the "Content" section of that page is refreshed every time someone edits using the editor gadget. (However, if you see that Template:i18n/Wikimedia Resource Center needs to be marked for translation, you are welcome to do so!)

return {
		unique_id = 'puLq8qE1Zp',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Threats of harm|Threats of harm (emergency system)]]',
		description = 'Learn how to address threats of physical harm to people or property on the Wikimedia projects.',
		related = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Support and Safety/Mental health resources|Mental Health Resources]]',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For program coordinators'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'r7FYR1Q1lK',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Affiliations Committee|Affiliations Committee]]',
		description = 'Learn about resources available to Wikimedia affiliates, including chapters, user groups, and thematic organizations.',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		unique_id = '9SuIaFRhuw',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation|Learning and Evaluation Portal]]',
		description = 'What is program evaluation? How can it help you understand the impact you have through programmatic activities? Find resources to learn the basics of evaluation, create a logic model and other tools to plan and evaluate your next program.',
		contact = '[[User:JAnstee (WMF)|Jaime Anstee]]',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = '8CD1evBMrZ',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning patterns|Learning patterns]]',
		description = 'If you learned something new implementing a Wikimedia program or running an activity, capture this on a learning pattern and share it with the movement. Alternatively, if you are about to start a new project or activity, find advice, tools and ideas on how to troubleshoot through some of the most common problems.',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'jm7BSoc9rq',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Reporting and Storytelling|Reporting and Storytelling]]',
		description = 'If you are a program or project leader, and struggle to get your story across in reporting, this is your chance to learn a few tricks and resources to build a narrative. Through some key strategies you can improve the way you share about your efforts, the impact of the work in advancing the movement, and how others might benefit from your experience.',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'vP85sVTTqi',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Program Tools|Surveys and Program Tools]]',
		description = 'Surveys help you take the pulse of your local community and evaluate different ways in which your programmatic activities are having an impact in your local community. Find resources and direct support to create your own survey, as well as tools that can help you run your program.',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'xM5kXZMpQb',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Grants:IdeaLab|IdeaLab]]',
		description = 'IdeaLab is an incubator for people to share ideas to improve Wikimedia projects and to collaboratively develop them into plans and grant proposals.',
		contact = '[[User:I JethroBT (WMF)|Chris Schilling]]',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'pXoWCbBjMn',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Community Capacity Development|Community Capacity Development]]',
		description = 'Community Capacity Development is an initiative that aims at identifying needs and ways to build capacity in different Wikimedia communities, and then initiating specific actions to build specific capacities in specific interested communities.',
		contact = '[[User:Asaf (WMF)|Asaf Bartov]]',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers', 'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'tAiL4lNkRa',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Grants:Start|Grants for Individuals]]',
		description = 'Wikimedians can apply for Rapid grants, and Project grants.',
		contact = '[[User:Mjohnson (WMF)|Marti Johnson]], [[User:I JethroBT (WMF)|Chris Schilling]]',
		category = 'Grants Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For developers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'KZ6eBphiSE',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Grants:Start/Organizations|Grants for Organizations]]',
		description = 'Wikimedia organizations can apply to rapid project grants, quarterly project grants, conference and events grants, simple annual plan grants and FDC annual plan grants.',
		contact = '[[User:I JethroBT (WMF)|Chris Schilling]],  [[User:VThamaini (WMF)|Veronica Thamaini]]',
		category = 'Grants Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'u9HcnzFBLa',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Evaluation reports|Grants Impact Reports]]',
		description = 'How are grant programs working towards our shared vision? What impact are they having? In this section, you will find aggregate impact reports that look into each grant program, explaining what they achieve overall.',
		category = 'Grants Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'CPuEo4s9z8',
		header = '[[outreach:Education|Wikipedia Education Program]] on Outreach Wiki',
		description = 'Education initiatives seek to bring educational institutions to the Wikimedia projects. In this portal, you will find shared learning from program leaders all over the world, resources to start a new program, and case studies of successful programs.',
		contact = '[[User:NSaad (WMF)|Nichole Saad]]',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = '33oLyJmsec',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/The Wikipedia Library|The Wikipedia Library]]',
		description = 'The Wikipedia Library helps editors access reliable sources to improve Wikipedia. It also helps knowledge professionals share their collections with the public.',
		contact = '[[User:Ocaasi (WMF)|Jake Orlowitz]]',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'fIUvpEpLFZ',
		header = '[[outreach:GLAM|GLAM Initiatives]]',
		description = 'Find resources to partner with Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums, and bring their communities to the Wikimedia projects.',
		contact = '[[User:AStinson (WMF)|Alex Stinson]]',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		unique_id = 'fa5LGG3oII',
		header = '[[mw:How to report a bug|How to report a bug]]',
		description = 'Is something not working as it should? You can do something about it by submitting a bug report.',
		category = 'Software Basics',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For developers', 'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'nWjfl31BUn',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Meta:Babylon/Translations|Introduction to Translation]]',
		description = 'Do you want to help translate our software or documentation? Can you help improve incorrect or untranslated items on buttons or in other parts of the user interface on a wiki? Do you want to translate announcements and help pages?',
		category = 'Technical Infrastructure',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For program coordinators'},
		unique_id = 'CdNOJZ97Q8',
		header = '[[mw:VisualEditor/Feedback|VisualEditor Feedback]]',
		description = 'Do you have questions about the visual editor?  Do you want to report a bug or share an idea about how to improve it?',
		related = '[[mw:Help:VisualEditor/VE_as_the_main_editor|Checklist for VisualEditor as the main editor on your wiki]] • [[mw:Help:VisualEditor/Community Taskforce|VisualEditor Community Taskforce]]',
		category = 'Software Development',
		audiences = {'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = '7mpennrS3d',
		header = '[[mw:Talk:Notifications|Feedback page for Notifications]]',
		description = 'Do you have questions about Notifications or "Echo"?',
		category = 'Software Development',
		audiences = {'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'hgVSnoQPTU',
		header = '[[mw:Talk:Flow|Feedback page for Flow]]',
		description = 'Do you have questions about Flow, the threaded discussion and workflow tool?',
		related = '[[mw:Flow|More information about Flow]]',
		category = 'Software Development',
		audiences = {'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'aT8HWvyv1R',
		header = '[[mw:Beta Features|Beta Features]]',
		description = 'Test new software features on Wikimedia sites.',
		related = '[[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-betafeatures|Beta features currently available]]',
		category = 'Technical Infrastructure',
		audiences = {'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'z7W3FXgF5W',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Community Wishlist Survey|Community Wishlist Survey]]',
		description = 'A survey for Wikimedia contributors to submit the fixes and improvements they would like to see in the Wikimedia platforms.',
		contact = '[[User:Johan (WMF)|Johan Jönsson]]',
		category = 'Software Development',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'dYdSn4vkSl',
		header = '[[mw:Hackathons|Hackathons]]',
		description = 'Wikimedia hackathons play an important role energizing our engineering community and connecting it to local groups.',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For developers', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = '9cJXQCofAS',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Global Reach/MEA|Middle East and Africa]]',
		description = 'Learn about the Global Reach Team\'s work in the Middle East and Africa',
		contact = '[[User:JRabah (WMF)|Jack Rabah]]',
		category = 'Global Reach Partnerships',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'wg4wNC51N8',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Global Reach/AEE|Asia and Eastern Europe]]',
		description = 'Learn about the Global Reach Team\'s work in Asia and Eastern Europe',
		category = 'Global Reach Partnerships',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'nHg5jowhdS',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Global Reach/LATAM|Latin America and the Caribbean]]',
		description = 'Learn about the Global Reach Team\'s work in Latin America and the Caribbean',
		contact = '[[User:JVargas (WMF)|Jorge Vargas]]',
		category = 'Global Reach Partnerships',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'XgpcDgtbID',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Trademark policy|Trademark policy]]',
		description = 'Summary of situations when you are and are not allowed to use the Wikimedia trademarks.',
		category = 'Legal',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'zjeLhbzn2C',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Template:WMF Legal email addresses|Email addresses]]',
		description = 'Points of contact for various legal matters relating to the Wikimedia projects',
		category = 'Legal',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'vy3zcvQHKG',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Non-free content|Non-free content]]',
		description = 'Learn about the particulars of using copyrighted, non-free ("fair use") content on Wikimedia projects',
		category = 'Legal',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'TlHQQq2dMW',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia_Resource_Center/Legal/Governance|Governance]]',
		description = 'Legal policies and procedures of the Wikimedia Foundation',
		category = 'Legal',
		audiences = {'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'UOR5iQnitu',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia Foundation Transparency Report|Wikimedia Foundation Transparency Report]]',
		description = 'Biannual disclosure of requests and orders the Wikimedia Foundation receives from courts and law enforcement agencies',
		category = 'Legal',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'zgbGby515Y',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Public policy|Public policy]]',
		description = 'Learn about how public policy affects the Wikimedia projects and how you can get involved',
		category = 'Legal',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'ihR2yKgJvz',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Legal/Legal Fees Assistance Program|Legal Fees Assistance Program]]',
		description = 'The Legal Fees Assistance Program is a Wikimedia Foundation program established to help secure funds for legal assistance in appropriate cases for Wikimedia users who serve in a project governance role.',
		category = 'Legal',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers', 'For program coordinators'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'h8sddV4QRB',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Communications/Resource center/Storytelling and messaging|Storytelling and messaging]]',
		description = 'How to best communicate our mission? What are best practices in intercultural communications? Find resources to create good stories here.',
		contact = '[[User:VGrigas (WMF)|Victor Grigas]]',
		category = 'Communications',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'Q6Yz6mUzqs',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Communications/Resource center/Press|Press]]',
		description = 'Find resources to better understand how to respond to journalists, pitch a story, and how to handle press in general.',
		contact = '[[User:SLien (WMF)|Samantha Lien]]',
		category = 'Communications',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'kqoc4kivwp',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Communications/Resource center/Design and branding|Design and Branding]]',
		description = 'Learn what are basic guidelines with the Wikimedia brands, find design guidelines and other guides on communication-related topics.',
		contact = '[[User:ZMcCune (WMF)|Zachary McCune]]',
		category = 'Communications',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'dxQl5z4VGq',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Communications/Resource center/Social media|Blog and Social Media]]',
		description = 'Find resources to create a digital communications strategy, that integrates blog and social media networks.',
		contact = '[[User:Ed Erhart (WMF)|Ed Erhart]], [[User:AJohnson (WMF)|Aubrie Johnson]]',
		category = 'Communications',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers', 'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'RQO2I2LNHH',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Communications/Audience research|Audience Research]]',
		description = 'Learn how to do audience research, what you can learn from it, and find templates that you can use for your own research.',
		category = 'Communications',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers', 'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'Rsvi4D80jG',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Communications/Resource center/Capacity building|Capacity Building]]',
		description = 'Learn the basics on how to create a communications strategy to achieve your goals.',
		contact = '[[User:GVarnum-WMF|Greg Varnum]]',
		category = 'Communications',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers', 'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'KYLjOfkTcK',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Communications committee|Communications committee]]',
		description = 'Learn about the communications committee, and how it supports communications efforts across the Wikimedia movement.',
		contact = '[[User:GVarnum-WMF|Greg Varnum]]',
		related = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Communications|Communications portal]]',
		category = 'Communications',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers', 'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'mjONru6FDG',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Template:Main Page/WM News|Wikimedia Community News]]',
		description = 'News from across the Wikimedia movement, updated by the community.',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		unique_id = 'f55xr0n4izm',
		header = '[[Grants:IdeaLab/Inspire|Inspire Campaigns]]',
		description = 'Inspire Campaigns are month-long events to focus collaborative efforts on some of the most pressing challenges of the Wikimedia movement. Each campaign focuses on a unique theme and participation is open to everyone.',
		contact = '[[User:I JethroBT (WMF)|Chris Schilling]]',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'pr9xarrj1v',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Friendly space policies|Friendly space policies]]',
		description = 'Guidance on maintaining a friendly and safe atmosphere at events.',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers', 'For contributors'},
		unique_id = '8saat6bp6wo',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Ask a question/FAQ/Business|Frequently asked questions – Business]]',
		description = 'Information about business matters related to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects.',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = '1yvg7ihbx8d',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Ask a question/FAQ/Wikimedia Foundation|Frequently asked questions – Wikimedia Foundation]]',
		description = 'Learn more about the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that runs Wikipedia.',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'a6wc6ibgcn',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Ask a question/FAQ/Content|Frequently asked questions – Content]]',
		description = 'For questions you may have about the content on Wikimedia sites.',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'hoaswwqd514',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Ask a question/FAQ/Participation|Frequently asked questions – Participation]]',
		description = 'Learn more about participating on the Wikimedia projects.',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'y9utbie3mvm',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Ask a question/FAQ/Research|Frequently asked questions – Research]]',
		description = 'Learn more about how to conduct research on the Wikimedia projects, including surveys, interviews, and data analysis.',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'kp132usu9o',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Surveys|Survey Support Desk]]',
		description = 'Get help with developing and implementing surveys',
		contact = '[[User: TAndic (WMF)]]',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = '7lp1vjeztiy',
		header = '[https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/training/support-and-safety/ Training modules]',
		description = 'Develop better skills and learn best practices for dealing with behavioral problems, both online and at events.',
		contact = '[[User:JSutherland (WMF)|Joe Sutherland]]',
		related = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Training modules|Training modules]] (on Meta)',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers', 'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'z83qoabg0af',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Wikilegal|Wikilegal]]',
		description = 'A portal for legal issues affecting the Wikimedia community',
		category = 'Legal',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'develportal',
		header = '[https://developer.wikimedia.org Developer portal]',
		description = 'The central resource for technical documentation for current and future developers',
		category = 'Software Development',
		audiences = {'For contributors', 'For developers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'j4yi9wisqnn',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Evaluation reports|Evaluation reports]]',
		description = 'In the program reports, you will find aggregate data on standard Wikimedia programs from 2014 and 2015, and how to use this data.',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'z0vz7btxs1',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Program Toolkits|Program Toolkits]]',
		description = 'The program toolkits condense a series of lessons on how to start, run and evaluate your program.',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'dbyz0yco7oa',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News|Tech News]]',
		description = 'The Tech News weekly summaries help you monitor recent software changes likely to impact you and your fellow Wikimedians.',
		contact = '[[User:Johan (WMF)|Johan Jönsson]]',
		related = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Global message delivery/Targets/Tech ambassadors|Subscribe]]',
		category = 'Software Development',
		audiences = {'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'sqncwd0sxu',
		header = '[[VisualEditor/Newsletter/Archive|VisualEditor Newsletter]]',
		description = 'Follow changes, bugs and requests for this special feature.',
		related = '[[VisualEditor/Newsletter|Subscribe]]',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For contributors'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'k2f512y354',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Research:Index|Research portal]]',
		description = 'The home of Wikimedia Research. Read up on the latest research, browse Wikimedia data sources, and browse archives of past work.',
		category = 'Software Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'kixb7ck8p78',
		header = '[https://toolhub.wikimedia.org/ Toolhub]',
		description = 'A directory of useful Wikimedia-related tools, including tools for metrics and working more efficiently.',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'hlptsehx1vw',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Program resources/Edit-a-thons|Program resources: Edit-a-thons]]',
		description = 'This page provides sample program metrics and additional resources for edit-a-thons and editing workshops.',
		related = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Program resources|Program resources]]',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'ibj2j5cn6wg',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Program Toolkits/Writing and Editing Contests|Program toolkits: writing and editing contests]]',
		description = 'Find tools and share advice on how to start and improve writing and editing contests.',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'hk13pu3i7q8',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Program Toolkits/Photo Contests and Events|Program toolkits: photo contests]]',
		description = 'Contests are about so much more than creating content! Find tools and share advice on how to start and improve photo contests and events.',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = '86ikrqfkv12',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Program Toolkits/Education|Program toolkits: Education]]',
		description = 'Wikimedians and educators have taught students around the world to contribute to Wikimedia projects. This toolkit contains resources they have tested and refined over the last ten years. ',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'qkzga2uww3',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Program resources/GLAM|Program resources: GLAM]]',
		description = 'This page provides sample program metrics and additional resources for GLAM projects.',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'fqbrafmzxbh',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Program resources/Conferences|Program resources: conferences]]',
		description = 'This page provides guidelines, sample program metrics and additional resources for planning conferences.',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'fzwb1ev0r4r',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Learning and Evaluation/Plan your program metrics|Plan your program metrics]]',
		description = 'A treasure trove of measures of success for anyone involved in the Wikimedia movement who wants to evaluate their programs.',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'mzps2no3yhi',
		header = '[[Learning and Evaluation/Newsletter|Learning Quarterly]]',
		description = 'The archive of the quarterly newsletter of the Learning and Evaluation team from 2014-2018.',
		related = '[[Learning and Evaluation/News and Events|Learning and Evaluation News and Events]]',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'vfsfeyo879d',
		header = '[[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter|GLAM Newsletter]]',
		description = 'Get updates on the latest outreach with galleries, libraries, archives, and museums',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		unique_id = '1orft1l9bld',
		header = '[[outreach:Education/News|This Month in Education]]',
		description = 'The monthly newsletter of the Wikipedia Education Program.',
		category = 'Contact and Questions',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		unique_id = 'jmc1c1c8b1',
		header = '[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iUvZZStf8k6RYdJYl2DLIxRdtCgWSYzEay5cCQg8MyE/edit#gid=0 Tools for programs]',
		description = 'A spreadsheet linking to tools that can be used in implementing and evaluating programs.',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		unique_id = 'vp2jnr9sxhh',
		header = '[[:c:Commons:Simple media reuse guide|Using photos from Wikimedia Commons]]',
		description = 'A simplified guide for reusing images from Wikimedia Commons',
		contact = '[[:en:User:John Cummings|John Cummings]]',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors'},
		unique_id = 'izxjrv00uur',
		header = '[[WikiProject:United Nations| Overview of Wikimedia projects for partner organisations]]',
		description = 'This page provides an overview of Wikimedia and outlines areas of potential collaboration between UN agencies and Wikimedia with examples, the overview is useful for many different kinds of partner organisation.',
		contact = '[[User:John Cummings|John Cummings]]',
		category = 'Communications',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators'},
		unique_id = '4b7lwlq5aph',
		header = '[[Special:MyLanguage/Page design and formatting|Page design and formatting]]',
		description = 'This page is to collect examples of visually appealing page layouts with examples, ready to use blanks and links to related documentation and other useful resources.',
		contact = '[[User:John Cummings|John Cummings]]',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {},
		unique_id = '2uvzgvj7tq7',
		header = '[[Volunteer Supporters Network/Resources|Resources for volunteer support]]',
		description = 'These resources were created and compiled by the Volunteer Supporters Network for community support in the Wikimedia movement. ',
		contact = '[[Connect/Volunteer supporters network]]',
		category = 'Programs Support',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		unique_id = '8t32qdm0gk',
		header = '[[c:Commons:Extracting graphics from open license publications|Extracting graphics from open license publications]]',
		description = 'This guide provides information on how to extract vector graphics from compatibly licensed publications in pdf format.',
		contact = '[[User:John Cummings|John Cummings]]',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators'},
		unique_id = 'm1k3gcohqj',
		header = '[[outreach:Bookshelf|Bookshelf]]',
		description = 'A vast collection of high-quality, freely licensed, user-generated informational material about Wikimedia projects. Here are cheatsheets, pamphlets, videos, brochures, and other things.',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		unique_id = '8voe1ejj7qd',
		header = '[[Global Data and Insights/Movement Data|Wikimedia Movement Data & Insights]]',
		description = 'Tools and reporting on data about community insights including the community safety survey, equity landscape data, affiliates monitoring and survey data, and annual contributor surveys',
		contact = '[[User:JAnstee (WMF)|Jaime Anstee]] [[User:TAndic (WMF)|Tanja Andic]]',
		related = '[[Community_Safety|Safety Survey]], [[Global Data and Insights/Movement Data/Equity Landscape| Equity Landscape]], [[Wikimedia_Affiliates_Data_Portal|Affiliates Data Portal]], [[Global Data and Insights/Our Reports/2021 Affiliates data survey report|Affiliates Surveys]], [[Community Insights|Community Insights Surveys]]',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For program coordinators', 'For contributors', 'For affiliate organizers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = '5o30kpgz87s',
		header = '[[Small wiki toolkits]]',
		description = 'Workshops and educational resources to help smaller wikis grow technical capacity in their community.',
		contact = '[[User:SSethi (WMF)|Srishti Sethi]]',
		category = 'Skills Development',
		audiences = {'For developers'},
		community = 'no',
		unique_id = 'vdy3lpm6z',
		header = '[[Changemakers\' Toolkit]]',
		description = 'A training resource for people trying to bring about change, whether through outreach or influencing policy, and changemakers of all kinds.',
		contact = 'volunteering@wikimedia.org.uk',
		category = 'Communications',
		audiences = {'For affiliate organizers', 'For program coordinators'},