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Module:Wiki99 takes user input of Wikidata items and outputs a table which shows whether a Wikipedia article exists for that item in a list of selected languages. The intended use of this table is community organization for improving and developing lists of about 99 topics in the Wiki99 outreach model.



This module generates a table supporting internationalization. Its labels can be translated on Template:Wiki99/i18n.



Setup the table according to this template (by default, this tests and shows an extensive set of languages). "Q" numbers are Wikidata identifiers. Search for any topic in Wikidata to get its identifier.


Wikipedia articles
bgbgnbhobibjnblkbmbnbobpybqibrbrhbrxbsbtmbtobugbxrcacbk-x-zamcdocecebchchochrchyckbcocpsFile:Cree flag.svgcrcrhcscsbcucvcydadagdedindiqdsbdtpdtydvdzeeegleleoeseteuextfafatfffifitfjfofonfrfrcfrpfrrfurfygagaagaggangcfgcrgdgilglgldglkgngomgorgotgpegrcgswgugucgurguwgvhahakhawhehihifhilhohrhrxhsbhsnhthuhyhywhziaidieigiiikiloinhioisitiujajamjbojutjvjv-x-bmskakaakabkbdkbpkcgkeakgkhwkikiukjkjpkkklkmknkokoikrkrckrikrjkrlkskshkswkukumkvkwkylaladlblbelezlfnlglilijlivlkilldlmolnlolozlrcltltglusluzlvlzhlzzmadmaimdfmgmhmhrmiminmkmlmnmnimnwmosmrmrhmrjmsmtFile:Flag of the Miccosukee Seminole Nation.PNGmusmwlmymyvmznnanahnannapnap
sjdsjeskskrslslismsmasmnsmssnsosqsrsrnsrossststqstysusvswsycszlszytataotayFile:Flag of Tulunadu.jpgtcytddtetettgthtitktltlytntotpitrtrutrvtstttumtwtytyvtzmudmugukuruzvaivevecvepvivlsvmfvmwvovotvrowawalwarwlswowuuxacxalxhxmfxsyyiyoyoiyrkyrlyuayuezazeazghzhzuΣ
Wikidata item
2MoonView on maps275Q405599
Σautolist map1342512212411861311101213583881312116102121312131236551311131273111341110101841386134612121351341043853271213131313101314138751341071112101210135135131108455111141313111341112137131387131110111312813118126126113784213381313451051151111135948105119712109135139258123691313107512413612126991374121181210413135472621368661381052562613111341313313561132131095710115121011521213741113134134312121313312612131381071366213212135912535513581338357131313171213588111361329111381312461392,733avg.:  6 \ 210
(49 %)

Selection of languages to test and display


You can pass langs=simple to get a reduced list with the most common languages:

|langs = simple

Wikipedia articles
Wikidata item
2MoonView on maps153Q405599
Σautolist map131312121113121388131113135131113121310113813121213135321213131313101341387131112101313108511111313131112131313871113128131212413381313101111111395111091313121313101213612131212131321386613213131313135113135751151311131312121313212131313131213591213813871313131381113613913813121391,730avg.:  11 \ 133
(82 %)

You can also specify which languages are to be presented in the table by inputting their codes in the langs parameter (its value is actually a set of valid BCP 47 language tags). Language tags are encoded from Basic Latin/ASCII only, have non-significant lettercase, and must start by at 2 or 3 letters, normally from ISO 639-1, or ISO 639-2/T, or ISO 639-3 otherwise (a few legacy language tags for variants may start by a few more letters); language tags are made of subtags, each comprising 1 to 8 characters, separated by a single hyphen or underscore; subtags can only contain letters, or possibly digits (only in trailing subtags for a few variants): any other character (including controls, whitespaces, symbols, or punctuation signs) is treated as a separator between language codes.

Language are then listed as columns in the table in the specified order (but after the user language and its fallbacks that are always listed first, even if they are not requested), and should occur only once in the list:

|langs = am,ar,be,bn,cs,da,de,el,en,es,et,fa,fi,fr,he,hi,hr,hu,hy,id,is,it,ja,ka,kk,km,ko,lo,lt,lv,mn,nb,ne,nl,pl,pt,ru,si,sk,sq,sr,sv,th,tk,tr,uk,uz,vi,zh

Wikipedia articles
Wikidata item
2MoonView on maps49Q405599
Σautolist map13121313131313131213131313131313131213131312131213813913131012121313131311131313131391313131313612avg.:  12 \ 47
(96 %)

Optional parameters for showing additional result columns


You can also set the following options to add columns that will be shown on each row before the list of tested languages:

  • image = y (or any non-empty value) for showing an examplar image for the topic, found in some properties of the Wikidata item.
|image = y
|langs = am,ar,be,bn,cs,da,de,el,en,es,et,fa,fi,fr,he,hi,hr,hu,hy,id,is,it,ja,ka,kk,km,ko,lo,lt,lv,mn,nb,ne,nl,pl,pt,ru,si,sk,sq,sr,sv,th,tk,tr,uk,uz,vi,zh
Wikipedia articles
Wikidata item
2MoonView on maps48Q405599
Σautolist map/gallery131213131313131312131313131313131312131313121312138139131310121213131313111313131313913131313599avg.:  12 \ 46
(96 %)
  • description = y (or any non-empty value) for showing the description label of the item in Wikidata after the name of the item, also allowing to disambiguate its default label.
|description = y
|langs = am,ar,be,bn,cs,da,de,el,en,es,et,fa,fi,fr,he,hi,hr,hu,hy,id,is,it,ja,ka,kk,km,ko,lo,lt,lv,mn,nb,ne,nl,pl,pt,ru,si,sk,sq,sr,sv,th,tk,tr,uk,uz,vi,zh

Wikipedia articles
Description on WikidataenamarbebncsdadeelesetfafifrhehihrhuhyidisitjakakkkmkololtlvmnnbnenlplptrusisksqsrsvthtktrukuzvizhΣ
Wikidata item
1Earththird planet from the Sun in the Solar System48Q28110
2MoonView on mapsEarth's only natural satellite49Q405599
3Sunstar at the centre of the Solar System49Q525406
4waterchemical compound whose molecules are formed by two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom49Q283547
5historypast events and their tracks or records49Q309161
6humanany member of Homo sapiens, unique extant species of the genus Homo48Q5344
7firerapid oxidation of a material; phenomenon that emits light and heat48Q3196154
8Universetotality consisting of space, time, matter and energy47Q1253
9lifematter capable of extracting energy from the environment for replication48Q3183
10deathpermanent cessation of vital functions47Q4263
11skyeverything that is above the surface of a planet, typically the Earth43Q52784
12mindcombination of cognitive faculties that provides consciousness, thinking, reasoning, perception, and judgement in humans and potentially other life forms42Q450112
13happinessPositive emotional state45Q8111
Σautolist map13121313131313131213131313131313131213131312131213813913131012121313131311131313131391313131313612avg.:  12 \ 47
(96 %)



As of January 2022 the original or at least the oldest version I found is Module:WikimediaCEETable, made in 2016 by User:Voll for Wikimedia Central and Eastern Europe and which Special:WhatLinksHere/Module:WikimediaCEETable reports is used on 304 pages. It is hard for me to tell how many of those 304 pages have repeated tables, but I think about 50 of those 300 pages have original content based on checking a few. Other projects using derivative versions of this table tool are Module:WikiDonneLang from WikiDonne, which Special:WhatLinksHere/Module:WikiDonneLang reports is being used for about 10 projects. The other is Module:WikimediaCH2020 from Wikimedia CH, which Special:WhatLinksHere/Module:WikimediaCH2020 reports is being used in 6 projects.

Bluerasberry (talk) 20:01, 12 June 2022 (UTC)

-- Wiki99: builds a table of articles translated in many languages, based on sitelinks and properties from a list of Wikidata elements.
-- Can be used to list 400+ articles on 1.
-- Derived from WikimediaCEETable by User:Voll, with additions by Halibutt, Braveheart, Jura1, Strainu, Yupik, Verdy_p
-- Original at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Module:wiki99. Please contribute amendments there and keep copies in sync with that version.

-- This must constain ONLY standard BCP 47 codes used to query Wikidata elements by language
-- (see the next table for legacy Wikimedia codes used for interwiki links).
-- SHOULD be lowercase only, and separators MUST be hyphens (-) and not underscores (_).
-- Note that sitelinks can only be queried on Wikidata by replacing hyphens (-), used in actual interwiki prefixes and domain names, by underscores (_).
local langTable = {
    'aa', 'ab', 'abs', 'ace', 'ady', 'aeb', 'af', 'ak', 'aln', 'alt', 'am', 'ami', 'an', 'ang', 'anp', 'ar', 'arn', 'arq', 'ary', 'arz', 'as', 'ase', 'ast', 'atj', 'av', 'avk', 'awa', 'ay', 'az', 'azb',
    'ba', 'ban', 'bar', 'bbc', 'bcc', 'bci', 'bcl', 'be', 'be-tarask', 'bg', 'bgn', 'bho', 'bi', 'bjn', 'blk', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'bpy', 'bqi', 'br', 'brh', 'brx', 'bs', 'btm', 'bto', 'bug', 'bxr',
    'ca', 'cbk-x-zam', 'cdo', 'ce', 'ceb', 'ch', 'cho', 'chr', 'chy', 'ckb', 'co', 'cps', 'cr', 'crh', 'cs', 'csb', 'cu', 'cv', 'cy',
    'da', 'dag', 'de', 'din', 'diq', 'dsb', 'dtp', 'dty', 'dv', 'dz',
    'ee', 'egl', 'el', 'en', 'eml', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'ext',
    'fa', 'fat', 'ff', 'fi', 'fit', 'fj', 'fo', 'fon', 'fr', 'frc', 'frp', 'frr', 'fur', 'fy',
    'ga', 'gaa', 'gag', 'gan', 'gcf', 'gcr', 'gd', 'gil', 'gl', 'gld', 'glk', 'gn', 'gom', 'gor', 'got', 'gpe', 'grc', 'gsw', 'gu', 'guc', 'gur', 'guw', 'gv',
    'ha', 'hak', 'haw', 'he', 'hi', 'hif', 'hil', 'ho', 'hr', 'hrx', 'hsb', 'hsn', 'ht', 'hu', 'hy', 'hyw', 'hz',
    'ia', 'id', 'ie', 'ig', 'ii', 'ik', 'ilo', 'inh', 'io', 'is', 'it', 'iu',
    'ja', 'jam', 'jbo', 'jut', 'jv', 'jv-x-bms',
    'ka', 'kaa', 'kab', 'kbd', 'kbp', 'kcg', 'kea', 'kg', 'khw', 'ki', 'kiu', 'kj', 'kjp', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'koi', 'kr', 'krc', 'kri', 'krj', 'krl', 'ks', 'ksh', 'ksw', 'ku', 'kum', 'kv', 'kw', 'ky',
    'la', 'lad', 'lb', 'lbe', 'lez', 'lfn', 'lg', 'li', 'lij', 'liv', 'lki', 'lld', 'lmo', 'ln', 'lo', 'loz', 'lrc', 'lt', 'ltg', 'lus', 'luz', 'lv', 'lzh', 'lzz',
    'mad', 'mai', 'mdf', 'mg', 'mh', 'mhr', 'mi', 'min', 'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mni', 'mnw', 'mos', 'mr', 'mrh', 'mrj', 'ms', 'mt', 'mus', 'mwl', 'my', 'myv', 'mzn',
    'na', 'nah', 'nan', 'nap', 'nap-x-tara', 'nb', 'nd', 'nds', 'nds-nl', 'ne', 'new', 'ng', 'nia', 'niu', 'nl', 'nmz', 'nn', --[['no' removed, see below]] 'nod', 'nov', 'nqo', 'nrf', 'nso', 'nv', 'ny', 'nyn', 'nys', 
    'oc', 'ojb', 'olo', 'om', 'or', 'os',
    'pa', 'pag', 'pam', 'pap', 'pcd', 'pcm', 'pdc', 'pdt', 'pfl', 'pi', 'pih', 'pl', 'pms', 'pnb', 'pnt', 'prg', 'ps', 'pt', 'pwn',
    'qu', 'qug',
    'rcf', 'rgn', 'rif', 'rm', 'rmc', 'rmy', 'rn', 'ro', 'rsk', 'ru', 'rue', 'rup', 'ruq', 'rw', 'ryu',
    'sa', 'sah', 'sat', 'sc', 'scn', 'sco', 'sd', 'sdc', 'sdh', 'se', 'sei', 'ses', 'sg', 'sgs', 'sh', 'shi', 'shn', 'shy', 'si', 'simple', 'sjd', 'sje', 'sk', 'skr', 'sl', 'sli', 'sm', 'sma', 'smn', 'sms', 'sn', 'so', 'sq', 'sr', 'srn', 'sro', 'ss', 'st', 'stq', 'sty', 'su', 'sv', 'sw', 'syc', 'szl', 'szy',
    'ta', 'tao', 'tay', 'tcy', 'tdd', 'te', 'tet', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'tk', 'tl', 'tly', 'tn', 'to', 'tpi', 'tr', 'tru', 'trv', 'ts', 'tt', 'tum', 'tw', 'ty', 'tyv', 'tzm',
    'udm', 'ug', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz',
    'vai', 've', 'vec', 'vep', 'vi', 'vls', 'vmf', 'vmw', 'vo', 'vot', 'vro',
    'wa', 'wal', 'war', 'wls', 'wo', 'wuu',
    'xac', 'xal', 'xh', 'xmf', 'xsy',
    'yi', 'yo', 'yoi', 'yrk', 'yrl', 'yua', 'yue',
    'za', 'zea', 'zgh', 'zh', 'zu',

-- Remap standard BCP 47 codes to legacy or merged codes used by interwiki links to Wikimedia wikis and in their canonical domain names.
-- Note that sitelinks can only be queried on Wikidata by replacing hyphens (-), used in actual interwiki prefixes and domain names, by underscores (_).
-- Note also that if these remapped codes match a standard BC P47 code, they cannot be used in the table above according to their BCP 47 definition.
local iwLegacyTable = {
    ['be-tarask'] = 'be-x-old', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis (only the wiki domain names use the standard BCP 47 code, but still not sitelinks in Wikidata)
    bho = 'bh', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'bh' normally matches multiple Bihari languages), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Bhojpuri language
    ['bs-cyrl'] = 'bs', -- merged on Wikipedia
    ['bs-latn'] = 'bs', -- merged on Wikipedia
    ['cbk-x-zam'] = 'cbk-zam', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    ['de-x-formal'] = 'de', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    egl = 'eml', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'eml' normally matches Emilian and Romagnol languages), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Emilian language
    ['es-x-informal'] = 'es-informal', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    gsw = 'als', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'als' normally matches the unrelated Albanian Tosk language), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Alemannic language
    ['jv-x-bms'] = 'map-bms', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    lzh = 'zh-classical', -- deprecated in BCP 47, still used by Wikimedia wikis
    nan = 'zh-min-nan', -- deprecated in BCP 47, still used by Wikimedia wikis
    ['nap-x-tara'] = 'roa-tara', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    nb = 'no', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'no' normally matches multiple Norwegian languages), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Bokmal Norwegian language
    ['nl-x-informal'] = 'nl', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    nrf = 'nrm', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'als' normally matches the unrelated Narom language), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Norman language
    rup = 'roa-rup', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    sgs = 'bat-smg', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    ['sr-cyrl'] = 'sr', -- merged on Wikipedia
    ['sr-latn'] = 'sr', -- merged on Wikipedia
    syc = 'arc', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'arc' normally matches multiple Aramaic languages), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Classical Neo-Syriac/Eastern Aramaic language
    ['tg-arab'] = 'tg', -- merged on Wikipedia
    ['tg-cyrl'] = 'tg', -- merged on Wikipedia
    vro = 'fiu-vro', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    yue = 'zh-yue', -- deprecated in BCP 47, still used by Wikimedia wikis
    ['zh-hans'] = 'zh', -- merged on Wikipedia
    ['zh-hant'] = 'zh', -- merged on Wikipedia
    ['zh-wuu'] = 'wuu', -- deprecated in BCP 47, still used in some old Wikimedia templates and in interwikis

-- Remap Wikimedia interwiki codes or deprecated IANA codes to standard BCP 47
local wmBCP47Table = {
    als = 'gsw', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'als' normally matches the unrelated Albanian Tosk language), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Alemannic language
    arc = 'syc', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'arc' normally matches multiple Aramaic languages), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Classical Neo-Syriac/Eastern Aramaic language
    ['art-lojban'] = 'jbo', -- still used in some old Wikimedia templates
    ['bat-smg'] = 'sgs', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    ['be-x-old'] = 'be-tarask', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis (only the wiki domain names use the standard BCP 47 code, but still not sitelinks in Wikidata)
    bh = 'bho', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'bh' normally matches multiple Bihari languages), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Bhojpuri language
    ['bs-ec'] = 'bs-cyrl',
    ['bs-el'] = 'bs-latn',
    ['cbk-zam'] = 'cbk-x-zam', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    ['cel-gaulish'] = 'xtg', -- ambiguous, most often "xtg" for Transalpine Gaulish in today's France, may also be "xcg" for Cisalpine Gaulish in today's Northern Italy
    ['de-formal'] = 'de', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    eml = 'egl', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'eml' normally matches Emilian and Romagnol languages), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Emilian language
    ['en-gb-oed'] = 'en-gb', -- no preferred replacement, could be "en-gb-x-oed" but actually a subset within standard "en-gb"
    ['es-informal'] = 'es', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    ['fiu-vro'] = 'vro', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    ['i-ami'] = 'ami',
    ['i-bnn'] = 'bnn',
    ['i-enochian'] = 'x-enochian', -- no clear replacement
    ['i-hak'] = 'hak',
    ['i-klingon'] = 'tlh',
    ['i-lux'] = 'lb',
    ['i-mingo'] = 'x-mingo', -- no clear replacement
    ['i-navajo'] = 'nv',
    ['i-pwn'] = 'pwn',
    ['i-tao'] = 'tao',
    ['i-tay'] = 'tay',
    ['i-tsu'] = 'tstu',
    ['map-bms'] = 'jv-x-bms', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    ['mo'] = 'ro-cyrl',
    ['nl-informal'] = 'nl', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    no = 'nb', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'no' normally matches multiple Norwegian languages), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Bokmal Norwegian language
    ['no-bok'] = 'nb', -- still used in some old Wikimedia templates
    ['no-nyn'] = 'nn', -- still used in some old Wikimedia templates
    nrm = 'nrf', -- conflicts with BCP 47 (where 'als' normally matches the unrelated Narom language), Wikimedia wikis assume only the Norman language
    ['roa-rup'] = 'rup', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    ['roa-tara'] = 'nap-x-tara', -- non-standard extension of Wikimedia wikis
    ['sgn-be-fr='] = 'fb',
    ['sgn-be-nl'] = 'vgt',
    ['sgn-br'] = 'bzs',
    ['sgn-ch-de'] = 'sgg',
    ['sgn-co'] = 'csn',
    ['sgn-de'] = 'gsg',
    ['sgn-dk'] = 'dsl',
    ['sgn-es'] = 'ssp',
    ['sgn-fr'] = 'fsl', -- still used in some old Wikimedia templates
    ['sgn-gb'] = 'bfi',
    ['sgn-gr'] = 'gss',
    ['sgn-ie'] = 'isg',
    ['sgn-it'] = 'ise',
    ['sgn-jp'] = 'jsl',
    ['sgn-mx'] = 'mfs',
    ['sgn-ni'] = 'ncs',
    ['sgn-nl'] = 'dse',
    ['sgn-no'] = 'nsl',
    ['sgn-pt'] = 'psr',
    ['sgn-se'] = 'swl',
    ['sgn-us'] = 'ase', -- still used in some old Wikimedia templates
    ['sgn-za'] = 'sfs',
    ['sr-ec'] = 'sr-cyrl',
    ['sr-el'] = 'sr-latn',
    ['tgl'] = 'tl-tglg',
    ['zh-classical'] = 'lzh', -- deprecated in BCP 47, still used by Wikimedia wikis
    ['zh-cmn'] = 'zh', -- still used in some old Wikimedia templates, this could be an alias of "zh" on Wikimedia sites, which do not use "cmn" but assume "zh" is Mandarin
    ['zh-cmn-Hans'] = 'zh-hans', -- still used in some old Wikimedia templates, this could be an alias of "zh-hans" on Wikimedia sites, which do not use "cmn" but assume "zh" is Mandarin
    ['zh-cmn-Hant'] = 'zh-hant', -- still used in some old Wikimedia templates, this could be an alias of "zh-hant" on Wikimedia sites, which do not use "cmn" but assume "zh" is Mandarin
    ['zh-gan'] = 'gan', -- still used in some old Wikimedia templates
    ['zh-guoyu'] = 'zh', -- this could be an alias of "zh" on Wikimedia sites, which do not use "cmn" but assume "zh" is Mandarin
    ['zh-hakka'] = 'hak',
    ['zh-cn'] = 'zh-hans',
    ['zh-hk'] = 'zh-hant',
    ['zh-min'] = 'zh-tw', -- no preferred replacement, could be "zh-x-min", but actually a subset within standard "zh-tw"; not necessarily "nan"
    ['zh-min-nan'] = 'nan', -- deprecated in BCP 47, still used by Wikimedia wikis
    ['zh-mo'] = 'zh-hant',
    ['zh-ms'] = 'zh-hans',
    ['zh-sg'] = 'zh-hans',
    ['zh-tw'] = 'zh-hant',
    ['zh-wuu'] = 'wuu', -- deprecated in BCP 47, still used in some old Wikimedia templates and in interwikis
    ['zh-xiang'] = 'hsn',
    ['zh-yue'] = 'yue', -- deprecated in BCP 47, still used in some old Wikimedia templates and in interwikis

-- Alternate display for overlong BCP 47 language codes (inserting some breaks for narrowing table column headers)
local langCodeDisplay = {
    ['be-tarask'] = 'be-<br>tar<br>ask',
    ['nap-x-tara'] = 'nap<br>-x-<br>tar<br>a',
    simple = 'sim<br>ple',

-- Icons for languages indexed by their BCP 47 code
local langIcons = {
    aa = "Flag orb Afar.svg",
    ab = "Flag orb Republic of Abkhazia.svg",
    abs = "Flag orb Indonesia.svg", -- Ambonese
    ace = "Flag of Aceh, Indonesia.svg",
    ady = "Flag of Adygea (3-2).svg",
    aeb = "Flag orb Tunisia.svg",
    af = "Flag orb South Africa.svg",
--  ak = "Akan.??g",
    aln = "Flag orb Albania.svg",
--  alt = "Southern Altai.??g",
    am = "Flag orb Ethiopia.svg",
    ami = "阿米斯音乐节旗.svg",
    an = "Flag of Aragon.svg",
    ang = "Flag orb England.svg",
    ar = "Flag orb Saudi Arabia.svg",
    arn = "Lautaro flag.svg", -- Mapudungun (Mapuches Araucanian)
    arq = "Flag orb Algeria.svg",
    ary = "Flag orb Morocco.svg",
    arz = "Flag orb Egypt.svg",
    as = "Flag orb India.svg", -- Assamese
    ase = "Flag orb United States.svg",
    ast = "Flag orb Asturias.svg",
--  atj = "Atikamekw.??g",
    av = "Flag of Avars.svg",
    avk = "Flag of Kotava.svg",
--  awa = "Awadhi.??g",
    ay = "Flag orb Wiphala.svg",
    az = "Flag orb Azerbaijan.svg",
    azb = "Flag orb Iran.svg",
    ba = "Flag orb Bashkortostan.svg",
    ban = "Flag of Bali.svg",
    bar = "Flag of Bavaria (lozengy).svg",
--  bbc = "Batak Toba.??g",
    bcc = "Flag of the Baloch People.svg", -- Southern Balochi (Pakistan)
--  bci = "Baoulé.??g",
--  bcl = "Bicolano.??g",
    be = "Flag orb Belarus.svg",
    ['be-tarask'] = "Flag orb Belarus.svg",
    bg = "Flag orb Bulgaria.svg",
    bgn = "Flag of the Baloch People.svg", -- Western Balochi (Iran)
--  bho = "Bhojpuri.??g",
    bi = "Vanuatu-orb.png",
    bjn = "Flag orb Banjar Sultanate.svg",
--  blk = "Pa'o Karen.??g",
    bm = "Flag orb Mali.svg",
    bn = "Flag orb Bangladesh.svg",
    bo = "Flag orb Tibet.svg",
--  bpy = "Bishnupriya Manipuri.??g",
--  bqi = "Bakhtiari.??g",
    br = "Flag of Brittany.svg",
--  brh = "Brahui.??g",
--  brx = "Boro.??g",
    bs = "Flag orb Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg",
--  btm = "Batak Mandailing.??g",
--  bto = "Iriga Bicolano.??g",
    bug = "Flag of South Sulawesi.svg",
    bxr = "Flag of Buryatia.svg",
    ca = "Flag orb Catalonia.svg",
    ['cbk-x-zam'] = "Flag of Zamboanga.jpg",
--  cdo = "Min Dong.??g",
    ce = "Flag of the Chechen Republic.svg",
    ceb = "Flag of Cebu (province).svg",
    ch = "Flag orb Guam.svg",
--  cho = "Choctaw.??g",
    chr = "Flag of the Cherokee Nation.svg",
    chy = "Flag orb Northern Cheyenne.svg",
    ckb = "Flag orb Kurdistan.svg", -- Sorani (Persian Kurd)
    co = "Flag of Corsica.svg",
--  cps = "Capiznon.??g",
    cr = "Cree flag.svg",
    crh = "Crimean Tatar tamga icon (blue and gold).svg",
    cs = "Flag orb Czech Republic.svg",
    csb = "Kashubian flag.svg",
--  cu = "Old Church Slavonic.??g",
    cv = "Flag of Chuvashia.svg",
    cy = "Flag orb Wales.svg",
    da = "Flag orb Denmark.svg",
--  dag = "Dagbani.??g",
    de = "Flag orb Germany.svg",
--  din = "South Central Dinka.??g",
    diq = "Zazaistanmodernflag.jpg",
    dsb = "Dolnoserbski.svg",
--  dtp = "Kadazan Dusun.??g",
--  dty = "Dotyali.??g",
    dv = "Flag orb Maldives.svg",
    dz = "Flag orb Bhutan.svg",
    ee = "Flag orb Ewe.svg",
    egl = "Flag of Emilia.svg",
    el = "Flag orb Greece.svg",
    eml = "Bandiera dell'Emilia.svg",
    en = "Flag orb United Kingdom.svg",
    eo = "Flag orb Esperanto.svg",
    es = "Flag orb Spain.svg",
    et = "Flag orb Estonia.svg",
    eu = "Flag orb Basque Country.svg",
    ext = "Flag orb Extremadura.svg",
    fa = "Flag orb Iran.svg",
--  fat = "Fante Akan.??g",
--  ff = "Fula.??g",
    fi = "Flag orb Finland.svg",
--  fit = "Tornedalen Finnish.??g",
    fj = "Flag orb Fiji.svg",
    fo = "Flag orb Faroe Islands.svg",
--  fon = "Fon.??g",
    fr = "Flag orb France.svg",
    frc = "Flag orb of Acadiana.svg",
    frp = "Flag orb Arpitania.svg",
    frr = "Flag orb North Friesland.svg",
    fur = "Bandiere dal Friûl.svg",
    fy = "West-Friesland vlag.svg",
    ga = "Flag orb Ireland.svg",
--  gaa = "Ga.??g",
    gag = "Flag of Gagauzia.svg",
--  gan = "Gan.??g",
    gcf = "Flag of Guadeloupe (Local).svg",
    gcr = "Flag of French Guiana.svg",
    gd = "Flag orb Scotland.svg",
    gil = "Flag orb Kiribati.svg",
    gl = "Flag orb Galicia.svg",
--  gld = "Nanai.??g",
    glk = "Flag orb Gilaks.svg",
    gn = "Guarani flag.svg",
    gom = "Flag of Goa, India.svg",
--  gor = "Gorontalo.??g",
    got = "Gothic flag.svg",
    gpe = "Flag orb Ghana.svg", -- Ghanaian Pidgin English
    grc = "Flag orb Greece.svg",
    gsw = "Flag orb Switzerland.svg",
    gu = "Flag of the Gujarat Sultanate.svg",
--  guc = "Wayuu (Goahiro).??g",
--  gur = "Farefare (Gurenne).??g",
--  guw = "Gun.??g",
    gv = "Flag orb Isle of Man.svg",
    ha = "Flag orb Hausa.svg",
    hak = "Flag orb Taiwan.svg",
    haw = "Flag of Hawaii.svg",
    he = "Flag orb Israel.svg",
    hi = "Flag orb India.svg",
    hif = "Flag orb Fiji.svg",
--  hil = "Hiligaynon.??g",
--  ho = "Hiri Motu.??g",
    hr = "Flag orb Croatia.svg",
--  hrx = "Hunsrik.??g",
    hsb = "Hornjoserbšćina.svg",
--  hsn = "Xi'ang Chinese.??g",
    ht = "Flag orb Haiti.svg",
    hu = "Flag orb Hungary.svg",
    hy = "Flag orb Armenia.svg",
    hyw = "Flag orb Armenia.svg",
--  hz = "Herero.??g",
    ia = "Flag orb Interlingua.svg",
    id = "Flag orb Indonesia.svg",
    ie = "Flag orb Interlingue.svg",
    ig = "Flag orb Biafra.svg",
--  ii = "Sichuan Yi.??g",
    ik = "Flag of Alaska.svg",
--  ilo = "Ilokano.??g",
    inh = "Flag orb Ingushetia.svg",
    io = "Flag orb Ido.svg",
    is = "Flag orb Iceland.svg",
    it = "Flag orb Italy.svg",
    iu = "Flag of Inuit people.jpg",
    ja = "Flag orb Japan.svg",
    jam = "Flag orb Jamaica.svg",
    jbo = "Lojban flag.svg",
    jut = "Flag of Jutland.svg",
    jv = "Flag orb Indonesia.svg",
    ['jv-x-bms'] = "Flag orb Indonesia.svg",
    ka = "Flag orb Georgia.svg",
    kaa = "Flag of Karakalpakstan.svg",
    kab = "Flag-kabyle.svg",
    kbd = "Banner of the Kabardian Union.svg",
    kbp = "Flag orb Togo.svg",
--  kcg = "Tyap.??g",
    kea = "Flag orb Cape Verde.svg",
    kg = "Flag of the Kingdom of Kongo according to Giovanni Cavazzi da Montecuccolo.svg",
--  khw = "Khowar.??g",
    ki = "Kikuyu Flag (Cowrie on Ochre).svg",
--  kiu = "Kirmanjki.??g",
--  kj = "Kuanyama.??g",
--  kjp = "Pwo Eastern Karen.??g",
    kk = "Flag orb Kazakhstan.svg",
    kl = "Flag orb Greenland.svg",
    km = "Flag orb Cambodia.svg",
    kn = "Flag orb Kannada.svg",
    ko = "Flag orb South Korea.svg",
    koi = "Flag of Komi-Permyak Okrug.svg",
    kr = "Flag orb Kanuri.svg",
    krc = "Ethnic flag of the Balkar and Karachay peoples (Karachay-Balkaria).svg",
--  kri = "Krio.??g",
--  krj = "Kinaray-a.??g",
    krl = "Flag of Karelia.svg",
--  ks = "Kashmiri.??g",
    ksh = "Flagge Köln.svg",
--  ksw = "S'gaw Karen.??g",
    ku = "Flag orb Kurdistan.svg",
    kum = "Flag of Kumyks.svg",
    kv = "Flag of Komi.svg",
    kw = "Flag of Cornwall.svg",
    ky = "Flag orb Kyrgystan.svg",
    la = "Latiiiin.jpg",
    lad = "Ladino Flag.svg",
    lb = "Flag orb Luxembourg.svg",
    lbe = "Flag of Laksky rayon (Dagestan).png",
    lez = "Lezgian flag.svg",
    lfn = "Flag of Lingua Franca Nova.svg",
    lg = "Flag orb Uganda.svg",
    li = "Flag of Limburg (Netherlands).svg",
    lij = "Flag of Liguria.svg",
    liv = "Flag of the Livonians.svg",
    lki = "Flag orb Kurdistan.svg", -- Laki Kurdish (Lekî, Iran/Turkey)
    lld = "Flag of Ladinia.svg",
    lmo = "Flag orb Lombardy.svg",
    ln = "Flag orb Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg",
    lo = "Flag orb Laos.svg",
    loz = "Flag orb Barotseland.svg", -- Lozi (Barotse)
--  lrc = "Northern Luri.??g",
    lt = "Flag orb Lithuania.svg",
    ltg = "Flag of Latgalians.svg",
    lus = "Chin or Mizo flag.svg", -- Mizo (Lushai)
--  luz = "Southern Luri.??g",
    lv = "Flag orb Latvia.svg",
    lzh = "Flag orb China.svg",
    lzz = "Borjgala.svg", -- Laz
    mad = "Flag of Various Autonomous Indonesian States.svg",
--  mai = "Maithili.??g",
    mdf = "Flag of Mokshan (Penza oblast).png",
    mg = "Flag orb Madagascar.svg",
    mhr = "Flag of Mari El.svg",
    mi = "Flag orb New Zealand.svg",
    min = "Flag of Minang.svg",
    mk = "Flag orb North Macedonia.svg",
    ml = "Malayali flag.svg",
    mn = "Flag orb Mongolia.svg",
    mni = "Flag of Manipur.svg",
    mnw = "Flag of Mon State (2018).svg",
    mos = "Flag orb Burkina Faso.svg", -- Mossi (Mooré)
    mr = "Marathi Flag.svg",
--  mrh = "Mara Chin.??g",
--  mrj = "Western Mari.??g",
    ms = "Flag orb Malaysia.svg",
    mt = "Flag orb Malta.svg",
    mus = "Flag of the Miccosukee Seminole Nation.PNG", -- Muskogee (Seminole Creek)
    mwl = "Flag orb Miranda.svg",
    my = "Flag orb Burma.svg",
    myv = "Flag orb Erzya.svg",
    mzn = "Flag of Tapuria Mazandaran.jpg",
    na = "Flag orb Nauru.svg",
    nah = "Flag of Nahuas.svg",
--  nan = "Minnan.??g",
    nap = "Flag of Naples.svg",
    ['nap-x-tara'] = "Flag of the Province of Taranto.svg",
    nb = "Flag orb Norway.svg",
    nd = "Flag orb Zimbabwe.svg",
    nds = "Flag of Lower Saxony.svg",
    ['nds-nl'] = "Flag orb Norway.svg",
    ne = "Flag orb Nepal.svg",
    new = "Flag of Kathmandu, Nepal.svg",
--  ng = "Ndonga.??g",
    nia = "WLANL - 23dingenvoormusea - danseres Nias.jpg",
    niu = "Flag orb Niue.svg",
    nl = "Flag orb Netherlands.svg",
--  nmz = "Nawdm.??g",
    nn = "Flag orb Norway.svg",
--  nod = "Northern Thai.??g",
    nov = "Flag of Novial.svg",
--  nqo = "N'ko.??g",
    nrf = "Flag of Normandy.svg",
--  nso = "Pedi (Northern Sotho).??g",
    nv = "Navajo flag.svg",
    ny = "Flag orb Malawi.svg",
    nyn = "Flag of Ankole.svg", -- Nyankole
--  nys = "Nyunga.??g",
    oc = "Flag orb Occitania.svg",
--  ojb = "Northwestern Ojibwa.??g",
    olo = "Flag of Karelia.svg",
    om = "Flag of the Oromia Region.svg",
    ['or'] = "Bandera d'Orissa.svg",
    os = "Flag orb North Ossetia.svg",
    pa = "Flag orb Punjab.svg",
--  pag = "Pangasinan.??g",
    pam = "Proposed Kapampangan flag.svg",
    pap = "Netherlands.png",
    pcd = "Flag of Picardie.svg",
    pdc = "Pennsylvania German Sticker.svg",
    pdt = "Proposed flag of Plautdietsch or Mennonite Low German.svg",
    pfl = "Wabbe Rhoipalz - Feld.png",
--  pi = "Pali.??g",
    pih = "Flag of Norfolk Islanders of Pitcairn descent.svg",
    pl = "Flag orb Poland.svg",
    pms = "Flag of Piedmont.svg",
--  pnb = "Western Panjabi.??g",
    pnt = "Byzantine imperial flag, 14th century according to portolan charts.png",
--  prg = "Old Prussian.??g",
    ps = "Flag orb Afghanistan.svg",
    pt = "Flag orb Portugal.svg",
--  pwn = "Paiwan.??g",
    qu = "Flag orb Wiphala.svg", -- Quechua
--  quq = "Quinqui.??g",
    rcf = "Proposed flag of Réunion (VAR).svg",
    rgn = "Flag of Romagna.svg",
--  rif = "Tarifiyt-Beni-Iznasen-Eastern Middle Atlas Berber (Riffian).??g",
    rm = "Flag orb Switzerland.svg",
--  rmc = "Central Romani.??g",
--  rmy = "Romany.??g",
    rn = "Flag orb Burundi.svg",
    ro = "Flag orb Romania.svg",
--  rsk = "Pannonian Ruthenian.??g",
    ru = "Flag orb Russia.svg",
    rue = "Rusyn flag.svg",
    rup = "Aromanian flag.svg",
--  ruq = "Megleno Romanian.??g",
    rw = "Flag orb Rwanda.svg",
--  ryu = "Okinawan.??g",
    sa = "Aum Om black circle gold.svg", -- Sanskrit
--  sah = "Sakha.??g",
--  sat = "Santali.??g",
    sc = "Flag of Sardinia.svg",
    scn = "Flag of Sicily.svg",
    sco = "Flag orb Scotland.svg",
    sd = "Flag orb Sindh.svg",
--  sdc = "Sassarese Sardinian.??g",
--  sdh = "Southern Kurdish.??g",
    se = "Flag orb Sami.svg",
--  sei = "Seri.??g",
--  ses = "Koyraboro Senni Songhai.??g",
    sg = "Flag orb Sango.svg",
    sgs = "Flag of Samogitia.svg",
    sh = "Flag orb Serbia and Montenegro.svg",
--  shi = "Tachelhit.??g",
    shn = "Flag of the Shan State.svg",
--  shy = "Chaouia of the Aures.??g",
    si = "Flag orb Sri Lanka.svg",
    simple = "Flag orb United-States.svg",
--  sjd = "Kildin Saami.??g",
--  sje = "Pite Saami.??g",
    sk = "Flag orb Slovakia.svg",
    skr = "Pk seraiki mov.svg",
    sl = "Flag orb Slovenia.svg",
--  sli = "Lower Silesian.??g",
    sm = "Flag orb Samoa.svg",
--  sma = "South Saami.??g",
    smn = "Sami flag.svg", -- Inari Saami
    sms = "Sami flag.svg", -- Skolt Saami
    sn = "Flag orb Zimbabwe.svg",
    so = "Flag orb Somalia.svg",
    sq = "Flag orb Albania.svg",
    sr = "Flag orb Serbia.svg",
    srn = "Flag orb Suriname.svg",
    ss = "Flag orb Eswatini.svg",
    st = "Lesotho.png",
    stq = "DEU Saterland Flag.svg",
--  sty = "Siberian Tatar.??g",
    su = "Flag orb Indonesia.svg",
    sv = "Flag orb Sweden.svg",
--  sw = "Swahili.??g",
    syc = "Flag of the Syriac-Aramaic People.svg",
    szl = "Flag of Silesia.svg",
--  szy = "Sakizaya.??g",
    ta = "Tamilnadu Flag.png",
    tao = "达悟族旗帜.svg",
--  tay = "Atayal.??g",
    tcy = "Flag of Tulunadu.jpg",
--  tdd = "Tai Nüa.??g",
    te = "Telangana flag.svg",
--  tet = "Tetum.??g",
    tg = "Flag orb Tajikistan.svg",
    th = "Flag orb Thailand.svg",
    ti = "Flag orb Eritrea.svg",
    tk = "Flag orb Turkmenistan.svg",
    tl = "Flag orb Philippines.svg",
--  tly = "North-Central Talysh.??g",
    tn = "Flag orb Botswana.svg",
    to = "Flag orb Tonga.svg",
    tpi = "Flag orb Papua New Guinea.svg",
    tr = "Flag orb Turkey.svg",
--  tru = "Turoyo.??g",
--  trv = "Seediq.??g",
--  ts = "Tsonga.??g",
    tt = "Flag orb Tatarstan.svg",
--  tum = "Tumbuka.??g",
    tw = "Flag orb Ghana.svg",
    ty = "Flag of the Kingdom of Tahiti.svg",
    tyv = "Flag of Tuva (1992).svg",
--  tzm = "Tumbuka.??g",
    udm = "Flag of Udmurtia.svg",
    ug = "Flag of the Uyghurs.svg",
    uk = "Flag orb Ukraine.svg",
    ur = "Flag orb Pakistan.svg",
    uz = "Flag orb Uzbekistan.svg",
    vai = "Flag orb Liberia.svg",
    ve = "Flag of Venda (1973–1994).svg",
    vec = "Flag of Veneto.svg",
    vep = "Flag of Vepsia.svg",
    vi = "Flag orb Vietnam.svg",
    vls = "Flag of Flanders.svg",
    vmf = "Flagge Oberfranken.svg",
    vo = "Flag of Volapük.svg",
    vot = "Votic Flag.svg",
    vro = "Flag of Võro.svg",
    wa = "Flag of Wallonia.svg",
--  wal = "Wolaytta.??g",
--  war = "Waray.??g",
    wls = "Flag orb Wallis and Futuna.svg",
    wo = "Flag orb Senegal.svg",
    wuu = "Flag orb China.svg",
--  xac = "Kachari.??g",
    xal = "Flag of Kalmykia.svg",
    xh = "Flag orb South Africa.svg",
    xmf = "Flag of The Principality of Mingrelia (Portolan 1560).svg",
--  xsy = "Saisiyat.??g",
--  yi = "Yiddish.??g",
--  yo = "Yoruba.??g",
--  yoi = "Yonaguni.??g",
--  yrk = "Tundra Nenets.??g",
--  yrl = "Nhengatu.??g",
--  yua = "Yucatec Maya.??g",
    yue = "Flag orb China.svg",
    za = "Flag of the Zhuang people.svg",
    zea = "Flag of Zeeland.svg",
--  zgh = "Standard Moroccan Tamazight.??g",
    zh = "Flag orb China.svg",
    zu = "Flag of KwaZulu.png",

local sub = string.sub
local gfind = string.gfind
local insert = table.insert
local remove = table.remove
local clone = mw.clone
local encode = mw.uri.encode

local myFrame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local myLang = myFrame:callParserFunction('Int', 'Lang'):lower():gsub('_', '-')
local myLangBCP47 = wmBCP47Table[myLang] or myLang
myLang = iwLegacyTable[myLangBCP47] or myLangBCP47
local myLangObj = mw.language.new(myLang)
local myLangIsRTL = myLangObj:isRTL()

local function formatNum(number)
    return myLangObj:formatNum(number)

local myFallbacks = myLangObj:getFallbackLanguages()
for i, lang in ipairs(myFallbacks) do
    lang = lang:lower():gsub('_', '-')
    if lang == myLang then
        remove(myFallbacks, i)
insert(myFallbacks, 1, myLang)

local function getLangTable(langs)
    if langs == 'simple' then
        -- Most common modern languages with ISO 639-1 codes and a few very common languages with ISO 639-3 codes:
        langs = 'en,simple,' -- English and Simple English are always listed first (after user's language and its fallbacks)
        .. 'af,am,an,ar,as,ast,av,ay,az,ba,be,bg,bm,bn,bo,br,bs,ca,ce,ch,ckb,co,cs,cv,cy,'
        .. 'da,de,dv,dz,ee,el,eo,es,et,eu,ext,fa,ff,fi,fj,fo,fr,fy,ga,gd,gl,gn,gsw,gu,gv,'
        .. 'ha,hak,he,hi,hr,ht,hu,hy,ia,id,ie,ig,io,is,it,iu,ja,jv,ka,kg,kk,kl,km,kn,ko,ks,ku,kw,ky,'
        .. 'la,lb,lg,li,ln,lo,lt,lv,mg,mk,ml,mn,mr,ms,mt,my,nan,nb,ne,nl,nn,ny,oc,om,or,os,'
        .. 'pa,pi,pl,pnb,ps,pt,qu,rm,rn,ro,ru,rw,sa,sc,sd,se,sh,si,sk,sl,sn,so,sq,sr,st,su,sv,sw,'
        .. 'ta,te,tg,th,ti,tk,tl,tr,ts,tt,tw,ug,uk,ur,uz,vi,vo,wa,war,wo,wuu,xh,yi,yo,yue,za,zh,zu'
    local t = {}
    local u = {} -- Used to detect duplicates.
    -- First insert my language and its fallbacks.
    for i, lang in ipairs(myFallbacks) do
        lang = lang:lower():gsub('_', '-')
        lang = wmBCP47Table[lang] or lang
        lang = iwLegacyTable[lang] or lang
        if not u[lang] then
            insert(t, lang)
            u[lang] = true
   -- Then insert the specified languages (also avoiding duplicates).
    if langs then -- Use the language list specified by a string
        for lang in gfind(langs:lower():gsub('_', '-'), '[-0-9a-z]+') do
            lang = wmBCP47Table[lang] or lang
            lang = iwLegacyTable[lang] or lang
            if not u[lang] then
                insert(t, lang)
                u[lang] = true
    else -- use the extensive language list by default
        for i, lang in ipairs(langTable) do
            lang = lang:lower():gsub('_', '-')
            lang = wmBCP47Table[lang] or lang
            lang = iwLegacyTable[lang] or lang
            if not u[lang] then
                insert(t, lang)
                u[lang] = true
    return t

local i18nPage = 'Template:Wiki99/i18n'
local i18nSubpage = i18nPage .. '/en'
for i, lang in ipairs(myFallbacks) do
    if mw.title.new(i18nPage .. '/' .. myLang).exists then
        i18nSubpage =  i18nPage .. '/' .. myLang

local function i18n(args)
    return (myFrame:expandTemplate{title = i18nSubpage, args = args})

local function formatNumCell(number, class)
    if number == 0 then
        return '<td class=n>' -- Empty cell (red)
    return '<td' .. (class and (' class=' .. class) or '') .. '>' .. formatNum(number)

local fetchLanguageName = mw.language.fetchLanguageName

local function setOf(keys, set)
    set = set or {}
    for _, k in ipairs(keys) do
        set[k] = true
    return set

-- List of properties to ignore in the count of "main" properties for the topic: exclude internal or external identifiers, 
-- wikilinks and URLs to pages or sites covering the topic, as well as presentational and sandbox properties.
local internalProperties = setOf{
    'P213', -- ISNI
    'P227', -- GND ID
    'P244', -- 	Library of Congress authority ID
    'P345', -- IMDb ID
    'P373', -- Commons category
    'P460', -- said to be the same as, identical to
    'P856', -- official website
    'P910', -- topic's main category
    'P948', -- page banner (image at top of an article about the topic, mainly used by Wikivoyage and Women in Red)
    'P973', -- described at URL
    'P1325', -- external data available at
    'P1343', -- described by source
    'P4045', -- Sandbox-Tabular data
    'P4047', -- Sandbox-Geographic shape
    'P4656', -- Wikimedia import URL
    'P7782', -- category for ship name
    'P7861', -- category for files created with program (most often on Commons)
    'P7867', -- category for maps (most often on Commons)
    'P8464', -- content partnership category (on Commons)
    'P7561', -- category for the interior of the item
    'P8596', -- category for the exterior of the item
    'P8933', -- category for the view from the item
    'P8989', -- category for the view of the item
    'P9126', -- Commons media contributed by (contributing organization)
    'P10032', -- Museu da Pessoa History

-- Properties for image files (in order of preference)
local fileProperties = {
    'P154', -- logo image
    'P41', -- flag image
    'P94', -- coat of arms image
    'P158', -- seal image
    'P4004', -- escutcheon image, shield
    'P2425', -- service ribbon image
    'P8766', -- rank insignia (e.g. military)

    'P18', -- image
    'P10093', -- image with color chart

    'P242', -- locator map image
    'P15', -- route map
    'P1621', -- detail map
    'P1943', -- location map
    'P1944', -- relief location map
    'P207', -- bathymetry image

    'P14', -- traffic sign
    'P3383', -- film poster (movie)
    'P3311', -- image of design plans
    'P996', -- document file, scan image, book image, PDF
    'P3030', -- sheet music, musical score
    'P2343', -- playing range image (music)

    'P109', -- signature (image), autograph
    'P7457', -- creator's signature
    'P1543', -- monogram
    'P8195', -- ex-libris, bookplate (for a person)
    'P1801', -- commemorative plaque image
    'P1442', -- image of grave
    'P9906', -- inscription image

    'P692', -- Gene Atlas Image
    'P4640', -- photosphere image

    'P491', -- orbit diagram (astronomical)
    'P367', -- astronomic symbol image
    'P5962', -- sail emblem
    'P9664', -- named place on map
    'P4896', -- 3D model
    'P117', -- chemical structure
    'P5555', -- schematic diagram
    'P6655', -- stroke order (for Han ideographs)
    'P2910', -- icon

    'P5252', -- winter view
    'P3451', -- nighttime view
    'P8592', -- aerial view of the subject, orthophoto, satellite image
    'P2713', -- sectional view

    'P1766', -- place name sign
    'P8667', -- twin town sign
    'P9721', -- image of entrance
    'P5775', -- image of interior (indoor)
    'P8517', -- view (from the from the given site)
    'P4291', -- panoramic view
    'P2716', -- collage image

    'P1846', -- distribution map
    'P181', -- taxon range map image
    'P6802', -- related image (alternate, secondary, decorative, placeholder...)

    'P10', -- video

    'P990', -- audio recording of the subject's spoken voice
    'P443', -- pronunciation audio
    'P989', -- spoken text audio
    'P51', -- audio

-- List of properties to count as additional informative properties on Commons 
local commonsProperties = setOf{
    'P935', -- Commons gallery
    'P1472', -- Commons Creator page
    'P1612', -- Commons Institution page
    'P2033', -- category for pictures taken with camera
    'P3896', -- geoshape (for vector maps)
    'P4150', -- weather history (tabular data)
    'P4179', -- tabular population
    'P4669', -- tabular software version
    'P8204', -- tabular case data (confirmed cases, recoveries, deaths, etc. due to a medical event)
    'P8265', -- based on tabular data
    'P10358', -- original catalog description (from institutional catalog metadata)
setOf(fileProperties, commonsProperties)

local wikibase = mw.wikibase
local getLabelWithLang = wikibase.getLabelWithLang
local getEntityObject = wikibase.getEntityObject
local renderSnak = wikibase.renderSnak

local function getmainsnakid(entity, property)
    local stmt = entity:getBestStatements(property)[1]
    return stmt
        and stmt.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value'
        and stmt.mainsnak.datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid'
        and stmt.mainsnak.datavalue.value['id']
        or nil

local function renderDate(entity, property)
    local stmt = entity:getBestStatements(property)[1]
    if stmt then
        local snak = stmt.mainsnak
        if snak.snaktype == 'value' and snak.datavalue.type == 'time' then
            if snak.datavalue.value.precision > 9 then
                -- More precise than year, make it year-precise.
                -- Make a deep copy to make sure we don’t change anything outside of this.
                snak = clone(snak)
                snak.datavalue.value.precision = 9 -- year:9, month:10, day:11, hour:12, minute:13, second:14, fraction:15
            -- Don't render dates with a precision less than the year
            if snak.datavalue.value.precision >= 9 then
                return renderSnak(snak)
    return nil

local p = {}

Wiki99.count: counts articles from the list in certain wiki.
Sample use:
function p.table(frame)
    local result = {
        frame:extensionTag{name = 'templatestyles', args = {src = 'Template:Wiki99/styles.css'}},
        '<div class="wiki99 mw-content-', myLangIsRTL and 'rtl' or 'ltr',
        '" lang="', myLangBCP47,
        '"><table class=sortable><tr>',

    -- Rank column (R)
    insert(result, '<th class=R>')

    -- Optional Image column (F)
    local image = frame.args['image']
    if image then
        insert(result, '<th class="F unsortable">')
        insert(result, i18n{'F'})

    -- Wikipedia articles column (A)
    insert(result, '<th class=A>')
    insert(result, '[[File:Wikipedia-logo.svg|x20px|link=|alt=]]<br>')
    insert(result, (i18n{'A'}))

    -- Optional occupation column (O)
    local occupation = frame.args['occupation']
    if occupation then
        insert(result, '<th class=O>')
        insert(result, i18n{'O'})

    -- Optional description column (D)
    local description = frame.args['description']
    if description then
        insert(result, '<th class="D unsortable">')
        insert(result, i18n{'D'})

    -- Languages columns (L)
    local langTable = getLangTable(frame.args['langs'])
    for i, iw in ipairs(langTable) do
        local langBCP47 = wmBCP47Table[iw] or iw
        local langName = fetchLanguageName(langBCP47, myLangBCP47)
        insert(result, '<th class="L unsortable" title="')
        insert(result, (fetchLanguageName(langBCP47, myLangBCP47):gsub('"', '&#34;')))
        insert(result, '">')
        if langIcons[langBCP47] then
            insert(result, '[[File:')
            insert(result, langIcons[langBCP47])
            insert(result, '|20px|link=|alt=]]')
        insert(result, langCodeDisplay[langBCP47] or langBCP47)

    -- Counted languages column (N)
    insert(result, '<th class=N>Σ')

    -- Wikidata column (Q)
    insert(result, '<th class=Q>[[File:Wikidata-logo.svg|x20px|link=|alt=]]<br>')
    insert(result, i18n{'Q'})

    -- Main statements column (S)
    insert(result, '<th class=S><abbr title="')
    insert(result, (i18n{'S2'}:gsub('"', '&#34;')))
    insert(result, '">')
    insert(result, i18n{'S'})
    insert(result, '</abbr>')

    -- Wikimedia Commons column (C)
    insert(result, '<th class="C unsortable">[[File:Commons-logo.svg|x20px|link=|alt=]]<br><abbr title="')
    insert(result, (i18n{'C'}:gsub('"', '&#34;')))
    insert(result, '">c:</abbr>')

    -- Enumerate QIDs in parameters and generate one table row for each
    local statementst = 0
    local coords = 0
    local images = 0
    local timeline = 0
    local wqsitems = ''
    local ids = {}
    local ctt = {}
    local commonst = 0
    for i = 1, #langTable do
        ctt[i] = 0
    local anum = 0
    while true do
        local qid = frame.args[anum + 1]
        if not qid then
        qid = qid:gsub('^%s+', ''):gsub('%s+$', '') -- strip leading/trailing whitespace
        wqsitems = wqsitems .. ' wd:' .. qid
        local id = sub(qid, 2)
        insert(ids, id)
        local entity = getEntityObject(qid)
        if not entity then
            return '<strong class=error>Entity ' .. qid .. ' not found</strong>'

        -- Count main statements on Wikidata and detect extra properties to Wikimedia Commons)
        local commons = 0
        local statements = 0
        if entity.claims then
            for property, statement in pairs(entity.claims) do
                local snak = statement[1].mainsnak
                if snak then
                    if not internalProperties[property] then
                        if snak.datatype ~= 'external-id' then
                            statements = statements + 1
                    if commonsProperties[property] then
                        commons = commons + 1

        --- New data row
        insert(result, '<tr>')

        -- Rank column (R)
        anum = anum + 1
        insert(result, '<th class=R>')
        insert(result, formatNum(anum))

        -- Optional image column (F)
        if image then
            local file
            for i, prop in ipairs(fileProperties) do
                local stmt = entity:getBestStatements(prop)[1]
                filename = stmt
                    and stmt.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value'
                    and stmt.mainsnak.datavalue.type == 'string' --'commonsMedia'
                    and stmt.mainsnak.datavalue.value
                if filename and filename ~= '' then
            if not filename or filename == '' then
                insert(result, '<td class=n>') -- Empty cell (red)
                insert(result, '<td class=F>[[File:')
                insert(result, filename)
                insert(result, '|80x120px|alt=]]')
                images = images + 1

        -- Wikipedia articles column (A)
        -- (show the best Wikidata label, linked to the first article found in a Wikipedia from the fallbacks list)
        local label, labelLang = entity:getLabelWithLang()
        if not label then
            insert(result, '<td class=An>') -- Empty cell (red)
            local hrefLang, sitelinkLang, sitelink
            local usingFallback = false
            for i, lang in ipairs(myFallbacks) do
               hrefLang = lang
               sitelinkLang = iwLegacyTable[lang] and iwLegacyTable[lang] or lang
               sitelink = entity:getSitelink(sitelinkLang:gsub('-', '_') .. 'wiki')
               if sitelink then
                usingFallback = true
            insert(result, '<td class=A')
            insert(result, sitelink and not usingFallback and '' or 'n')
            labelLang = wmBCP47Table[labelLang] or labelLang
            if labelLang ~= myLangBCP47 then
                insert(result, ' lang="')
                insert(result, labelLang)
                insert(result, '" dir=auto')
            insert(result, '>')
            if not sitelink then
                insert(result, label)
                insert(result, '[[:')
                insert(result, sitelinkLang)
                insert(result, ':')
                insert(result, sitelink)
                insert(result, '|')
                if hrefLang == labelLang then
                    insert(result, label)
                    insert(result, '<span lang="')
                    insert(result, labelLang)
                    insert(result, '">')
                    insert(result, label)
                    insert(result, '</span>')
                insert(result, ']]')
        local date1, date2
        if getmainsnakid(entity, 'P31') == 'Q5' then -- instance of: human
            -- Gender icon
            local genderid = getmainsnakid(entity, 'P21')
            if genderid == 'Q6581097' or genderid == 'Q2449503' or genderid == 'Q27679766' then
                --  males (Q6581097), transgender males (Q2449503) transmasculines (Q27679766),
                insert(result, ' [[File:Male Icon.svg|15px|link=|alt=♂]]')
            elseif genderid == 'Q6581072' or genderid == 'Q1052281' or genderid == 'Q27679684' then
                -- females (Q6581072), transgender females (Q1052281), and transfeminines (Q27679684),
                insert(result, ' [[File:Female Icon.svg|15px|link=|alt=♀]]')
            elseif genderid == 'Q660882' then
              -- hijras (Q660882), neither male or female
                insert(result, ' [[File:MOREmoji transgender symbol 2.svg|15px|link=|alt=⚧️]]')
            -- Lifespan years for humans (Q5)
            date1 = renderDate(entity, 'P569') -- date of birth
            date2 = renderDate(entity, 'P570') -- date of death
            -- Years for other types
           date1 = renderDate(entity, 'P571') -- date of inception, creation, foundation
           date2 = renderDate(entity, 'P576') -- dissolved, abolished or demolished date
           if not date1 and date2 then
               date1 = ''
           elseif not date2 and date1 then
               date2 = ''
           local date = renderDate(entity, 'P580') -- start time
           if date and (not date1 or date < date1) then
               date1 = date
               if not date2 then
                   date2 = ''
           date = renderDate(entity, 'P582') -- end time
           if date and (not date2 or date > date2) then
               date2 = date
               if not date1 then
                   date1 = ''
           date = renderDate(entity, 'P577') -- publication date
           if date and date1 and date < date1 then
               if not date2 then
                   date2 = date1
               date1 = date
        -- Show dates, add to the timeline
        if date1 or date2 then
            insert(result, ' <bdi class=s>(')
            insert(result, date1 or '')
            if date1 ~= date2 then
                insert(result, '–')
                insert(result, date2 or '')
            insert(result, ')</bdi>')
            timeline = timeline + 1
        -- Geolocation coordinates
        local coord = entity:getBestStatements('P625')[1] -- coordinate location
        if coord then
            local label = i18n{'view on maps'}
            insert(result, ' [[File:Geographylogo.svg|18px|link=')
            insert(result, 'https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?language=en&pagename=')
            insert(result, encode(label, 'QUERY'))
            insert(result, '&params=')
            insert(result, coord.mainsnak.datavalue.value.latitude)
            insert(result, '_N_')
            insert(result, coord.mainsnak.datavalue.value.longitude)
            insert(result, '_E')
            insert(result, '|alt=')
            insert(result, label)
            insert(result, '|')
            insert(result, label)
            insert(result, ']]')
            coords = coords + 1

        -- Optional occupation column (O)
        if occupation then
            local desc, descLang
            local qid = getmainsnakid(entity, 'P106') -- occupation
            if qid then
                desc, descLang = getLabelWithLang(qid)
            if desc then
                insert(result, '<td class=O')
                descLang = wmBCP47Table[descLang] or descLang
                if descLang ~= myLangBCP47 then
                    insert(result, 'n lang=')
                    insert(result, descLang)
                    insert(result, ' dir=auto')
                insert(result, '>')
                insert(result, desc)
                insert(result, '<td class=n>') -- Empty cell (red)

        -- Optional description column (D)
        if description then
            local desc, descLang = entity:getDescriptionWithLang()
            if desc then
                insert(result, '<td class=D')
                descLang = wmBCP47Table[descLang] or descLang
                if descLang ~= myLangBCP47 then
                    insert(result, 'n lang=')
                    insert(result, descLang)
                    insert(result, ' dir=auto')
                insert(result, '>')
                insert(result, desc)
                insert(result, '<td class=n>') -- Empty cell (red)

        -- Language columns (L)
        local ct = 0
        for i, lang in ipairs(langTable) do
            -- Remap BCP 47 or legacy Wikimedia Interwiki codes to the interwiki codes that are currently working (this may change over time!).
            local iw = iwLegacyTable[lang] or lang
            local sitelink = entity:getSitelink(lang:gsub('-', '_') .. 'wiki')
                or iw ~= lang and entity:getSitelink(iw:gsub('-', '_') .. 'wiki')
            insert(result, '<td class=')
            if sitelink then
                insert(result, 'L>[[:')
                insert(result, iw)
                insert(result, ':')
                insert(result, sitelink)
                insert(result, '|✔]]')
                ct = ct + 1
                ctt[i] = ctt[i] + 1
                insert(result, 'n>') -- ✗

        end -- of loop on languages

        -- Counted languages column (N)
        insert(result, formatNumCell(ct, 'N'))

        -- Wikidata column (Q)
        insert(result, '<td class=Q data-sort-value="')
        insert(result, id)
        insert(result, '">[[d:')
        insert(result, qid)
        insert(result, '|')
        insert(result, qid)
        insert(result, ']]')

        -- Main statements column (S)
        insert(result, formatNumCell(statements, 'S'))
        statementst = statementst + statements

        -- Wikimedia Commons column (C)
        if commons > 0 then
            insert(result, '<td class=C title="')
            insert(result, (i18n{'commons-resources'}:gsub('"', '&#34;')))
            insert(result, '">')
            insert(result, commons)
            commonst = commonst + commons
            insert(result, '<td class=n>') -- Empty cell (red)
    end -- of loop for rows on each item

    -- Footer row
    insert(result, '<tr class="sortbottom">')

    -- Rank column (R)
    insert(result, '<th class=R>Σ')

    -- Image column (F)
    if image then
        insert(result, '<td class=e>') -- Empty cell (gray)

    -- Wikipedia articles column (A)
    -- (show links to autolist, maps, gallery, timeline)
    insert(result, '<td class=A>[https://autolist.toolforge.org/?run=Run&chunk_size=10000&mode_manual=or&mode_cat=or&mode_wdq=not&mode_wdqs=or&mode_find=or&project=wikipedia&language=')
    insert(result, myLang)
    insert(result, '&wdq=items')
    insert(result, encode('[' .. table.concat(ids, ',') .. ']', 'QUERY'))
    insert(result, ' <bdi>')
    insert(result, (i18n{'autolist'}))
    insert(result, '</bdi>]')
    if coords > 0 or images > 0 then
        insert(result, ' [https://query.wikidata.org/#')
        insert(result, encode(
                '# Click the "Execute" icon on the left side to run the query,\n' ..
                '# then below select the type of view: "Map" or "Image Grid".\n' ..
                'SELECT\n' ..
                    '\t?item \n' ..
                    '\t?itemLabel \n' ..
                    '\t(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?instanceLabel);separator=", ")AS ?instanceOf)\n' ..
                    '\t(SAMPLE(?coord)AS ?coordinates)\n' ..
                    '\t(SAMPLE(?img)AS ?image)\n' ..
                'WHERE{\n' ..
                    '\tVALUES ?item{' .. wqsitems .. ' }\n' ..
                    '\tOPTIONAL{?item wdt:P31 ?instance}.\n' .. -- instance of
                    '\tOPTIONAL{?item wdt:P625 ?coord1}.\n' .. -- coordinate location
                    '\tOPTIONAL{?item wdt:P131/wdt:P625 ?coord2}.\n' .. -- located in the administrative territorial entity/coordinate location
                    '\tOPTIONAL{?item wdt:P276/wdt:P625 ?coord3}.\n' .. -- location/coordinate location
                    '\tBIND(IF(BOUND(?coord1),?coord1,IF(BOUND(?coord2),?coord2,?coord3))AS ?coord).\n' ..
                    '\tOPTIONAL{?item wdt:P18 ?img}.\n' .. -- image
                    '\tSERVICE wikibase:label{\n' ..
                        '\t\tbd:serviceParam wikibase:language "' .. myLangBCP47 .. ',en".\n' ..
                        '\t\t?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel.\n' ..
                        '\t\t?instance rdfs:label ?instanceLabel\n' ..
                    '\t}\n' ..
                '}\n' ..
                'GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel',
        insert(result, ' <bdi>')
        insert(result, (i18n{(coords > 0 and 'map' or '') .. (images > 0 and 'gallery' or '')}))
        insert(result, '</bdi>]')
    if timeline > 2 then
        insert(result, ' [https://wikidata-timeline.toolforge.org/#/timeline?query=')
        insert(result, encode('items[' .. table.concat(ids, ',') .. ']', 'QUERY'))
        insert(result, ' <bdi>')
        insert(result, (i18n{'timeline'}))
        insert(result, '</bdi>]')

    -- Optional occupation column (O)
    if occupation then
        insert(result, '<td class=e>') -- Empty cell (gray)

    -- Optional description column (D)
    if description then
        insert(result, '<td class=e>') -- Empty cell (gray)

    -- Language columns (L)
    ct = 0
    for i, lang in ipairs(langTable) do
        local c = ctt[i]
        insert(result, formatNumCell(c, 'L'))
        ct = ct + c

    -- Counted languages column (N)
    insert(result, formatNumCell(ct, 'N'))

    -- Wikidata column (Q)
    insert(result, '<td class=Q>')
    insert(result, (i18n{'avg',
        numlang = formatNum(#langTable),
        avglang = formatNum(math.floor(ct / anum + .5)),
        numarticle = formatNum(#ids),
        avgarticle = formatNum(math.floor(ct / (#langTable) + .5)),
        numtotal = formatNum(#langTable * anum),
        avgtotal = formatNum(math.floor(100 * ct / (anum * #langTable) + .5))

    -- Statements column (S)
    insert(result, formatNumCell(statementst, 'S'))

    -- Wikimedia Commons column (C)
    insert(result, formatNumCell(commonst, 'C'))

    -- End of footer and table
    insert(result, '</table></div>')
    return table.concat(result)

Wiki99.count: counts articles from the list in certain wiki, based on previous "table" function stripped from all the table formatting.
Sample use:
function p.count(frame)
    local myLang = frame.args[1]
    local myLangBCP47 = iwLegacyTable[lang] or myLang
    local myIw = wmBCP47Table[myLangBCP47]
    local langTable = getLangTable(frame.args['langs'])

    local ctt = {}
    for i = 1, #langTable do
        ctt[i] = 0

    local anum = 0
    while true do
        local qid = frame.args[anum + 2]
        if not qid then
        anum  = anum + 1

        local entity = getEntityObject(qid)
        if not entity then
            return '<strong class=error>Entity ' .. qid .. ' not found</strong>'
        for i = 1, #langTable do
            local iw = langTable[i]
            local sitelink = entity:getSitelink(iw:gsub('-', '_') .. 'wiki') or
                iw ~= myIw and entity:getSitelink(myIw:gsub('-', '_') .. 'wiki')
            if sitelink then
                ctt[i] = ctt[i] + 1
    end -- of loop counting rows

    -- Number of articles in certain wiki. Straight...
    local ct = 0
    for i = 1, #langTable do
        if langTable[i] == lang then
            ct = ctt[i]
    return wikianum .. '/' .. anum -- Result is two numbers with '/' separator

return p