![]() | This module is subject to page protection. It is a highly visible module in use by a very large number of pages, or is substituted very frequently. Because vandalism or mistakes would affect many pages, and even trivial editing might cause substantial load on the servers, it is protected from editing. |
See Template:Votings.
-- For attribution: [[:vi:Module:CurrentCandidateList]]
local p = {}
local title = 'Meta:Requests for adminship' -- Title here...
local content = -- ...and content here. Let's go.
local perm = { -- Data. "i" stands for `i`nitial; "f" stands for `f`ull word; "s" stands for `s`ection.
i = 'A',
f = 'adminship',
s = 'regular adminship'
i = 'LA',
f = 'limited adminship'
i = 'IA',
f = 'interface adminship'
i = 'B',
f = 'bureaucratship'
i = 'CU',
f = 'checkuser',
s = 'CheckUser access'
i = 'OS',
f = 'oversight',
s = 'Oversight access'
i = 'TA',
f = 'translation adminship'
i = 'CN',
f = 'CentralNotice adminship'
i = 'BF',
f = 'bot status',
s = 'bot flags'
function p.main() -- Main function.
local list = {} --
-- These may be caught as false positives. Get rid of them.
local ex = {'none', 'None', 'rF', 'RF', 'Meta:Requests for bot status/Examplebot', 'Meta:Requests for translation adminship/ExampleUser'}
-- Lua pattern to catch a page name inside double braces.
local re = '%{%{([^#|<>{}%[%]]+)%}%}'
for l in mw.text.gsplit(content, '\n') do -- Iterate all `l`ines of WM:RfA.
if mw.ustring.match(l, re) and not, re), ex) then -- If the line is caught and is not one of those listed above,
table.insert(list, mw.ustring.match(l, re)) -- ...that's exactly what we're looking for. Add it to our table.
-- Our "list" is now an array-like table with page names: 'M:RfA/Foo', 'M:RfLA/Baz', 'M:RfB/Bar' etc.
return p.join(p.list(list)) -- See p.list and p.join below for explanations.
function p.list(t) -- Unlike [[Module:Votings-global]], this p.list require a parameter that cannot be provided using wikitext syntax.
local l = {} -- "l" stands for `l`ist.
local n = {} -- "n" stands for `n`umber.
local re = function(g) -- Lua pattern to catch a page name that contains Meta:Requests for <privilege>/<username>
return '[%s_]*[Mm][Ee][Tt][Aa][%s_]*:[%s_]*[Rr]equests[%s_]*for[%s_]*' .. mw.ustring.gsub(g, '%s', '[%s_]*') .. '/(.+)'
for a = 1, 3 do -- We're looping through "perm" array three times consecutively. Just ignore this one.
for k1 = 1, #perm do -- Here's the main loop, as explained right above.
if a == 1 then -- For the first loop,
l[perm[k1].i] = {} -- ...declare all l[<privilege>] as tables,
l[perm[k1].i].n = 0 -- ...and all l[<privilege>].n as numbers. Remember, "perm[k1].i" == <privilege>.
elseif a == 2 then -- Second loop,
for k2 = 1, #t do -- Iterate table "t" (provided by p.main).
if mw.ustring.match(t[k2], re(perm[k1].f)) then -- If the page name we're dealing with is caught by one of the patterns,
l[perm[k1].i].p = mw.ustring.match(t[k2], re(perm[k1].f)) -- Add <username> to l[<privilege>].p. "p" stands for `p`age.
l[perm[k1].i].n = tonumber(l[perm[k1].i].n) + 1 -- Also, add 1 to its number respectively.
else -- Third loop, add all (precisely 9) numbers to "n", an array-like table.
table.insert(n, l[perm[k1].i].n)
-- Join numbers in "n" with pipe as separator, so that the output will look like this: 0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0.
return table.concat(n, '|')
function, a) -- "inc" stands for `inc`lude. Return true if `e`lement "e" is one of the keys or values of table "a".
local b = false
for k, v in pairs(a) do
if k == e or v == e then b = true end
return b
function p.join(l) -- Join a pipe-separated list of 9 numbers to a human-readable value that includes linking.
local num = mw.text.split(l, '|') -- Split the list up.
local req = {} -- Array-like table for links to `req`uests.
local i = { -- "i" stands for `i`ndex. Just ignore this as it doesn't affect our output.
t = {
f = {
for n = 1, #perm do -- Iterate "perm".
if tonumber(num[n]) ~= nil and tonumber(num[n]) > 0 then -- Add a link to "req" if there is at least one of them.
-- As said above, "s" stands for `s`ection. If .s was specified, use it. Otherwise, use .f.
'[[' .. title .. '#Requests for ' .. (perm[n].s ~= nil and perm[n].s or perm[n].f) .. '|' .. num[n] .. ' Rf' .. perm[n].i .. ']]'
table.insert(i.t, num[n]) -- Ignore this.
table.insert(i.f, num[n]) -- Idem.
if #req > 0 then -- If there is something in "req", return it with bullets and bold tags.
return ' • <b>' .. table.concat(req, '</b> • <b>') .. '</b>'
else -- Otherwise, nothing.
return ''
return p