Module:Language/data/ISO 639-3 (dep)
![]() | This module is rated as ready for general use. It has reached a mature form and is thought to be bug-free and ready for use wherever appropriate. It is ready to mention on help pages and other MetaWiki resources as an option for new users to learn. To reduce server load and bad output, it should be improved by sandbox testing rather than repeated trial-and-error editing. |
This module contains data taken directly from a local copy of an file from
The table in this module was created using w:Module:Language/data/ISO 639-3 (dep)/make. There should be no need to hand edit this table, so please do not do so except to reflect changes that are actually present in the source (in which case it is probably better to re-run the extraction tool on a new data file).
![]() | Hint: to avoid browsers interfering with how UTF-8 characters are rendered, consider downloading the zip file of the complete set of tables. Extract (where YYYYMMDD is the date of the release) to your local machine and open that file with a good text editor (w:Notepad++ has worked well for this). |
{{#invoke:Data|Module:Language/data/ISO 639-3 (dep)|path}}
-- File-Date: 20200515
return {
["aam"] = {"Aramanik"},
["aay"] = {"Aariya"},
["acc"] = {"Cubulco Achí"},
["adp"] = {"Adap"},
["aex"] = {"Amerax"},
["agp"] = {"Paranan"},
["ahe"] = {"Ahe"},
["ais"] = {"Nataoran Amis"},
["aiz"] = {"Aari"},
["akn"] = {"Amikoana"},
["amd"] = {"Amapá Creole"},
["aoh"] = {"Arma"},
["arf"] = {"Arafundi"},
["asd"] = {"Asas"},
["atf"] = {"Atuence"},
["aue"] = {"ǂKxʼauǁʼein"},
["auv"] = {"Auvergnat"},
["ayx"] = {"Ayi (China)"},
["ayy"] = {"Tayabas Ayta"},
["azr"] = {"Adzera"},
["baz"] = {"Tunen"},
["bbz"] = {"Babalia Creole Arabic"},
["bcx"] = {"Pamona"},
["bgh"] = {"Bogan"},
["bgm"] = {"Baga Mboteni"},
["bhk"] = {"Albay Bicolano"},
["bii"] = {"Bisu"},
["bjd"] = {"Bandjigali"},
["bjq"] = {"Southern Betsimisaraka Malagasy"},
["bkb"] = {"Finallig"},
["bke"] = {"Bengkulu"},
["blu"] = {"Hmong Njua"},
["bmy"] = {"Bemba (Democratic Republic of Congo)"},
["bnh"] = {"Banawá"},
["boc"] = {"Bakung Kenyah"},
["bpb"] = {"Barbacoas"},
["bqe"] = {"Navarro-Labourdin Basque"},
["bsd"] = {"Sarawak Bisaya"},
["bsz"] = {"Souletin Basque"},
["btb"] = {"Beti (Cameroon)"},
["btl"] = {"Bhatola"},
["bvs"] = {"Belgian Sign Language"},
["bwv"] = {"Bahau River Kenyah"},
["bxt"] = {"Buxinhua"},
["bxx"] = {"Borna (Democratic Republic of Congo)"},
["byu"] = {"Buyang"},
["byy"] = {"Buya"},
["cbe"] = {"Chipiajes"},
["cbh"] = {"Cagua"},
["cbm"] = {"Yepocapa Southwestern Cakchiquel"},
["cca"] = {"Cauca"},
["ccq"] = {"Chaungtha"},
["ccx"] = {"Northern Zhuang"},
["ccy"] = {"Southern Zhuang"},
["cdg"] = {"Chamari"},
["chs"] = {"Chumash"},
["cit"] = {"Chittagonian"},
["cjr"] = {"Chorotega"},
["cka"] = {"Khumi Awa Chin"},
["ckc"] = {"Northern Cakchiquel"},
["ckd"] = {"South Central Cakchiquel"},
["cke"] = {"Eastern Cakchiquel"},
["ckf"] = {"Southern Cakchiquel"},
["cki"] = {"Santa María De Jesús Cakchiquel"},
["ckj"] = {"Santo Domingo Xenacoj Cakchiquel"},
["ckk"] = {"Acatenango Southwestern Cakchiquel"},
["ckw"] = {"Western Cakchiquel"},
["cmk"] = {"Chimakum"},
["cnm"] = {"Ixtatán Chuj"},
["coy"] = {"Coyaima"},
["cqu"] = {"Chilean Quechua"},
["cru"] = {"Carútana"},
["cti"] = {"Tila Chol"},
["cum"] = {"Cumeral"},
["cun"] = {"Cunén Quiché"},
["daf"] = {"Dan"},
["dap"] = {"Nisi (India)"},
["dat"] = {"Darang Deng"},
["dgu"] = {"Degaru"},
["dha"] = {"Dhanwar (India)"},
["dit"] = {"Dirari"},
["djl"] = {"Djiwarli"},
["dkl"] = {"Kolum So Dogon"},
["drh"] = {"Darkhat"},
["drr"] = {"Dororo"},
["drw"] = {"Darwazi"},
["dud"] = {"Hun-Saare"},
["duj"] = {"Dhuwal"},
["dwl"] = {"Walo Kumbe Dogon"},
["dyk"] = {"Land Dayak"},
["dzd"] = {"Daza"},
["ekc"] = {"Eastern Karnic"},
["elp"] = {"Elpaputih"},
["eml"] = {"Emiliano-Romagnolo"},
["emo"] = {"Emok"},
["eni"] = {"Enim"},
["eur"] = {"Europanto"},
["fiz"] = {"Izere"},
["flm"] = {"Falam Chin"},
["fri"] = {"Western Frisian"},
["gav"] = {"Gabutamon"},
["gbc"] = {"Garawa"},
["gen"] = {"Geman Deng"},
["gfx"] = {"Mangetti Dune ǃXung"},
["ggh"] = {"Garreh-Ajuran"},
["ggm"] = {"Gugu Mini"},
["ggn"] = {"Eastern Gurung"},
["ggo"] = {"Southern Gondi"},
["ggr"] = {"Aghu Tharnggalu"},
["gio"] = {"Gelao"},
["gli"] = {"Guliguli"},
["gmo"] = {"Gamo-Gofa-Dawro"},
["gsc"] = {"Gascon"},
["gti"] = {"Gbati-ri"},
["guv"] = {"Gey"},
["hrr"] = {"Horuru"},
["hsf"] = {"Southeastern Huastec"},
["hva"] = {"San Luís Potosí Huastec"},
["iap"] = {"Iapama"},
["ibi"] = {"Ibilo"},
["ill"] = {"Iranun"},
["ilw"] = {"Talur"},
["ime"] = {"Imeraguen"},
["itu"] = {"Itutang"},
["ixi"] = {"Nebaj Ixil"},
["ixj"] = {"Chajul Ixil"},
["izi"] = {"Izi-Ezaa-Ikwo-Mgbo"},
["jai"] = {"Western Jacalteco"},
["jap"] = {"Jaruára"},
["jar"] = {"Jarawa (Nigeria)"},
["jeg"] = {"Jeng"},
["kbf"] = {"Kakauhua"},
["kds"] = {"Lahu Shi"},
["kdv"] = {"Kado"},
["kgc"] = {"Kasseng"},
["kgd"] = {"Kataang"},
["kgh"] = {"Upper Tanudan Kalinga"},
["kjf"] = {"Khalaj"},
["knh"] = {"Kayan River Kenyah"},
["kob"] = {"Kohoroxitari"},
["koj"] = {"Sara Dunjo"},
["kox"] = {"Coxima"},
["kpp"] = {"Paku Karen"},
["krg"] = {"North Korowai"},
["krm"] = {"Krim"},
["krq"] = {"Krui"},
["ktr"] = {"Kota Marudu Tinagas"},
["kvs"] = {"Kunggara"},
["kwq"] = {"Kwak"},
["kxe"] = {"Kakihum"},
["kxg"] = {"Katingan"},
["kxl"] = {"Nepali Kurux"},
["kxu"] = {"Kui (India)"},
["kzh"] = {"Kenuzi-Dongola"},
["kzj"] = {"Coastal Kadazan"},
["kzt"] = {"Tambunan Dusun"},
["lba"] = {"Lui"},
["leg"] = {"Lengua"},
["lii"] = {"Lingkhim"},
["llo"] = {"Khlor"},
["lmm"] = {"Lamam"},
["lms"] = {"Limousin"},
["lmt"] = {"Lematang"},
["lmz"] = {"Lumbee"},
["lnc"] = {"Languedocien"},
["lnt"] = {"Lintang"},
["lod"] = {"Berawan"},
["lsg"] = {"Lyons Sign Language"},
["mbg"] = {"Northern Nambikuára"},
["mdo"] = {"Southwest Gbaya"},
["meg"] = {"Mea"},
["mgx"] = {"Omati"},
["mhh"] = {"Maskoy Pidgin"},
["mhv"] = {"Arakanese"},
["miv"] = {"Mimi"},
["mja"] = {"Mahei"},
["mld"] = {"Malakhel"},
["mly"] = {"Malay (individual language)"},
["mms"] = {"Southern Mam"},
["mnt"] = {"Maykulan"},
["mob"] = {"Moinba"},
["mof"] = {"Mohegan-Montauk-Narragansett"},
["mol"] = {"Moldavian"},
["mpf"] = {"Tajumulco Mam"},
["mqd"] = {"Madang"},
["mst"] = {"Cataelano Mandaya"},
["mtz"] = {"Tacanec"},
["muw"] = {"Mundari"},
["mvc"] = {"Central Mam"},
["mvj"] = {"Todos Santos Cuchumatán Mam"},
["mwd"] = {"Mudbura"},
["mwj"] = {"Maligo"},
["mwx"] = {"Mediak"},
["mwy"] = {"Mosiro"},
["myd"] = {"Maramba"},
["myi"] = {"Mina (India)"},
["myq"] = {"Forest Maninka"},
["myt"] = {"Sangab Mandaya"},
["mzf"] = {"Aiku"},
["nad"] = {"Nijadali"},
["nbf"] = {"Naxi"},
["nbx"] = {"Ngura"},
["ncp"] = {"Ndaktup"},
["nfg"] = {"Nyeng"},
["nfk"] = {"Shakara"},
["nhj"] = {"Tlalitzlipa Nahuatl"},
["nhs"] = {"Southeastern Puebla Nahuatl"},
["nky"] = {"Khiamniungan Naga"},
["nln"] = {"Durango Nahuatl"},
["nlr"] = {"Ngarla"},
["nns"] = {"Ningye"},
["nnx"] = {"Ngong"},
["noo"] = {"Nootka"},
["nts"] = {"Natagaimas"},
["nxj"] = {"Nyadu"},
["nxu"] = {"Narau"},
["occ"] = {"Occidental"},
["ogn"] = {"Ogan"},
["ome"] = {"Omejes"},
["ope"] = {"Old Persian"},
["ork"] = {"Orokaiva"},
["oun"] = {"ǃOǃung"},
["paj"] = {"Ipeka-Tapuia"},
["pbz"] = {"Palu"},
["pcr"] = {"Panang"},
["pec"] = {"Southern Pesisir"},
["pen"] = {"Penesak"},
["pgy"] = {"Pongyong"},
["plm"] = {"Palembang"},
["plp"] = {"Palpa"},
["pmc"] = {"Palumata"},
["pmu"] = {"Mirpur Panjabi"},
["poa"] = {"Eastern Pokomam"},
["pob"] = {"Western Pokomchí"},
["pod"] = {"Ponares"},
["poj"] = {"Lower Pokomo"},
["pou"] = {"Southern Pokomam"},
["ppa"] = {"Pao"},
["ppr"] = {"Piru"},
["ppv"] = {"Papavô"},
["prb"] = {"Lua'"},
["prv"] = {"Provençal"},
["pry"] = {"Pray 3"},
["puk"] = {"Pu Ko"},
["pun"] = {"Pubian"},
["puz"] = {"Purum Naga"},
["quj"] = {"Joyabaj Quiché"},
["qut"] = {"West Central Quiché"},
["quu"] = {"Eastern Quiché"},
["qxi"] = {"San Andrés Quiché"},
["rae"] = {"Ranau"},
["rie"] = {"Rien"},
["rjb"] = {"Rajbanshi"},
["rmr"] = {"Caló"},
["rna"] = {"Runa"},
["rsi"] = {"Rennellese Sign Language"},
["rws"] = {"Rawas"},
["sap"] = {"Sanapaná"},
["sca"] = {"Sansu"},
["scc"] = {"Serbian"},
["scr"] = {"Croatian"},
["sdd"] = {"Semendo"},
["sdi"] = {"Sindang Kelingi"},
["sdm"] = {"Semandang"},
["sgl"] = {"Sanglechi-Ishkashimi"},
["sgo"] = {"Songa"},
["sic"] = {"Malinguat"},
["skk"] = {"Sok"},
["skl"] = {"Selako"},
["slb"] = {"Kahumamahon Saluan"},
["snh"] = {"Shinabo"},
["srj"] = {"Serawai"},
["stc"] = {"Santa Cruz"},
["suf"] = {"Tarpia"},
["suh"] = {"Suba"},
["sul"] = {"Surigaonon"},
["sum"] = {"Sumo-Mayangna"},
["suu"] = {"Sungkai"},
["svr"] = {"Savara"},
["szk"] = {"Sizaki"},
["tbb"] = {"Tapeba"},
["tdu"] = {"Tempasuk Dusun"},
["tgg"] = {"Tangga"},
["thc"] = {"Tai Hang Tong"},
["thw"] = {"Thudam"},
["thx"] = {"The"},
["tid"] = {"Tidong"},
["tie"] = {"Tingal"},
["tkk"] = {"Takpa"},
["tle"] = {"Southern Marakwet"},
["tlw"] = {"South Wemale"},
["tlz"] = {"Toala'"},
["tmp"] = {"Tai Mène"},
["tmx"] = {"Tomyang"},
["tne"] = {"Tinoc Kallahan"},
["tnf"] = {"Tangshewi"},
["tnj"] = {"Tanjong"},
["toe"] = {"Tomedes"},
["tot"] = {"Patla-Chicontla Totonac"},
["tsf"] = {"Southwestern Tamang"},
["ttx"] = {"Tutong 1"},
["tzb"] = {"Bachajón Tzeltal"},
["tzc"] = {"Chamula Tzotzil"},
["tze"] = {"Chenalhó Tzotzil"},
["tzs"] = {"San Andrés Larrainzar Tzotzil"},
["tzt"] = {"Western Tzutujil"},
["tzu"] = {"Huixtán Tzotzil"},
["tzz"] = {"Zinacantán Tzotzil"},
["ubm"] = {"Upper Baram Kenyah"},
["unp"] = {"Worora"},
["uok"] = {"Uokha"},
["vky"] = {"Kayu Agung"},
["vlr"] = {"Vatrata"},
["vmo"] = {"Muko-Muko"},
["wgw"] = {"Wagawaga"},
["wit"] = {"Wintu"},
["wiw"] = {"Wirangu"},
["wre"] = {"Ware"},
["xah"] = {"Kahayan"},
["xba"] = {"Kamba (Brazil)"},
["xbx"] = {"Kabixí"},
["xia"] = {"Xiandao"},
["xip"] = {"Xipináwa"},
["xkh"] = {"Karahawyana"},
["xkm"] = {"Mahakam Kenyah"},
["xmi"] = {"Miarrã"},
["xrq"] = {"Karranga"},
["xsk"] = {"Sakan"},
["xst"] = {"Silt'e"},
["xtz"] = {"Tasmanian"},
["xuf"] = {"Kunfal"},
["ybd"] = {"Yangbye"},
["yds"] = {"Yiddish Sign Language"},
["yen"] = {"Yendang"},
["yib"] = {"Yinglish"},
["yio"] = {"Dayao Yi"},
["yiy"] = {"Yir Yoront"},
["yma"] = {"Yamphe"},
["ymj"] = {"Muji Yi"},
["ymt"] = {"Mator-Taygi-Karagas"},
["ynh"] = {"Yangho"},
["yos"] = {"Yos"},
["ypl"] = {"Pula Yi"},
["ypw"] = {"Puwa Yi"},
["yri"] = {"Yarí"},
["yus"] = {"Chan Santa Cruz Maya"},
["yuu"] = {"Yugh"},
["ywm"] = {"Wumeng Yi"},
["yym"] = {"Yuanjiang-Mojiang Yi"},
["zir"] = {"Ziriya"},
["ztc"] = {"Lachirioag Zapotec"}