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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Module documentation
-- This module powers {{countdown}}.

local p = {}

-- Constants
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

local function formatMessage(secondsLeft, event, color, refreshLink)
	local absSecondLeft = math.abs( secondsLeft ) 
	local timeLeft = lang:formatDuration(absSecondLeft, {'years', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes'})

	local isSingleSubject = string.match(timeLeft, '^%d+') == '1'

	-- Color and bold the numbers, because it makes them look important.
	local timeLeft = string.gsub(timeLeft, '(%d+)', '<span style="color: ' .. (color or '#F00') .. '; font-weight: bold;">%1</span>')
	-- Make the refresh link and join it all together.

	local msg
	if secondsLeft > 0 then
		-- the event is in the future
		-- TODO: internationalization
		msg = isSingleSubject
			and 'There is %s until %s.%s'
			or  'There are %s until %s.%s'
		-- the event is in the past
		-- TODO: internationalization
		msg = isSingleSubject
			and 'It has been %s passed after %s.%s'
			or  'It has been %s passed after %s.%s'

	return string.format( msg, timeLeft, event, refreshLink )

function p.main(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)

	if not (args.year and args.month and args.day) then
		return  '<strong class="error">Error: year, month, and day must be specified</strong>'

	local eventTime = os.time({year=args.year, month=args.month, day=args.day, hour=args.hour, min=args.minute, sec=args.second})
	local timeToStart = os.difftime(eventTime, os.time()) -- (future time - current time)

	local refreshLink = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():fullUrl({action = 'purge'})
	refreshLink = string.format(' <small><span class="plainlinks">([%s refresh])</span></small>', refreshLink)
	if timeToStart > 0 then
		-- Event has not begun yet
		return formatMessage(timeToStart, args.event or 'the event begins', args.color, refreshLink)
	elseif  args.countup == 'yes' then
		return formatMessage(timeToStart, args.event or 'started', args.color, refreshLink)
	elseif args.duration then
		local timeToEnd
		if args['duration unit'] then
			-- Duration is in unit other than seconds, use formatDate to add
			timeToEnd = tonumber(lang:formatDate('U', '@' .. tostring(timeToStart) .. ' +' .. tostring(args.duration) .. ' ' .. args['duration unit']))
			timeToEnd = timeToStart + tonumber(args.duration)
		if timeToEnd > 0 then
			-- Event is in progress
			return args.eventstart .. refreshLink or formatMessage(timeToEnd, (args.event or 'the event') .. ' ends', args.color, refreshLink)
			-- Event had a duration and has now ended
			return (args.eventend or ((lang:ucfirst(args.event or 'The event')) .. ' has ended.')) .. refreshLink
		-- Event had no duration and has begun
		return (args.eventstart or ((lang:ucfirst(args.event or 'The event')) .. ' has started.')) .. refreshLink

return p