Mobile Projects/WLM App Fact Sheet/lb
Informatiounen iwwert d'Android App vu Wiki Loves Monuments
[edit]This Fact Sheet summarizes key points about the WLM App that are important to contest organizers and participants. If you want something added, please make a comment on the Talk page.
Wat mécht déi App?
[edit]- The app provides two ways to find monuments: by country/region/city and by current location.
- The app allows you to upload mobile photos from your phone's gallery or new photos you take while using the app directly to
- Photos are uploaded with a unique title, monument ID, appropriate categories, license info — everything needed to be an official entry in the contest.
- You can also see the history of photos you uploaded as well as photos you want to upload later. Uploading later can be convenient when data roaming charges are expensive, when network connections are weak, and when you want to match up monuments with photos taken on a camera.
Here is the short version:
- Finds monuments by country/region/city and by current location
- Lets you upload an existing photo from the gallery or a newly-taken photo
- Formats photos with required metadata for contest submission
- Shows history of uploads and defer uploads until later to save data charges
Wou kann ech déi App kréien?
[edit]" Lued d'App vu Wiki Loves Monuments fir Android vum Google Play store erof, disponibel vum 1. September 2012 un.
- You can also download the Wiki Loves Monuments Android App Beta on Google Play store, starting August 15, 2012 - search for "Wiki Loves Monuments beta."
Dat ass e laangen Numm fir dës App. Kann ech deen ofkierzen?
[edit]- WLM App is the shortest possible version of the app's name. It can also be shortened to WLM Android App. Since the release for this year's contest will be Android only, it may be important to include the word Android in some contexts.
A watfir enge Sproochen a Länner wäert déi App disponibel sinn?
[edit]- D'App gëtt vu Fräiwëlligen op iwwersat. D'Iwwersetzunge gi bäi all neier Release vun der App aktualiséiert.
- Wann d'App nach net iwwersat ginn ass, heescht dat datt de Benotzer-Interface op Englesch gewise gëtt, ginn awer d'Monumenter vun alle Länner gewisen déi beim Concours matmaachen.
- Google Play is global and the app should be available in any country where Google Play is available. This should include all of the countries participating in the contest.
Wéi kann ech d'App méi bekannt maachen?
[edit]- Please use any of the marketing materials available here.
- Please include the download link, logo, Google Play button or QR code wherever it is convenient.
- Please include mention of the app in press announcements and any marketing related to Wiki Loves Monuments.
- Feel free to modify graphics to suit space restrictions or translation needs - to get the original Photoshop files, please email hwalls at wikimedia dot org.
Brauch ech e Benotzerkont op Commons?
[edit]- Jo. Normalerweis fonctionnéiert e Benotzerkont vu Wikipedia och op Commons, mä wann datt net de Fall ass, da muss en neie Benotzerkont op Commons ugeluecht ginn.
- The app provides a link on the login screen to create an account on Commons, but it will be easier to create the account in advance.
Setzt déi App meng Fotoen op Wikipedia?
[edit]- Är Fichieren déi Dir eroplued gi fir d'Abannen a Wikipedia a Betruecht gezunn. Ob Är Foto an een Artikel dragesat gëtt hänkt vun de Leit of déi op Commons an op Wikipedia matschaffen.
- Eent vun den Haaptziler vum Concours ass et fir méi a besser Fotoe vu Monumenter op d'Artikele vu Wikipedia vun deene Monumneter ze kréien. Probéiert dofir Ärt Bescht an hëlleft dem fräie Wësse fir besser ze ginn!
Kann ech eng aner Lizenz benotze wéi déi, déi vun der App ugebuede gëtt?
[edit]- In almost all cases, each country participating in the contest has chosen a single license to use for all submissions in that country. However, it is possible to change the license later by going to the, finding your photo and editing the license info.
- It is possible that you will unintentionally create a copyright violation. For instance, in some countries monuments older than a certain year are not allowed to be photographed. Please refer to the rules for each country, and eventually any violation will be flagged. In general, the monuments that appear in the app are cleared for being photographed and the license assumes you took the photograph.
Gëtt et eng Begrenzung an der Zäit oder eng aner Limitatioun fir d'App ze benotzen?
[edit]" De Concours ass offiziell Enn September 2012 eriwwer. Ofhängeg vun den Organisateure vum Concours ass et méiglech fir Fotoen nom Enn vum Concours eropzelueden, awer dat sollt dir am beschte mat den Organisateure vum Concours an Ärem Land ofklären. D'App fonctionnéiert nom Oktober 2012 net méi.
- Dir kënnt esou vill Fotoe maache wéi Dir fräi Plaz op Ärem Telefon hutt. Wann Dir se méi spéit eroplued kënnt Dir d'Batch-Funktioun benotzen a méi Fotoen zesummen an enger Kéier zesummen eroplueden.