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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


 "@languages": "",
 "@doc": "Reports forms wizard configuration file",
 "create": {
   "config": {
     "post-edit": "Thank you for creating your Report",
     "new-page": true,
     "namespace": "Grants:",
     "portal-page": "",
     "page-template": "",
     "infobox": "Probox",
     "talkpage-template": "",
     "page-home": "",
     "dialog-title": "Reports Portal",
     "toolkit-name": "",
     "toolkit-template": "",
     "error-not-logged-in": "Please login first before continuing!",
     "edit-comment-prefix": "Creating a new report ",
     "edit-comment-suffix": " (edited with FormWizard)"
   "step-1": {
     "introText": {
       "type": "text",
       "string": "* are required fields"
     "organizationTypeDropdown": {
       "type": "dropdownList",
       "text-1": "How would you identify your organization?",
       "mandatory": true,
       "add-to": "infobox",
       "infobox-param": "pattern_type",
       "values": [
         "User Group",
         "Thematic Organization / Chapter",
         "Allied or Other Organization"
     "groupMissionBox": {
       "type": "largeTextBox",
       "title": "Organizational Information",
       "text-1": "Group Mission",
       "characterLength": 200
     "missionChanged": {
       "type": "dropdownList",
       "text-1": "Has this changed in the last year?",
       "add-to": "infobox",
       "infobox-param": "pattern_type",
       "values": [
         "Not Sure"
     "missionChangedYes": {
       "type": "largeTextBox",
       "title": "",
       "text-1": "If Yes or Unsure, please explain",
       "characterLength": 200
     "groupMembershipPage": {
       "type": "smallTextBox",
       "title": "",
       "text-1": "Group Membership Page",
       "characterLength": 100,
       "placeholder": "Link to group page..."
     "memberCount": {
       "type": "smallTextBox",
       "title": "",
       "text-1": "Member Count",
       "characterLength": 100,
       "mandatory": true
     "nextButton": {
       "type": "nextButton",
       "title": "Next"
   "step-2": {
     "organizationTypeDropdown": {
       "type": "dropdownList",
       "title": "Report Type",
       "text-1": "What kind of report are you submitting?",
       "mandatory": true,
       "add-to": "infobox",
       "infobox-param": "pattern_type",
       "values": [
         "Annual Plan",
         "Annual Activities Report",
         "Annual Financial Report (Not required for User Groups",
         "Grant Report (Optional)",
         "Other (Optional)"
     "socialMediaFacebook": {
       "type": "smallTextBox",
       "title": "Social Media Links",
       "placeholder": "Facebook",
       "characterLength": 100
     "socialMediaTwitter": {
       "type": "smallTextBox",
       "placeholder": "Twitter",
       "title": "",
       "characterLength": 100
     "socialMediaOther": {
       "type": "smallTextBox",
       "placeholder": "Other",
       "title": "",
       "characterLength": 100
     "decisionMakingStructure": {
       "type": "checkboxList",
       "title": "Decision Making Structure",
       "text-1": "Check all that apply",
       "choiceList": [
           "key": "Board",
           "value": "Board"
           "key": "Consensus Decision Making",
           "value": "Consensus Decision Making"
           "key": "Democratic Process",
           "value": "Democratic Process"
           "key": "No Shared Structure",
           "value": "No Shared Structure"
     "boardContacts": {
       "type": "largeTextBox",
       "title": "",
       "text-1": "Board / Primary Contacts (List usernames and roles)",
       "mandatory": true,
       "characterLength": 200
     "nextButton": {
       "type": "nextButton",
       "title": "Next"
     "backButton": {
       "type": "backButton",
       "title": "Back"
   "step-3": {
       "starDateTimeline": {
       "type": "smallTextBox",
       "title": "Reporting Details",
       "text-1": "Reporting Timeline (Date format should be - DD/MM/YYYY)",
       "placeholder": "Start Date: DD/MM/YYYY",
       "characterLength": 100,
       "mandatory": true
     "endDateTimeline": {
       "type": "smallTextBox",
       "placeholder": "End Date: DD/MM/YYYY",
       "title": "",
       "characterLength": 100,
       "mandatory": true
     "totalBudget": {
       "type": "smallTextBox",
       "text-1": "Total Budget (Formatted as 5,000.00)",
       "placeholder": "0.00",
       "title": "",
       "characterLength": 100
     "currencyDropDown": {
       "type": "dropdownList",
       "title": "",
       "text-1": "Currency",
       "mandatory": true,
       "add-to": "infobox",
       "infobox-param": "pattern_type",
       "values": [
     "attachReportLink": {
       "type": "largeTextBox",
       "title": "",
       "text-1": "Add Report Link (markup/link - what is the mask test? Is there a format for this?) e.g. /chapters/FinancialActivities2017Q1",
       "characterLength": 200,
       "placeholder": "https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_chapters/Reports/Wikimedia_Australia/2016/Annual_Report",
       "mandatory": true
     "otherLinks": {
       "type": "largeTextBox",
       "title": "",
       "text-1": "Other Links",
       "characterLength": 200
     "partnershipsInformation": {
       "type": "checkboxList",
       "title": "Partnerships Information",
       "text-1": "",
       "choiceList": [
           "key": "Educational Institutions",
           "value": "Educational Institutions"
           "key": "GLAM Institutions",
           "value": "GLAM Institutions"
           "key": "Other",
           "value": "Other"
     "doneButton": {
       "type": "doneButton",
       "title": "Create Report"
     "backButton": {
       "type": "backButton",
       "title": "Back"
