"@languages": "
"@doc": "PEG- new proposal form wizard configuration file", "create":{ "config":{ "post-edit": "Thank you for creating your proposal! Please fill in the sections below and then change the status of your request to OPEN in the infobox.", "new-page": true, "namespace": "Grants:", "portal-page": "PEG/", "page-template": "", "infobox": "Probox", "talkpage-template": "", "page-home": "Grants:PEG", "dialog-title": "Let's create your proposal!", "toolkit-name": "", "toolkit-template": "", "error-not-logged-in": "Please log in first before continuing :)", "edit-comment-prefix": "Creating a new PEG proposal ", "edit-comment-suffix": " (edited with FormWizard)" }, "step-1":{ "projectNameTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "[YourName]/[Project title]", "title": "Proposal title", "text-1": "Please title you proposal by typing your username (or the name of your organization) followed by a forward slash ('/') and the name of your project.", "text-2": "Example for Wikimedia Chapters: 'WM UK/Social media outreach in Wales'", "text-3": "Example for other organizations: 'Ada initiative/AdaCamp'", "text-4": "Example for individuals: 'JMorgan/WLM British Colombia 2014'", "characterLength":100, "mandatory":true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"project", "validate": "doesNotExists", "page-title":true }, "affiliateTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: WM DE", "title": "Affiliate code", "text-1": "IF THIS GRANT IS TO A WIKIMEDIA AFFILIATE:", "text-2": "Please type the four-letter code for your organization in the box below. Please leave a space between the first two letters and the last two letters.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"affiliate" }, "affiliateLink": { "type": "link", "href": "", "link": "Look up your four-letter affiliate code here" }, "projectSummaryTextbox": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "", "title": "Resumo", "text-1": "Please briefly summarize your proposal in a sentence or two.", "characterLength":300, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"summary" }, "projectTargetTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "ekzemple: Hispanlingva Vikipedio", "title": "Cela projekto", "text-1": "Please add the existing Wikimedia projects and language versions that you seek to impact with this project.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"target" }, "strategicPriorityDropdown": { "type": "dropdownList", "title": "Strategia prioritato", "placeholder": "select...", "text-1": "Please select the main strategic priority that your project activities focus on.", "text-2": "Definitions of strategic priorities: 'Increase Reach' (more people are able to access Wikimedia projects), 'Improve Quality' (better quality and quantity of content on Wikimedia projects), 'Increase Participation' (larger and more diverse groups of people are contributing to Wikimedia projects).", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"goal", "values": ["Increase reach","Improve quality","Increase participation"] }, "strategicPriorityLink": { "type": "link", "href": "", "link": "Read more about PEG strategic priorities" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Posten" }, "cancelButton":{ "type": "cancelButton", "title":"Nuligi" } }, "step-2":{ "startDayAndMonthTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "ekzemple: 25a de Januaro", "title": "Komenca dato", "text-1": "Please add the MONTH and DAY you expect to begin spending funds for this project. The start date should be at least 6 weeks after you submit your grant request to allow time for review, discussion, and revision.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"start_date" }, "startYearTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: 2014", "title": "Komenca jaro", "text-1": "Please add the YEAR you expect to start work on your project.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"start_year" }, "endDayAndMonthTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "ekzemple: 15a de Februaro", "title": "Fina dato", "text-1": "Please add the MONTH and DAY you expect to finish work on your project.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"end_date" }, "endYearTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "ekzemple: 2015", "title": "Fina jaro", "text-1": "Please add the YEAR you expect to finish work on your project.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"end_year" }, "localAmountRequestedTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "ekzemple: 48000 Barataj rupioj", "title": "Petata mono (loka valuto)", "text-1": "Please add the amount you are requesting in your local currency, if it is not USD. WMF is able to grant funds in many currencies.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"amount_local" }, "amountRequestedTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "ekzemple; 800 Usonaj dolaroj", "title": "Petata mono (Usonaj dolaroj)", "text-1": "Please provide an equivalent amount in US dollars using the exchange rate provided by (link below) on the date you open this request.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"amount" }, "currencyCalculatorLink": { "type": "link", "href": "", "link": " currency calculator" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Next" }, "backButton":{ "type":"backButton", "title":"Back" } }, "step-3":{ "primaryContactTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example:", "title": "Primary contact", "text-1": "Please provide the email address (or username) of the main contact for this grant request. You do not need to disclose your legal name publicly.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"contact", "comment": "" }, "grantTypeDropdown": { "type": "dropdownList", "title": "Grant type", "placeholder": "select...", "text-1": "Is this grant being requested by an organization, a group, or an individual?", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"grant_type", "values": ["Individual","Group","Organization"] }, "orgNameTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: Wikimedia Antarctica", "title": "Organization name", "text-1": "IF THIS GRANT IS TO A GROUP OR ORGANIZATION:", "text-2" : "Please provide the name of the group or organization.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"organization" }, "secondaryContactTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: abartov", "title": "Secondary contact", "text-1": "IF THIS GRANT IS TO A GROUP OR ORGANIZATION:", "text-2": "Please provide the email address (or username) of a secondary contact for this grant request. You do not need to disclose your legal name publicly.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"contact2" }, "websiteTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example:", "title": "Organization website", "text-1": "IF THIS GRANT IS TO A GROUP OR ORGANIZATION:", "text-2": "Please link to your organization website, or any relevant online resources.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"website" }, "nonProfitProofDropdown": { "type": "dropdownList", "title": "Proof of nonprofit status", "placeholder": "select...", "text-1": "IF THIS GRANT IS TO AN ORGANIZATION:", "text-2": "Are you an incorporated organization able to provide local proof of nonprofit status within your country? For-profit organizations are not eligible to receive grants through the PEG program.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"nonprofit", "values": ["No","Yes"] }, "goalSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Goal", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Goal", "value": "Please briefly describe what will be accomplished if the project is successful (2–3 sentences).", "comment": "" }, "planSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Plan", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Plan" }, "activitiesSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Activities", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent": "planSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Activities", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT", "comment": "" }, "impactSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Impact", "mandatory": false, "parent": "planSection", "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Impact" }, "targetReadershipSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Target readership", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "impactSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Target readership", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT", "comment": "" }, "fitWithStrategySection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Fit with strategy", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "impactSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Fit with strategy", "value": "What crucial thing will the project try to change or benefit in the Wikimedia movement? Please select the Wikimedia strategic priority(ies) that your project most directly aims to impact and explain how your project fits. Most projects fit all strategic priorites. However, we would like project managers to focus their efforts on impacting 1-2 strategic priorities. Examples of strategic priorities can be found at here.", "comment": "" }, "measuresOfSuccessSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Measures of success", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "impactSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Measures of success", "value": "Please provide a list of both quantitative and qualitative criteria that will be used determine how successful the project is. You will need to report on the success of the project according to these measures after the project is completed. See the PEG Program Resources for suggested measures of success. Note: In addition to your project-specific measures of success, you will also be asked to report on some Global Metrics at the end of your final report. Please keep this in mind as you plan, and we'll support you as you begin your project.", "comment": "" }, "resourcesAndRisksSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Resources and risks", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Resources and risks", "value": "", "comment": "" }, "resourcesSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Resources", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "resourcesAndRisksSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Resources", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT ", "comment": "" }, "risksSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Risks", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "resourcesAndRisksSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Risks", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT", "comment": "" }, "budgetSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Budget", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Budget", "value": "Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines. Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.", "comment": "" }, "projectBudgetTableSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Project budget table", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "budgetSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Project budget table", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT", "comment": "" }, "totalCostOfProjectSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Total cost of project", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "budgetSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Total cost of project", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT", "comment": "" }, "totalAmountRequestedSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Total amount requested", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "budgetSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Total amount requested", "value": "Total amount requested from the Project and Event Grants Program.", "comment": "" }, "additionalSourcesOfRevenueSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Additional sources of revenue", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "budgetSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Additional sources of revenue", "value": "Additional sources of revenue, other than the Project and Event Grants Program, that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded.", "comment": "" }, "nonFinancialRequirementsSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Non-financial requirements", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "parent": "budgetSection", "section-header": "Non-financial requirements", "value": "See a description of non financial assistance available. Please inform the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requirements for non-financial assistance now.", "comment": "" }, "discussionSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Discussion", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Discussion", "value": "", "comment": "" }, "communityNotificationSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Community notification", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "discussionSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Community notification", "value": "You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a village pump, talkpage, mailing list. Please paste a link below to where the relevant communities have been notified of this proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?", "comment": "" }, "endorsementsSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Endorsements", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "discussionSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Endorsements", "value": "Do you think this project should be selected for a Project and Event Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.", "comment": "" }, "statusPEG": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "status", "value": "DRAFT" }, "portalPEG": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "portal", "value": "PEG" }, "translationsPEG": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "translations", "value": "Probox/PEG/Content" }, "participantsPEG": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "more_participants", "value": "NO" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"doneButton", "title":"Create my proposal" }, "backButton":{ "type":"backButton", "title":"Back" } } }, "expand":{ "config":{ "post-edit": "Thank you for turning your idea into a Project and Event Grant proposal! Please feel free to continue editing your page to improve it over time, and check the IEG submission page for more information.", "new-page": false, "namespace": "Grants", "portal-page": "IdeaLab", "page-template": "", "infobox": "Probox", "talkpage-template": "", "page-home": "Grants:IdeaLab", "dialog-title": "Let's turn your idea into an PEGrant proposal", "error-not-logged-in": "You are not logged in - please login to your account before continuing.", "edit-comment-prefix": "Expanded idea into a Project and Event Grant", "edit-comment-suffix": "(edited with FormWizard)", "edit-comment-default": "Expanding the proposal," }, "step-1":{ "affiliateTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: WM DE", "title": "Affiliate code", "text-1": "IF THIS GRANT IS TO A WIKIMEDIA AFFILIATE:", "text-2": "Please type the four-letter code for your organization in the box below. Please leave a space between the first two letters and the last two letters.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"affiliate" }, "affiliateLink": { "type": "link", "href": "", "link": "Look up your four-letter affiliate code here" }, "projectSummaryTextbox": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "", "title": "Resumo", "text-1": "Please briefly summarize your proposal in a sentence or two.", "characterLength":300, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"summary" }, "projectTargetTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: Spanish Wikipedia", "title": "Target project", "text-1": "Please add the existing Wikimedia projects and language versions that you seek to impact with this project.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"target" }, "strategicPriorityDropdown": { "type": "dropdownList", "title": "Strategic priority", "placeholder": "select...", "text-1": "Please select the main strategic priority that your project activities focus on.", "text-2": "Definitions of strategic priorities: 'Increase Reach' (more people are able to access Wikimedia projects), 'Improve Quality' (better quality and quantity of content on Wikimedia projects), 'Increase Participation' (larger and more diverse groups of people are contributing to Wikimedia projects).", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"goal", "values": ["Increase reach","Improve quality","Increase participation"] }, "strategicPriorityLink": { "type": "link", "href": "", "link": "Read more about PEG strategic priorities" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Next" }, "cancelButton":{ "type": "cancelButton", "title":"Cancel" } }, "step-2":{ "startDayAndMonthTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: January 25", "title": "Start date", "text-1": "Please add the MONTH and DAY you expect to begin spending funds for this project. The start date should be at least 6 weeks after you submit your grant request to allow time for review, discussion, and revision.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"start_date" }, "startYearTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: 2014", "title": "Start year", "text-1": "Please add the YEAR you expect to start work on your project.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"start_year" }, "endDayAndMonthTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: February 15", "title": "End date", "text-1": "Please add the MONTH and DAY you expect to finish work on your project.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"end_date" }, "endYearTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: 2015", "title": "End year", "text-1": "Please add the YEAR you expect to finish work on your project.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"end_year" }, "localAmountRequestedTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: 48,000 INR", "title": "Amount requested (local currency)", "text-1": "Please add the amount you are requesting in your local currency, if it is not USD. WMF is able to grant funds in many currencies.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"amount_local" }, "amountRequestedTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: 800 USD", "title": "Amount requested (USD)", "text-1": "Please provide an equivalent amount in US dollars using the exchange rate provided by (link below) on the date you open this request.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"amount" }, "currencyCalculatorLink": { "type": "link", "href": "", "link": " currency calculator" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"nextButton", "title":"Next" }, "backButton":{ "type":"backButton", "title":"Back" } }, "step-3":{ "primaryContactTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: awang", "title": "Primary contact", "text-1": "Please provide the email address (or username) of the main contact for this grant request. You do not need to disclose your legal name publicly.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"contact", "comment": "" }, "grantTypeDropdown": { "type": "dropdownList", "title": "Grant type", "placeholder": "select...", "text-1": "Is this grant being requested by an organization, a group, or an individual?", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": true, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"grant_type", "values": ["Individual","Group","Organization"] }, "orgNameTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "example: Wikimedia Antarctica", "title": "Organization name", "text-1": "IF THIS GRANT IS TO A GROUP OR ORGANIZATION:", "text-2" : "Please provide the name of the group or organization.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"organization" }, "secondaryContactTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "ekzemple: abartov", "title": "Secondary contact", "text-1": "IF THIS GRANT IS TO A GROUP OR ORGANIZATION:", "text-2": "Please provide the email address (or username) of a secondary contact for this grant request. You do not need to disclose your legal name publicly.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"contact2" }, "websiteTextbox": { "type": "smallTextBox", "placeholder": "ekzemple:", "title": "Retejo de organizaĵo", "text-1": "IF THIS GRANT IS TO A GROUP OR ORGANIZATION:", "text-2": "Please link to your organization website, or any relevant online resources.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"website" }, "nonProfitProofDropdown": { "type": "dropdownList", "title": "Proof of nonprofit status", "placeholder": "select...", "text-1": "IF THIS GRANT IS TO AN ORGANIZATION:", "text-2": "Are you an incorporated organization able to provide local proof of nonprofit status within your country? For-profit organizations are not eligible to receive grants through the PEG program.", "characterLength":100, "mandatory": false, "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param":"nonprofit", "values": ["No","Yes"] }, "planSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Plan", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Plan" }, "activitiesSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Activities", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent": "planSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Activities", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT", "comment": "" }, "impactSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Impact", "mandatory": false, "parent": "planSection", "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Impact" }, "targetReadershipSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Target readership", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "impactSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Target readership", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT", "comment": "" }, "fitWithStrategySection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Fit with strategy", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "impactSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Fit with strategy", "value": "What crucial thing will the project try to change or benefit in the Wikimedia movement? Please select the Wikimedia strategic priority(ies) that your project most directly aims to impact and explain how your project fits. Most projects fit all strategic priorites. However, we would like project managers to focus their efforts on impacting 1-2 strategic priorities. Examples of strategic priorities can be found at here.", "comment": "" }, "measuresOfSuccessSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Measures of success", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "impactSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Measures of success", "value": "Please provide a list of both quantitative and qualitative criteria that will be used determine how successful the project is. You will need to report on the success of the project according to these measures after the project is completed. See the PEG Program Resources for suggested measures of success. Note: In addition to your project-specific measures of success, you will also be asked to report on some Global Metrics at the end of your final report. Please keep this in mind as you plan, and we'll support you as you begin your project.", "comment": "" }, "resourcesAndRisksSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Resources and risks", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Resources and risks", "value": "", "comment": "" }, "resourcesSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Resources", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "resourcesAndRisksSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Resources", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT ", "comment": "" }, "risksSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Risks", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "resourcesAndRisksSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Risks", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT", "comment": "" }, "budgetSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Budget", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Budget", "value": "Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines. Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.", "comment": "" }, "projectBudgetTableSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Project budget table", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "budgetSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Project budget table", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT", "comment": "" }, "totalCostOfProjectSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Total cost of project", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "budgetSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Total cost of project", "value": "PLACEHOLDER TEXT", "comment": "" }, "totalAmountRequestedSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Total amount requested", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "budgetSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Total amount requested", "value": "Total amount requested from the Project and Event Grants Program.", "comment": "" }, "additionalSourcesOfRevenueSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Additional sources of revenue", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "parent" : "budgetSection", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Additional sources of revenue", "value": "Additional sources of revenue, other than the Project and Event Grants Program, that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded.", "comment": "" }, "nonFinancialRequirementsSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Non-financial requirements", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "parent": "budgetSection", "section-header": "Non-financial requirements", "value": "See a description of non financial assistance available. Please inform the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requirements for non-financial assistance now.", "comment": "" }, "communityNotificationSection": { "type": "largeTextBox", "placeholder": "leave this blank!", "title": "", "characterLength":1000, "section": "Community notification", "mandatory": false, "add-to": "section", "visibility": "hidden", "section-header": "Community notification", "value": "You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a village pump, talkpage, mailing list. Please paste a link below to where the relevant communities have been notified of this proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?", "comment": "" }, "statusPEG": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "status", "value": "DRAFT" }, "portalPEG": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "portal", "value": "PEG" }, "translationsPEG": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "translations", "value": "Probox/PEG/Content" }, "participantsPEG": { "type": "smallTextBox", "visibility": "hidden", "add-to": "infobox", "infobox-param": "more_participants", "value": "NO" }, "nextButton":{ "type":"doneButton", "title":"Create my proposal" }, "backButton":{ "type":"backButton", "title":"Back" } } }