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Méta:Kuncén/Payabutan (kateuaktipan)

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Meta:Administrators/Removal (inactivity) and the translation is 71% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Kaca ieu ngabahas prosés miceun kuncén Méta nu teu aktip, dumasar kana kriteria nu geus ditangtukeun. Ieu dijieun pikeun ngajawab diskusi dina Méta talk:Kuncén/Konfir—tingali di dieu—jeung ngagantikeun prosés konfirmasi kuncén saméméhna.

Tinjauan kuncén resmi salajengna bakal lumangsung dina: 1 April 2025

Kriteria panyabutan

  1. Pamaké anu geus nyieun kirang ti sapuluh éditan dina genep bulan langsung saméméh tanggal ngaleungitkeun nu ditunjuk (1 April atawa 1 Oktober) dihapus tanpa aya bewara.
  2. Pamaké anu geus nyieun leuwih ti sapuluh éditan tapi kurang ti sapuluh tindakan nu merlukeun hak administrator (inget, ieu kaasup éditan ka kaca ditangtayungan, jsb) dina periode nu sarua dibéré saminggu pikeun nunjukkeun maranéhna hayang ngajaga aksés maranéhanana. Pamaké dina kategori ieu kudu diwartosan dina poé kahiji, sarta kuncén dihapus tanpa béwara dina poé katujuh lamun teu aya respon.
  3. Administrators who are desysopped also lose bureaucrat, interface administrator and CentralNotice administrator rights, if they have them, but not translation administrator rights.
  4. Interface administrators who are not also local administrators lose their access if they fail to make at least 10 global edits in the last 6 months. This is to be checked every April 1 and October 1 as well.
  5. CentralNotice administrators that are not Meta-Wiki administrators will automatically lose the permission if they have not made any edit or logged action for which this permission is required in the last 12 months immediately prior to the designated review date (October 1).
  6. Any translation administrator inactive on Meta will have their translationadmin user right removed. "Inactivity" is defined as total inactivity (no edits or logged actions) in the past two years. This is to be checked every April 1 and October 1.

Proyék ayeuna

None currently
