Meet Hungary

Meet Hungary is an editing month challenge for Wiki Club's members in the Republic of Macedonia, taking place from 25 January (00:01) to 23 February 2019 (23:59). It is organized by GLAM Macedonia in cooperation with Association of Hungarians in the Republic of Macedonia "Teledom", who are supported by the Hungarian Embassy in Skopje.
Aim and framework
[edit]Meet Hungary is a mutual project of GLAM Macedonia and the Association of Hungarians "Teledom" with an aim to fill the content gap on Hungarian themes on Macedonian Wikipedia. All Wiki Club's members in the Republic of Macedonia are welcome to participate. In the 30 days editing challenge several workshops and editing together were held.
There are no fixed rules, except the following:
- One have to be Wiki Club's member
- The articles have to be on Hungarian themes
- The articles could be new created or improved existing ones
The best five participants and the participant who created the best article, get their rewards and diplomas on a celebration of Hungarian public holiday, the 15th day of March, in memory of the 1848–49 Revolution and War of Independence, which took place on 16 March 2019 in Skopje.
[edit]As a topic of articles are accepted all Hungarian themes: history, geography and culture of Hungary and much more. The list of missing articles is sent to all Wiki Club members.
[edit]Meet Hungary editing challenge finished with the result of 28 participants and 408 articles created on the topics about the Hungarian history, culture and more. The ceremony of giving the rewards to the best participants took place on 13 March 2019. The ambassador of Hungary in Skopje gave the rewards to participants.
Discussion after the ceremony with the best participants
The points are calculated: 1 point for 3.000 bytes or more of text, 0.5 points for less of 3.000 bytes of text. First five winners are:
- Ina pet - 112.5 points (113 articles)
- Simona Trajkoska - 42 points (48 articles)
- Jtasevski123 - 41.5 points (45 articles)
- Krstevska123 - 34 points (39 articles)
- PetarZdravevski - 34 points (36 articles)
The best article: Унгарска револуција (1848)