MediaWiki talk:Newarticletext
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This system message on this site, depending on the user-specified interface language:
- en (English): <div class="mw-parser-output">{{template:{{#ifexist:Template:Newarticletext/{{int:Lang}}|Newarticletext/{{int:Lang}}|Newarticletext/en}}}}</div>
- af (Afrikaans / Afrikaans): Hierdie bladsy bestaan nie.
Tik iets in die invoerboks hier onder om 'n nuwe bladsy te skep. Meer inligting is op die [$1 hulpbladsy] beskikbaar. As u per ongeluk hier uitgekom het, gebruik u blaaier se '''terug'''-knoppie.
- ar (العربية/Arabic): لقد تبعت وصلة لصفحة لم يتم إنشائها بعد.
لإنشاء هذه الصفحة ابدأ الكتابة في الصندوق بالأسفل (انظر في [$1 صفحة المساعدة] للمزيد من المعلومات). إذا كانت زيارتك لهذه الصفحة بالخطأ، اضغط على زر <strong>رجوع</strong> في متصفح الإنترنت لديك.
- bg (Bulgarian / Български): Последвахте препратка към страница, която все още не съществува.
За да я създадете, просто започнете да пишете в долната текстова кутия (вижте [$1 помощната страница] за повече информация). Ако сте тук по погрешка, щракнете бутона <strong>назад</strong> на вашия браузър.
- da (Danish / Dansk): Du har fulgt et link til en side som endnu ikke findes.
For at oprette siden skal du begynde at skrive i boksen nedenfor (se [$1 hjælpesiden] for yderligere oplysninger). Hvis du er her ved en fejl, så klik på din browsers <strong>tilbage</strong>-knap.
- de (German / Deutsch): Du bist einem Link zu einer Seite gefolgt, die nicht vorhanden ist.
Um diese Seite anzulegen, trage deinen Text in das untenstehende Bearbeitungsfeld ein (weitere Informationen auf der [$1 Hilfeseite]). Sofern du fälschlicherweise hier bist, klicke auf die Schaltfläche '''Zurück''' deines Browsers.
- eo (Esperanto / Esperanto): Vi sekvis ligilon al paĝo ankoraŭ ne ekzistanta. Se vi volas krei ĝin, ektajpu malsupre (vidu la [$1 helpopaĝon] por klarigoj.) Se vi malintence alvenis ĉi tien, simple alklaku <strong>Reen</strong>-butonon de via retumilo.
- es (Spanish / Español): Has seguido un enlace a una página que aún no existe.
Para crear esta página, escribe en el cuadro que aparece a continuación. Para más información, consulta la [$1 página de ayuda]. Si llegaste aquí por error, vuelve a la página anterior.
- eu (Basque / Euskara): Orrialde hau ez da existitzen oraindik. Orrialde sortu nahi baduzu, beheko koadroan idazten hasi zaitezke (ikus [$1 laguntza orrialdea] informazio gehiagorako). Hona nahi gabe etorri bazara, nabigatzaileko '''atzera''' botoian klik egin.
- fr (French / Français): Vous avez suivi un lien vers une page qui n’existe pas encore.
Afin de créer cette page, entrez votre texte dans la boîte ci-après (vous pouvez consulter [$1 la page d’aide] pour plus d’informations). Si vous êtes arrivé{{GENDER:||e}} ici par erreur, cliquez sur le bouton <strong>Retour</strong> de votre navigateur.
- fy (West Frisian / Frysk): Jo hawwe in keppeling folge nei in side dêr't noch gjin tekst op stiet.
Begjin mei skriuwen yn it fjild hjirûnder om de side oan te meitsjen (sjoch de [$1 helpside] foar mear ynformaasje). Klik op de <strong>tebek</strong>-knop fan jo webblêder at jo hjir by ûngelok telâne kommen binne.
- ia (Interlingua): Tu ha sequite un ligamine verso un pagina que non existe ancora.
Pro crear iste pagina, comencia a scriber in le quadro infra (consulta le [$1 pagina de adjuta] pro plus informationes). Si tu ha arrivate a iste pagina per error, clicca le button <strong>Retornar</strong> de tu navigator.
- it (Italian / Italiano): Il collegamento appena seguito corrisponde ad una pagina non ancora esistente.
Se vuoi creare la pagina ora, basta cominciare a scrivere il testo nella casella qui sotto (vedi la [$1 pagina di aiuto] per maggiori informazioni). Se il collegamento è stato aperto per errore, è sufficiente fare clic sul pulsante <strong>Indietro</strong> del proprio browser.
- la (Latin / Latina): Per nexum progressus es ad paginam quae nondum exsistit.
Novam paginam si vis creare, in capsam infra praebitam scribe. (Vide [$1 paginam auxilii] si plura cognoscere vis.) Si hic es propter errorem, solum '''Retrorsum''' in navigatro tuo preme.
- li (Limburgian / Limburgs): De höbs 'ne link gevolg nao 'n pagina die nog neet besjteit.
Type in de box hiejónger óm de pagina te beginne (zuug de [$1 helppagina] veur mie infermasie). Es te hie per óngelök terech bis gekómme, klik dan op de '''trök'''-knóp van diene browser.
- nl (Dutch / Nederlands): U hebt een link gevolgd naar een pagina die nog niet bestaat.
Om de pagina aan te maken typt u in het vak hieronder (meer informatie staat op de [$1 hulppagina]). Gebruik de knop <strong>Terug</strong> in uw browser als u hier per ongeluk terecht bent gekomen.
- no (Norwegian / Norsk (bokmål)): Du har fulgt en lenke til en side som ikke finnes ennå.
For å opprette siden, begynn å skrive i boksen under (se [$1 hjelpesiden] for mer informasjon). Om du havnet her ved en feil, trykk '''tilbake''' i nettleseren.
- pl (Polish / Polski): Strona o tym tytule nie istnieje.
Jeśli chcesz ją utworzyć, wpisz treść strony w poniższym polu (więcej informacji odnajdziesz [$1 na stronie pomocy]). Jeśli utworzenie nowej strony nie było Twoim zamiarem, wciśnij <strong>Wstecz</strong> w swojej przeglądarce.
- pt (Portuguese / Português): Seguiu uma hiperligação para uma página que ainda não existe.
Para criá-la, escreva o seu conteúdo na caixa abaixo (consulte a [$1 página de ajuda] para mais detalhes). Se chegou aqui por engano, clique o botão <strong>voltar</strong> do seu navegador.
- ru (Russian / Русский): Вы перешли по ссылке на страницу, которой пока не существует.
Чтобы её создать, наберите текст в окне, расположенном ниже (подробнее см. [$1 справочную страницу]). Если вы оказались здесь по ошибке, просто нажмите кнопку '''назад''' своего браузера.
- sv (Swedish / Svenska): Du har klickat på en länk till en sida som inte finns ännu. För att skapa sidan, börja att skriva i fältet nedan (du kan läsa mer på [$1 hjälpsidan]). Om du kom hit av misstag kan du bara trycka på <strong>tillbaka</strong>-knappen i din webbläsare.
- ta (Tamil / தமிழ்): ஒரு இணைப்பினூடாக நீங்கள் வந்துள்ள இப்பக்கம் இன்னும் உருவாக்கப்படவில்லை. பக்கத்தை உருவாக்குவதற்குக் கீழேயுள்ள கட்டத்துள் தட்டச்சிடத் தொடங்குங்கள். (மேலதிக விபரங்களுக்கு [$1 உதவிப் பக்கத்தைப்] பார்க்கவும்). நீங்கள் தவறுதலாக இங்கே வந்திருந்தால், உங்கள் உலாவியின் பின் செல்வதற்கான பொத்தானைச் சொடுக்கவும்.
- jbo (Lojban / jbobau): You have followed a link to a page that does not exist yet.
To create the page, start typing in the box below (see the [$1 help page] for more info). If you are here by mistake, click your browser's <strong>back</strong> button.
Other translations may exist — see autogenerated language list below:
pages in the MediaWiki namespace regarding this message
translations in translatewiki regarding this message
Minor edit
[edit]Could an admin please add some type of punctuation to the last line of this message ("THIS IS NOT YOUR TEST WIKI"). It seems goofy to have only one sentence without punctuation. Cheers. --MZMcBride 03:03, 4 March 2007 (UTC)
- Done.--Patrick 07:53, 4 March 2007 (UTC)
Useful link
[edit]It may be a good idea to link "TEST WIKI" to Melsaran 19:03, 7 October 2007 (UTC)
- Done.--Patrick (talk) 23:10, 7 October 2007 (UTC)
- Undoing it, Test Wiki is not for user tests, it is for developer tests. Cbrown1023 talk 04:41, 11 November 2007 (UTC)
But I'm not a visitor...
[edit]Why does this some up for logged-in users? Rocket000 04:40, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
- Why shouldn't it? Majorly talk 11:58, 9 June 2008 (UTC)
- Because it says "Attention visitors! THIS MEANS YOU! READ THIS!" How times do I got to read it? :-) It sounds it should be for anons only. Rocket000 00:05, 23 June 2008 (UTC)
- Just ignore it... it is the text shown when creating a new article, given to everyone (logged in or not). Cbrown1023 talk 03:56, 23 June 2008 (UTC)
- [1] Just ignore trivial things on a wiki!? Never! Thanks Spacebirdy :) Rocket000 05:15, 23 June 2008 (UTC)
- Just ignore it... it is the text shown when creating a new article, given to everyone (logged in or not). Cbrown1023 talk 03:56, 23 June 2008 (UTC)
- Because it says "Attention visitors! THIS MEANS YOU! READ THIS!" How times do I got to read it? :-) It sounds it should be for anons only. Rocket000 00:05, 23 June 2008 (UTC)
Specific messages for each namespace
[edit]Please replace the text with the following text. It enables us to use specific messages for each namespace. If there is no specific message available, the default message (= current message) will be picked. New specific messages may be used by creating MediaWiki:Newarticletext-NAMESPACENAME.
{{#ifexist: MediaWiki:Newarticletext-{{NAMESPACE}} | {{MediaWiki:Newarticletext-{{NAMESPACE}}}} | You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet. To create the page, start typing in the box below (see the [[Help:Help|help page]] for more info). <div id="newarticletext" style="background: white; border: 2px solid blue; margin: 8px 100px; padding: 8px 16px"> <center>'''Attention!'''</center> <center><big>'''THIS MEANS YOU! READ THIS!'''</big></center> This site is for [[Meta:About Meta|documentation and discussion on Wikimedia projects]]. If you are trying to add a page to your company's internal wiki site, you're in the wrong place. Just hit "'''back'''" in your browser until you find yourself back home. This is not the place for information pertaining to the [[MediaWiki]] software. The software has its own wiki at <center><big>'''[[Meta:Inclusion policy|OFF TOPIC PAGES]] WILL BE DELETED. THIS IS NOT YOUR TEST WIKI.'''</big></center> </div> }}
Please also create MediaWiki:Newarticletext-User talk with the following content:
You have followed a link to a user talk page that does not exist yet. Maybe you want to '''<span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAMEE}}|action=edit&preload=Template:Welcome/preload}} welcome this user]</span>'''?<br /> To create the page, start typing in the box below (see the [[{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}|help page]] for more info). If you are here by mistake, click your browser's '''back''' button.
The code has been tested on a local wiki and should work (if not, you'll get a full refund ;)). Thanks. --Church of emacs talk 23:15, 9 January 2010 (UTC)
- You hope for you (and me) that it works :) -Barras talk 11:00, 24 January 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks a lot! :) --Church of emacs talk 21:20, 24 January 2010 (UTC)
Search link
Please also add a search link:
[[Special:Search/{{FULLPAGENAMEE}}|Search for this title]]
right after "You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet." Thanks, --Church of emacs talk · contrib 22:28, 1 March 2010 (UTC)
Done — Dferg (talk) 14:49, 2 March 2010 (UTC)
Proposal for a new text
[edit]This template makes me angry every time i see it. We might as well put 'GET OUT CLUELESS NEWBIE!!' in there as well. Could we maybe have a text that is a little less hostile and rude?
Here's a proposal (i've changed the design a little as well)
You're about to create a new page on Wikimedia Meta-Wiki
This site is for documentation and discussion on Wikimedia projects, such as Wikipedia. This is not the place for generic encyclopedic articles (such as on Wikipedia) or discussion of MediaWiki software.
If you're still unsure about whether your article belongs here, have a look at our inclusion policy for pages. Thanks!
Husky 16:36, 14 May 2011 (UTC)
- Hi, I changed "discussion on" to "discussion of" - makes more sense. Also, not the place "to create" generic. I've also done a rewording and grammar fixing, proposed below: The Helpful One 15:20, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
You're about to create a new page on Wikimedia Meta-Wiki!
This site is for the documentation and discussion of Wikimedia projects, such as Wikipedia. This is not the place to create encyclopedic pages (such as on Wikipedia) or for the discussion of MediaWiki software.
If you're still unsure about whether your page belongs here, have a look at our inclusion policy. Please don't create pages with off-topic material as they will be deleted. Thanks!
- I like this idea. Really, there's nothing friendly about a big heading that says "THIS MEANS YOU! READ THIS!" like the current version has. Something, this or a refinement, has got to change. Courcelles 16:29, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
- This shouldn't need much discussion. This change is sorely overdue. PeterSymonds (talk) 21:28, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
- I like it too. Looks better and is not such aggresive as the actual. --WizardOfOz talk 21:31, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
- OK, slight colour change per User:Krinkle's suggestion,
You're about to create a new page on Wikimedia Meta-Wiki!
This site is for the documentation and discussion of Wikimedia projects, such as Wikipedia. This is not the place to create encyclopedic pages (such as on Wikipedia) or for the discussion of MediaWiki software.
If you're still unsure about whether your page belongs here, have a look at our inclusion policy. Please don't create pages with off-topic material as they will be deleted. Thanks!
- To match Vector's colours, removal of rounded edges to match the rest of meta. The Helpful One 21:39, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
- Synced. --MZMcBride 22:42, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
- Thanks. :) The Helpful One 22:45, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
- Great guys, looks nice. Thanks for all the help! Husky 14:22, 16 May 2011 (UTC)
- Thanks. :) The Helpful One 22:45, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
- Synced. --MZMcBride 22:42, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
- To match Vector's colours, removal of rounded edges to match the rest of meta. The Helpful One 21:39, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
- Okay, there still seems to be some off topic pages being created, so any objections to emboldening Please don't create pages with off-topic material as they will be deleted.? The Helpful One 09:21, 20 May 2011 (UTC)
- No response, so presumed no objections, updated accordingly. The Helpful One 14:51, 25 May 2011 (UTC)
- Okay, there still seems to be some off topic pages being created, so any objections to emboldening Please don't create pages with off-topic material as they will be deleted.? The Helpful One 09:21, 20 May 2011 (UTC)
Proposal to add note about categorizing pages
[edit]- "Please remember to categorise any new pages you create."
Is that okay? PiRSquared17 (talk) 01:19, 9 July 2013 (UTC)
Done as nobody opposed. PiRSquared17 (talk) 20:16, 16 October 2013 (UTC)
All content migrated into Template:Newarticletext
[edit]All content migrated into translatable template Template:Newarticletext. --Kaganer (talk) 11:33, 9 October 2017 (UTC)