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MediaWiki talk:Categories

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Latest comment: 19 years ago by Fitch in topic Redirect

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This system message on this site, depending on the user-specified interface language:

  • en (English): Categories
  • af (Afrikaans / Afrikaans): Kategorieë
  • ar (العربية/Arabic): تصنيفات
  • bg (Bulgarian / Български): Категории
  • da (Danish / Dansk): Kategorier
  • de (German / Deutsch): Kategorien
  • eo (Esperanto / Esperanto): Kategorioj
  • es (Spanish / Español): Categorías
  • eu (Basque / Euskara): Kategoriak
  • fr (French / Français): Liste des catégories
  • fy (West Frisian / Frysk): Kategoryen
  • ia (Interlingua): Categorias
  • it (Italian / Italiano): Categorie
  • la (Latin / Latina): Categoriae
  • li (Limburgian / Limburgs): Categorieë
  • nl (Dutch / Nederlands): Categorieën
  • no (Norwegian / ‪Norsk (bokmål)‬): Kategorier
  • pl (Polish / Polski): Kategorie
  • pt (Portuguese / Português): Categorias
  • ru (Russian / Русский): Категории
  • sv (Swedish / Svenska): Kategorier
  • ta (Tamil / தமிழ்): பகுப்புகள்
  • jbo (Lojban / jbobau): klesi

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The "http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Categories" topic needs to have a redirect or a link to "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Category", or else it should just be deleted entirely. As it stands, trying to understand categories by doing a Google search for "mediawiki categories" is currently very frustrating because this currently-useless page comes out on top.

I'd take care of this myself if I had access to an Edit button here. :) The preceding unsigned comment was added by Clozach (talk • contribs) Nov 2004.

the MediaWiki namespace contains the text and messages for other items around the wiki. If we changed it's contents, every "Category" link at the bottom of the page would instead say "#Redirect [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia:Category]]" —Fitch 17:43, 8 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

Then MediaWiki needs an enhancement to make this possible.