"@language": "
"messages": { "asl-popuptitle": "Link a Wikidata item to this article", "asl-submit": "Submit", "asl-help": "Help", "asl-close": "Close", "asl-notfound": "We couldn't find a Wikidata item that matches this article, but you can create one.", "asl-nodescription": "No description given", "asl-addwikidata": "Link this item", "asl-createnewitem": "Create new item", "asl-itemlinked": "Site link created!", "asl-heading": "Select an item.", "asl-heading-desc": "Be sure the item accurately represents the subject of the article.", "asl-alreadylinked": "(Proceeding with this action will unlink item from another article)", "asl-pagelinked": "This article is already linked to an item." }