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MediaWiki:Centralnotice-template-CommunityBanner Slimline Top Sticky

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

<style type="text/css">

 #centralNotice.collapsed #{{{banner}}}{
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  1. cnotice-main {
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   height: 30px; /* need to set height for height 100% to work on elements within it */


.cnotice-message-container, .cnotice-logo-container {

   display: table-cell;
   height: 100%;


/* --- Main message --- */ .cnotice-message-container {

   vertical-align: middle;


.cnotice-message {

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@media (min-width: 1200px) {

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/* --- Logo Image text --- */

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   width: 103px;
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@media (min-width: 1200px) {

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body.rtl .cnotice-logo-container { }

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   top: 10px;
  1. cnotice-landing-main {
   display: table;
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   height: 200px; /* need to set height for height 100% to work on elements within it */


  1. cnotice-landing-header {
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.cnotice-landing-img-container {

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.cnotice-landing-text-container img {

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  1. cnotice-landing-text {
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    margin-left: auto;
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  1. cnotice-button-container {
    display: table;
    margin: 0 auto;


  1. cnotice-button-read {
    display: table-cell;


cnotice-button-action {

    display: table-cell;


.cnotice-button {

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   margin: 4px 2px;
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   transition-duration: 0.4s;
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/* --- Buttons --- */ .cnotice a.cnotice-buttonlink {

   cursor: pointer;
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   color: black;


.cnotice a.cnotice-buttonlink:hover {

   color: white;


.cnotice-button1 {

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.rtl .cnotice-button1 {

   left: 23px;
   right: auto;


.cnotice-button1:hover {

   background-color: #447FF5;

} </style>

Photograph a monument, help Wikipedia and win! #wikilovesmonuments

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