MediaWiki:Centralnotice-template-B15 0422 skrolvenSKROLV dsk tp test
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* Track the total number of banners the user has seen * DEPRECATED: better to use impression diet campaign mixin for this now */
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* This info will be sent back with Special:RecordImpression */
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<script> /**
* NOTE: The following currency mapping is WMF-specific based on payment * provider availability, NOT necessarily the official currency of the country */
function getCurrency() {
switch( { // Big 5 at the top for speed case "US": return "USD"; case "CA": return "CAD"; case "GB": return "GBP"; case "AU": return "AUD"; case "NZ": return "NZD"; // Euro countries case "AD": case "AL": case "AM": case "AT": case "AW": case "AZ": case "BE": case "BY": case "CI": case "CY": case "DE": case "EE": case "ES": case "FI": case "FR": case "GF": case "GR": case "IE": case "IT": case "LT": case "LU": case "LV": case "LY": case "MC": case "ME": case "MG": case "MT": case "NL": case "PT": case "RE": case "RS": case "SI": case "SK": case "SM": case "SR": case "VA": return "EUR"; // The rest case "AE": return "AED"; case "AR": return "ARS"; case "BA": return "BAM"; case "BB": return "BBD"; case "BD": return "BDT"; case "BG": return "BGN"; case "BH": return "BHD"; case "BM": return "BMD"; case "BO": return "BOB"; case "BR": return "BRL"; case "BZ": return "BZD"; case "CH": return "CHF"; case "CK": return "NZD"; case "CL": return "CLP"; case "CN": return "CNY"; case "CO": return "COP"; case "CR": return "CRC"; case "CZ": return "CZK"; case "DK": return "DKK"; case "DO": return "DOP"; case "DZ": return "DZD"; case "EG": return "EGP"; case "FJ": return "FJD"; case "FO": return "DKK"; case "GL": return "DKK"; case "GT": return "GTQ"; case "HK": return "HKD"; case "HN": return "HNL"; case "HR": return "HRK"; case "HU": return "HUF"; case "ID": return "IDR"; case "IL": return "ILS"; case "IN": return "INR"; case "IS": return "ISK"; case "JM": return "JMD"; case "JO": return "JOD"; case "JP": return "JPY"; case "KE": return "KES"; case "KI": return "AUD"; case "KR": return "KRW"; case "KZ": return "KZT"; case "LB": return "LBP"; case "LI": return "CHF"; case "LK": return "LKR"; case "MA": return "MAD"; case "MK": return "MKD"; case "MV": return "MVR"; case "MW": return "GBP"; case "MX": return "MXN"; case "MY": return "MYR"; case "NI": return "NIO"; case "NO": return "NOK"; case "NP": return "INR"; case "NR": return "AUD"; case "OM": return "OMR"; case "PA": return "PAB"; case "PE": return "PEN"; case "PG": return "AUD"; case "PH": return "PHP"; case "PK": return "PKR"; case "PL": return "PLN"; case "PY": return "PYG"; case "QA": return "QAR"; case "RO": return "RON"; case "RU": return "RUB"; case "SA": return "SAR"; case "SD": return "GBP"; case "SE": return "SEK"; case "SG": return "SGD"; case "TH": return "THB"; case "TM": return "RUB"; case "TN": return "TND"; case "TR": return "TRY"; case "TT": return "TTD"; case "TW": return "TWD"; case "UA": return "UAH"; case "UY": return "UYU"; case "UZ": return "RUB"; case "VE": return "VEF"; case "VN": return "VND"; case "VU": return "AUD"; case "ZA": return "ZAR"; // small multi-country currencies case "CW": case "SX": return "ANG"; case "AG": case "DM": case "GD": case "KN": case "LC": return "XCD"; case "BJ": case "BF": case "CI": case "GW": case "ML": case "NE": case "SN": case "TG": return "XOF"; case "PF": case "NC": case "WF": return "XPF"; // fall back to USD default: return "USD"; }
} </script> <script> function currencyLocalize(currency, amount, language){
// Do some basic number formatting - digit separators etc if (window.Intl && typeof window.Intl === "object") { if ( { var locale = language + '-' +; } else { var locale = language; } var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale); } else { // boo, bad browser! let's just have a thing that throws it back unformatted for now var formatter = {}; formatter.format = function(number) { return number.toString(); }; } if (isNaN(amount) || amount == "") { // it's probably the "other" string or box var fmAmount = amount; } else { var fmAmount = formatter.format(amount); } // End number formatting
var currencies = { "USD" : "$\t", "EUR" : { "en" : "€\t", "cy" : "€\t", "ga" : "€\t", "mt" : "€\t", "nl" : "€ \t", "lv" : "€ \t", "tr" : "€ \t", "default" : "\t €" }, "AED" : " د.إ \t", "ANG" : "ƒ\t", "ARS" : "$\t", "AUD" : "$\t", "BAM" : "\t KM", "BBD" : "Bcs$\t", "BDT" : "৳\t", "BGN" : "лв\t", "BHD" : "د.ب\t", "BMD" : "BD$\t", "BOB" : "$b\t", "BRL" : "R$\t", "BZD" : "BZ$\t", "CAD" : { "fr" : "$\t", "default" : "$\t" }, "CHF" : "Fr. \t", "CLP" : "$\t", "CNY" : "\t ¥", "COP" : "$\t", "CRC" : "\t ₡", "CZK" : "\t Kč", "DKK" : "\t kr.", "DOP" : "RD$\t", "DZD" : "د.ج\t", "EEK" : "\t kr", "EGP" : { "en" : "E£\t", "default" : "\t جنيه" }, "FJD" : "FJ$\t", "GBP" : "£\t", "GTQ" : "Q\t", "HKD" : "HK$\t", "HNL" : "L\t", "HRK" : "\t kn", "HUF" : "\t Ft", "IDR" : "Rp \t", "ILS" : { "he" : "\t ₪", "yi" : "\t ₪", "ar" : "\t ₪", "default" : "₪ \t" }, "INR" : "₹ \t", "ISK" : "\t kr", "JMD" : "J$ \t", "JOD" : "دينار\t", "JPY" : "¥\t", "KES" : "\t KSh", "KRW" : "₩\t", "KWD" : "د.ك \t", "KZT" : "〒 \t", // TODO: don't use the JP postal code symbol once KZT works in unicode "LBP" : "LBP \t", "LKR" : "\t Rs.", "LTL" : "\t Lt", "LVL" : "\t Ls", "MAD" : "د.م.\t", "MKD" : "\t ден", "MOP" : "MOP$\t", "MUR" : "\t Rs", "MXN" : "$\t", "MVR" : "Rf. \t", "MYR" : "RM\t", "NIO" : "C$\t", "NOK" : "\t kr", "NZD" : "$\t", "OMR" : "ر.ع\t", "PAB" : "\t B/.", "PEN" : "S/. \t", "PHP" : "₱\t", "PKR" : "Rs \t", "PLN" : "\t zł", "PYG" : "\t ₲", "QAR" : "ر.ق\t", "RON" : "\t lei", "RUB" : "\t руб", "SAR" : "﷼\t", "SCR" : "SR \t", "SEK" : "\t kr", "SGD" : "S$ \t", "SVC" : "\t ₡", "THB" : { "th" : "\t บาท", "default" : "\t ฿" }, "TND" : "\t د.ت", "TRY" : "₺\t", "TTD" : "TT$\t", "TWD" : "NT$\t", "TZS" : "\t/=", "UAH" : "₴\t", "UYU" : "$U \t", "UZS" : "\t сўм", "VEF" : "Bs.F. \t", "VND" : "\t₫", "VUV" : "VT\t", "XAF" : "FCFA\t", "XCD" : "EC$\t", "XOF" : "CFA \t", "XPF" : "\t F", "ZAR" : "R \t" }; if(currencies[currency] == null){ return currency + " " + fmAmount; } if( currencies[currency] instanceof Object ){ // not a string if(currencies[currency][language] != null){ return currencies[currency][language].replace("\t", fmAmount); } return currencies[currency]["default"].replace("\t", fmAmount); } return currencies[currency].replace("\t", fmAmount);
} </script> <script> function getMinimum(currency){
var minimums = { 'ADF' : 5.95, 'ADP' : 150.87, 'AED' : 3.67, 'AFA' : 60.47, 'AFN' : 60.47, 'ALL' : 124.74, 'AMD' : 473.47, 'ANG' : 1.82, 'AOA' : 122.35, 'AON' : 122.35, 'ARS' : 14, // Astropay 'ATS' : 12.48, 'AUD' : 1.35, 'AWG' : 1.79, 'AZM' : 3926.19, 'AZN' : 1.05, 'BAM' : 1.77, 'BBD' : 2, 'BDT' : 76.04, 'BEF' : 36.58, 'BGL' : 1.77, 'BGN' : 1.77, 'BHD' : 0.37, 'BIF' : 1599.65, 'BMD' : 1, 'BND' : 1.33, 'BOB' : 6.71, 'BRL' : 3.2, 'BSD' : 0.99, 'BTN' : 63.52, 'BWP' : 9.89, 'BYR' : 15378.7, 'BZD' : 1.96, 'CAD' : 1.27, 'CDF' : 912.52, 'CHF' : 0.95, 'CLP' : 980, // Astropay 'CNY' : 6.09, 'COP' : 4000, // Astropay 'CRC' : 523.08, 'CUC' : 1, 'CUP' : 23.15, 'CVE' : 99.81, 'CYP' : 0.53, 'CZK' : 24.59, 'DEM' : 1.77, 'DJF' : 177.72, 'DKK' : 6.77, 'DOP' : 44.46, 'DZD' : 99.04, 'ECS' : 25588.54, 'EEK' : 14.19, 'EGP' : 7.81, 'ESP' : 150.87, 'ETB' : 20.5, 'EUR' : 0.91, 'FIM' : 5.39, 'FJD' : 2.11, 'FKP' : 0.65, 'FRF' : 5.95, 'GBP' : 0.65, 'GEL' : 2.25, 'GHC' : 37964.2, 'GHS' : 3.8, 'GIP' : 0.65, 'GMD' : 38.45, 'GNF' : 7251.79, 'GRD' : 308.97, 'GTQ' : 7.43, 'GYD' : 197.27, 'HKD' : 7.75, 'HNL' : 21.27, 'HRK' : 6.87, 'HTG' : 52.41, 'HUF' : 287.8, 'IDR' : 13333.3, 'IEP' : 0.71, 'ILS' : 3.79, 'INR' : 63.39, 'IQD' : 1141.95, 'IRR' : 29360, 'ISK' : 133.46, 'ITL' : 1755.66, 'JMD' : 113.71, 'JOD' : 0.71, 'JPY' : 121.58, 'KES' : 98.48, 'KGS' : 62.13, 'KHR' : 3995.54, 'KMF' : 445, 'KPW' : 135.01, 'KRW' : 1134.04, 'KWD' : 0.3, 'KYD' : 0.82, 'KZT' : 183.31, 'LAK' : 7923.05, 'LBP' : 1480.9, 'LKR' : 130.3, 'LRD' : 85, 'LSL' : 12.5, 'LTL' : 3.13, 'LUF' : 36.58, 'LVL' : 0.64, 'LYD' : 1.34, 'MAD' : 9.77, 'MDL' : 18.71, 'MGA' : 3252.88, 'MGF' : 9149.13, 'MKD' : 55.45, 'MMK' : 1111.03, 'MNT' : 1958, 'MOP' : 7.79, 'MRO' : 320.47, 'MTL' : 0.39, 'MUR' : 34.3, 'MVR' : 14.97, 'MWK' : 441.83, 'MXN' : 24, // Astropay 'MYR' : 3.8, 'MZM' : 38000, 'MZN' : 38, 'NAD' : 12.5, 'NGN' : 196.44, 'NIO' : 26.24, 'NLG' : 2, 'NOK' : 8.2, 'NPR' : 99.74, 'NZD' : 1.5, 'OMR' : 0.38, 'PAB' : 1, 'PEN' : 3.12, 'PGK' : 2.68, 'PHP' : 45.15, 'PKR' : 100.4, 'PLN' : 3.83, 'PTE' : 181.78, 'PYG' : 5065.03, 'QAR' : 3.64, 'ROL' : 40637.3, 'RON' : 4.06, 'RSD' : 108.68, 'RUB' : 57.16, 'RWF' : 721.7, 'SAR' : 3.75, 'SBD' : 7.83, 'SCR' : 12.33, 'SDD' : 592.4, 'SDG' : 5.92, 'SDP' : 2272.21, 'SEK' : 8.5, 'SGD' : 1.35, 'SHP' : 0.62, 'SIT' : 217.29, 'SKK' : 27.32, 'SLL' : 4158, 'SOS' : 673, 'SRD' : 3.24, 'SRG' : 3240, 'STD' : 22115.7, 'SVC' : 8.54, 'SYP' : 217.65, 'SZL' : 12.5, 'THB' : 33.94, 'TJS' : 6.26, 'TMM' : 14285.71, 'TMT' : 2.85, 'TND' : 1.97, 'TOP' : 2.16, 'TRL' : 2687990, 'TRY' : 2.69, 'TTD' : 6.25, 'TWD' : 31.04, 'TZS' : 2185.91, 'UAH' : 21.25, 'UGX' : 3454.24, 'USD' : 1, 'UYU' : 40, // Astropay 'UZS' : 2541, 'VEB' : 6290.36, 'VEF' : 6.29, 'VND' : 21482.8, 'VUV' : 104.5, 'WST' : 2.36, 'XAF' : 595.84, 'XAG' : 0.07, 'XAU' : 0, 'XCD' : 2.69, 'XEU' : 0.91, 'XOF' : 595.83, 'XPD' : 0, 'XPF' : 108.27, 'XPT' : 0, 'YER' : 214.8, 'YUN' : 108.68, 'ZAR' : 12.5, 'ZMK' : 5327.65, 'ZWD' : 376.36 };
if($.inArray(currency, minimums)){ return minimums[currency]; }
return 1;
} </script> <script> var fundraisingAmounts = fundraisingAmounts || {};
fundraisingAmounts.asks = {
"USD" : { "default" : [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100] }, "EUR" : { "default" : [2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100] }, "GBP" : [2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100], "CAD" : [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100], "AUD" : [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100], "NZD" : [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100], "AED" : [25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000], "ANG" : [5, 10, 20, 35, 50, 100, 200], "ARS" : [30, 50, 100, 200, 500, 750, 1000], "BAM" : [3, 5, 10, 25, 40, 70, 140], "BBD" : [5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 100, 200], "BDT" : [200, 400, 800, 1500, 2000, 4000, 7500], "BGN" : [10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200], "BHD" : [1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40], "BMD" : [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100], "BOB" : [20, 30, 60, 140, 200, 300, 600], "BRL" : [10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 250, 500], "BZD" : [5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 100, 200], "CLP" : [1500, 2500, 5000, 10000, 15000, 25000, 50000], "CNY" : [50, 75, 100, 300, 500, 1000, 1500], "COP" : [7000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 150000, 200000], "CRC" : [2500, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 75000, 100000], "CZK" : [50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 1000, 2000], "DKK" : [20, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500, 1000], "DOP" : [200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 7500, 10000], "DZD" : [200, 400, 750, 1500, 2000, 4000, 7500], "FJD" : [5, 10, 20, 40, 50, 100, 200], "GTQ" : [20, 40, 80, 150, 200, 350, 750], "HKD" : [20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 500, 1000], "HNL" : [50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 1000, 1800], "HRK" : [35, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500], "HUF" : [500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 5000, 7000, 10000], "IDR" : [35000, 50000, 75000, 100000, 150000, 250000, 500000], "ISK" : [300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000], "ILS" : [15, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000], "INR" : [100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000], "JMD" : [300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000], "JPY" : [300, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000], "KRW" : [5000, 10000, 20000, 30000, 50000, 75000, 100000], "KWD" : [2, 5, 10,15, 25, 30, 75], "KZT" : [750, 1500, 3000, 7500, 12000, 15000, 35000], "LBP" : [7500, 15000, 30000, 75000, 120000, 175000, 350000], "LTL" : [15, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250, 600], "MKD" : [100, 200, 400, 800, 1200, 2000, 4000], "MVR" : [40, 75, 150, 300, 450, 750, 1500], "MXN" : [35, 50, 100, 200, 500, 750, 1000], "MYR" : [10, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500], "NIO" : [100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2500, 5500], "NOK" : [20, 100, 150, 200, 500, 750, 1000], "OMR" : [1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40], "PAB" : [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100], "PEN" : [10, 30, 50, 150, 200, 275, 700], "PHP" : [200, 500, 750, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000], "PLN" : [10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500], "PYG" : [10000, 20000, 40000, 80000, 120000, 200000, 400000], "QAR" : [20, 50, 75, 185, 250, 350, 1000], "RON" : [10, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 500], "RUB" : [100, 150, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000], "SAR" : [20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500], "SEK" : [30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000], "SGD" : [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100], "THB" : [50, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 2000], "TND" : [5, 10, 15, 30, 50, 75, 150], "TRY" : [5, 10, 20, 40, 50, 100, 200], "TTD" : [20, 30, 60, 120, 200, 300, 600], "TWD" : [150, 300, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 5000], "UAH" : [50, 75, 150, 300, 500, 750, 1000], "UYU" : [70, 100, 200, 400, 1000, 1500, 2000], "VEF" : [20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 600], "VND" : [60000, 100000, 200000, 400000, 600000, 1000000, 2000000], "XCD" : [5, 10, 20, 50, 80, 120, 250], "XOF" : [1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 150000, 200000, 400000], "XPF" : [250, 400, 800, 1600, 2500, 4000, 8000], "ZAR" : [30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000], "CHF" : [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100]
/* Usual formula: take 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th from desktop asks */ fundraisingAmounts.mobileAsks = {
"USD" : [3, 15, 20, 50, 100], "CAD" : [3, 15, 20, 50, 100], "AUD" : [3, 15, 20, 50, 100], "NZD" : [3, 15, 20, 50, 100], "GBP" : [2, 10, 20, 50, 100], "EUR" : [2, 10, 20, 50, 100], "ARS" : [30, 100, 200, 750, 1000], "BRL" : [10, 30, 50, 100, 250], "CHF" : [3, 15, 20, 50, 100], "CLP" : [1500, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000], "CNY" : [50, 100, 300, 500, 1000], "COP" : [7000, 20000, 50000, 150000, 200000], "DKK" : [20, 100, 200, 500, 1000], "HKD" : [20, 100, 150, 500, 1000], "HUF" : [500, 2500, 4000, 7000, 10000], "ILS" : [15, 50, 200, 600, 1000], "INR" : [100, 300, 500, 2000, 3000], "JPY" : [300, 1500, 2000, 5000, 10000], "MXN" : [35, 100, 200, 750, 1000], "MYR" : [10, 50, 100, 300, 500], "NOK" : [20, 100, 200, 500, 1000], "PEN" : [10, 50, 150, 300, 700], "PLN" : [10, 50, 100, 300, 500], "RON" : [10, 50, 100, 200, 1000], "SEK" : [30, 100, 200, 500, 1000], "UAH" : [50, 150, 300, 750, 1000], "UYU" : [70, 200, 400, 1500, 2000], "ZAR" : [30, 100, 200, 500, 1000]
fundraisingAmounts.averages = {
"USD" : 15, "EUR" : 10, "GBP" : 10, "CAD" : 15, "AUD" : 15, "NZD" : 15, "AED" : 50, "ALL" : 1500, "AMD" : 5000, "ANG" : 25, "ARS" : 100, "AZN" : 10, "BAM" : 20, "BBD" : 30, "BDT" : 1000, "BGN" : 20, "BHD" : 6, "BMD" : 15, "BND" : 20, "BOB" : 100, "BRL" : 25, "BSD" : 15, "BZD" : 30, "CHF" : 15, "CLP" : 8000, "CNY" : 100, "COP" : 30000, "CRC" : 7500, "CZK" : 250, "DKK" : 100, "DOP" : 600, "DZD" : 1000, "EGP" : 100, "ETB" : 250, "FJD" : 25, "GEL" : 25, "GNF" : 100000, "GTQ" : 100, "HKD" : 100, "HNL" : 250, "HRK" : 80, "HUF" : 2500, "IDR" : 150000, "ILS" : 50, "INR" : 750, "IQD" : 15000, "ISK" : 1500, "JMD" : 1500, "JOD" : 10, "JPY" : 1500, "KES" : 1000, "KRW" : 15000, "KWD" : 5, "KZT" : 2000, "LBP" : 20000, "LKR" : 2000, "LTL" : 40, "LVL" : 10, "MAD" : 120, "MKD" : 600, "MOP" : 100, "MUR" : 500, "MVR" : 200, "MXN" : 150, "MYR" : 50, "MZN" : 50, "NGN" : 2500, "NIO" : 350, "NOK" : 100, "OMR" : 5, "PAB" : 15, "PEN" : 40, "PHP" : 600, "PKR" : 1500, "PLN" : 50, "PYG" : 60000, "QAR" : 50, "RON" : 50, "RSD" : 1200, "RUB" : 500, "SAR" : 50, "SBD" : 100, "SEK" : 100, "SGD" : 20, "THB" : 500, "TND" : 25, "TRY" : 25, "TTD" : 100, "TWD" : 500, "UAH" : 150, "UYU" : 300, "VEF" : 100, "VND" : 300000, "XCD" : 40, "XOF" : 7000, "XPF" : 1000, "ZAR" : 150, "CHF" : 15
// Mostly the same as first asks option. // For backwards compatibility, these need to be given as an array of one number fundraisingAmounts.ifEveryone = {
"USD" : { "default" : [3] }, "EUR" : { "default" : [2] }, "GBP" : [2], "CAD" : [3], "AUD" : [3], "NZD" : [3], "AED" : [25], "ANG" : [5], "ARS" : [30], "BAM" : [3], "BBD" : [5], "BDT" : [200], "BGN" : [10], "BHD" : [1], "BMD" : [3], "BOB" : [20], "BRL" : [10], "BZD" : [5], "CLP" : [1500], "CNY" : [50], "COP" : [7000], "CRC" : [2500], "CZK" : [50], "DKK" : [20], "DOP" : [200], "DZD" : [200], "FJD" : [5], "GTQ" : [20], "HKD" : [20], "HNL" : [50], "HRK" : [35], "HUF" : [500], "IDR" : [35000], "ILS" : [15], "INR" : [100], "ISK" : [300], "JMD" : [300], "JPY" : [300], "KRW" : [5000], "KWD" : [2], "KZT" : [750], "LBP" : [7500], "LTL" : [15], "MKD" : [100], "MVR" : [40], "MXN" : [35], "MYR" : [10], "NIO" : [100], "NOK" : [20], "OMR" : [1], "PAB" : [3], "PEN" : [10], "PHP" : [200], "PLN" : [10], "PYG" : [10000], "QAR" : [20], "RON" : [10], "RUB" : [100], "SAR" : [20], "SEK" : [30], "SGD" : [3], "THB" : [50], "TND" : [5], "TRY" : [5], "TTD" : [20], "TWD" : [150], "UAH" : [50], "UYU" : [70], "VEF" : [20], "VND" : [60000], "XCD" : [5], "XOF" : [1000], "XPF" : [250], "ZAR" : [30], "CHF" : [3]
}; </script> <script> var fundraisingAmounts = fundraisingAmounts || {};
fundraisingAmounts.pick = function(source, currency, country) {
/* * Select the correct amount or array of amounts from object in "source" * In future may extend to allow a language parameter too * * @param {object} source - the amounts object e.g. fundraisingAmounts.asks, fundraisingAmounts.averages * @param {string} currency - ISO code of currency * @param {string} country - ISO code of country (optional) * @return {array/number} - depending on source */
if ( source[currency]["default"] ) { // we need to go deeper if ( source[currency][country] !== undefined ) { return source[currency][country]; } else { return source[currency]["default"]; } } else { return source[currency]; }
function convertAsk(amount, currency, country) {
/* * Given an amount in USD, find an "equivalent" local ask amount for the given currency and country * @TODO: namespace this * * @param {number} amount - USD amount * @param {string} currency - ISO code of currency * @param {string} country - ISO code of country * @return {number} - local amount */ var usdbase = [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100]; var usdamount = parseInt(amount, 10); if(isNaN(usdamount)){ return 0; } var index = $.inArray(usdamount, usdbase); if (index == -1) { // the amount is not in the USD ask array, find a near neighbor index = 0; while (usdbase[index+1] < usdamount && index < usdbase.length + 1) { index++; } }
var array = fundraisingAmounts.pick(fundraisingAmounts.asks, currency, country); if (array === undefined) { // in case we don't have amounts for this currency return usdamount; } else { return array[index]; }
function getAverage(currency, country, language) {
/* * Return a formatted string with the "average" donation amount in the given currency, country and language * @TODO: just move this into banner code * * @param {string} currency - ISO code of currency * @param {string} country - ISO code of country * @param {string} country - ISO code of language * @return {string} - formatted amount */ var amount = fundraisingAmounts.pick(fundraisingAmounts.averages, currency, country); return currencyLocalize(currency, amount, language);
function getMinimumString(currency, country, language) {
/* * Return a formatted string with the "if everyone" amount in the given currency, country and language * @TODO: just move this into banner code * * @param {string} currency - ISO code of currency * @param {string} country - ISO code of country * @param {string} country - ISO code of language * @return {string} - formatted amount */ var amount = fundraisingAmounts.pick(fundraisingAmounts.ifEveryone, currency, country)[0]; return currencyLocalize(currency, amount, language);
} </script> <script> // Various common actions for banner setup.
var getQuerystring = function(key) {
// Should not be used any more, use mw.util.getParamValue() instead // Kept for now though because this returns instead of null if key is not present key = key.replace( /[\[]/, '\\\[' ).replace( /[\]]/, '\\\]' ); var regex = new RegExp( '[\\?&]' + key + '=([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]*)' ); var qs = regex.exec( ); return qs == null ? : qs[1];
$(document).ready( function () {
// Allow overriding the geolocation for testing different countries if(mw.util.getParamValue('country')) { = mw.util.getParamValue('country'); }
var language = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'), currency = getCurrency(;
// Localize links in the smallprint $('#{{{banner}}}-legal a, #frbanner-legal a, .frbanner-legal a').each(function(index) { // Add parameters for LandingCheck var uri = new mw.Uri( $(this).attr("href") ); uri.extend({ country:, language: language, uselang: language, utm_medium: 'sitenotice', utm_campaign: mw.centralNotice.getDataProperty('campaign'), utm_source: mw.centralNotice.getDataProperty('banner') }); $(this).attr( "href", uri.toString() );
// Make links open in new tab $(this).attr("target", "_blank"); });
// Show the correct legal text variant if ( === 'US') { $('.informationsharing-US').show(); $('.informationsharing-NL').hide(); $('.informationsharing-nonUS').hide(); } if ( === 'NL') { $('.informationsharing-US').hide(); $('.informationsharing-NL').show(); $('.informationsharing-nonUS').hide(); }
// Find instances of %AVERAGE% in banner text, and replace with correct average for currency & country $(".frbanner, div#{{{banner}}}, #frbanner3").each(function(index){ var avgString = getAverage(currency,, language).replace(/\.$/, ); // strip any period from end for use in running text var newHtml = $(this).html().replace(/%AVERAGE%/g, avgString ); $(this).html(newHtml); });
// Find instances of %MINIMUM% in banner text, and replace with correct minimum for currency & country $(".frbanner, div#{{{banner}}}, #frbanner3").each(function(index){ var ifString = getMinimumString(currency,, language).replace(/\.$/, ); // strip any period from end for use in running text var newHtml = $(this).html().replace(/%MINIMUM%/g, ifString ); $(this).html(newHtml); }); /* Replace class "frbanner-currencycode" with currency ISO code */ $('.frbanner-currencycode').html(currency);
}); </script> <script> /**
* Core code for forms in banners. * Handles showing the correct payment methods, validating input, and sending on to payments wiki. * (Note that localizing amount options is done elsewhere, in BannerFormAmountOptions.js) * * Dependencies: * MediaWiki:FR2013/Resources/CurrencyMinimums.js * MediaWiki:FR2013/Resources/Country2Currency.js * MediaWiki:FR2013/Resources/PaymentOutages.js * MediaWiki:FR2015/Resources/MethodLocalize.js * */
function checkPaymentOutages() {
/* Check against the scheduled payment method outages below * and hide the relevant button for any which are ongoing. */ /* This file can be used to schedule hiding of individual payment methods from banners * e.g. if they have scheduled downtime. * * Valid methods are: * ideal, cc, pp, amazon, bpay, webmoney, cash, pp-usd * (most of the time it's 'ideal'...) * Can also limit outage to a specific country with country: "XX" (where XX is an ISO code) * * Note that in JavaScript dates the months (and only the months) start at 0. * Jan=0, Feb=1, Mar=2, Apr=3 etc. How hateful. * * Be sure to also update donatewiki if needed e.g. by commenting the method templates * found at * */
var outages = [
{ start: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 8, 18, 1)), end: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 8, 18, 7)), method: "ideal" }
var now = new Date();
for (var i = outages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ( now > outages[i]['start'] && now < outages[i]['end'] ) { if (outages[i]['country'] === undefined || outages[i]['country'] == { $('.paymentmethod-' + outages[i]['method']).hide(); } } }
function validateForm(form) {
/* Check the form, especially the amount submitted * Return the amount if valid, otherwise return false */
var error = true; var amount = null;
if (form.amount) { // If there are some amount radio buttons, then look for the checked one for (var i = 0; i < form.amount.length; i++) { if (form.amount[i].checked) { amount = form.amount[i].value; } } }
// Check the "other" amount box if (form.amountGiven.value != ) { var otherAmount = form.amountGiven.value; otherAmount = otherAmount.replace(/[,.](\d)$/, ':$10'); otherAmount = otherAmount.replace(/[,.](\d)(\d)$/, ':$1$2'); otherAmount = otherAmount.replace(/[$£€¥,.]/g, ); otherAmount = otherAmount.replace(/:/, '.'); form.amountGiven.value = otherAmount; amount = otherAmount; }
// Check amount is a real number error = ( amount == null || isNaN(amount) || amount.value <= 0 );
// Check amount is at least the minimum var currency = form.currency_code.value; if (amount < getMinimum(currency) || error) { alert('You must contribute at least $1'.replace('$1', getMinimum(currency) + ' ' + currency)); error = true; }
if ( error ) { return false; } else { return amount; }
function redirectPayment(paymentMethod, paymentSubMethod, skipValidation) {
if ( skipValidation || validateForm(document.paypalcontribution) ) {
if (typeof paymentSubMethod == 'undefined') { paymentSubMethod = ; } var form = document.paypalcontribution; // we should really change this some day var paymentsURL = '';
form.action = paymentsURL;
if ( form.language.value === 'pt' && === 'BR' ) { form.language.value = 'pt-br'; }
// WorldPay override for cc if( paymentMethod === 'cc-wp' ) { paymentMethod = 'cc'; form.payment_method.value = 'cc'; form.gateway.value = 'worldpay'; form.ffname.value = 'worldpay'; } // Adyen override for cc if( paymentMethod === 'cc-adyen' ) { paymentMethod = 'cc'; form.payment_method.value = 'cc'; form.gateway.value = 'adyen'; }
// Express Checkout override for PayPal if( paymentMethod === 'paypal-ec' ) { paymentMethod = 'paypal'; form.payment_method.value = 'paypal'; form.gateway.value = 'paypal_ec'; }
var frequency = $("input[name='frequency']:checked").val(); if( frequency !== 'monthly' ){ frequency = 'onetime'; form.recurring.value = 'false'; } else { form.recurring.value = 'true'; }
var mixins = mw.centralNotice.getDataProperty( 'mixins' );
if ( mixins && mixins.bannerHistoryLogger ) { form.bannerhistlog.value =; }
form.utm_key.value = mw.centralNotice.bannerData.cookieCount || 0; form.payment_method.value = paymentMethod; form.payment_submethod.value = paymentSubMethod; var full_dotted_payment_method = paymentMethod; if ( form.recurring.value == 'true' ) { full_dotted_payment_method = 'r' + full_dotted_payment_method; } if ( paymentSubMethod ) { full_dotted_payment_method = form.payment_method.value + '.' + paymentSubMethod; } form.utm_source.value += '.no-LP.' + full_dotted_payment_method;
$('.frbanner-form button').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // Disable to prevent double submission
if ( mixins && mixins.bannerHistoryLogger ) { mw.centralNotice.bannerHistoryLogger.ensureLogSent().always(function() { form.submit(); }); } else { form.submit(); } }
function toggleMonthly( monthly ){
if( monthly.type === 'checkbox' ){ monthly = monthly.checked; } if (monthly) { $('#{{{banner}}}-form').addClass('form-monthly'); } else { $('#{{{banner}}}-form').removeClass('form-monthly'); }
$(document).ready( function() {
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util']).then(function() {
// Allow overriding the geolocation for testing different countries if(mw.util.getParamValue('country') !== null) { = mw.util.getParamValue('country'); }
var currency = getCurrency(; var language = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage');
// Display correct payment methods /** MediaWiki:FR2015/Resources/MethodLocalize.js * Display the correct payment methods for current country. Used by both desktop and mobile banners. */
// Countries with no credit card option (currently none) var noCC = []; if ($.inArray(, noCC) !== -1) {
// Can't do monthly credit card in Brazil if ( === 'BR') {
// Remove any leftover WorldPay $(".paymentmethod-cc-wp").remove();
// Countries using Adyen for credit card if ( === 'FR' || === 'IL') {
$(".paymentmethod-cc").remove(); $(".paymentmethod-cc-adyen").show();
} else {
// Countries with no PayPal option var noPP = ['IN', 'RU', 'SG', 'AE', 'QA', 'JP', 'OM', 'BD', 'BO', 'PA',
'PE', 'PY', 'GT', 'JM', 'TT', 'DZ'];
if ($.inArray(, noPP) !== -1) {
$(".paymentmethod-pp").remove(); $(".paymentmethod-pp-usd").remove();
// Countries where PayPal must be in USD var ppUSD = ['BG', 'HR', 'LT', 'MK', 'RO', 'UA', 'SA', 'CN', 'ID', 'KR',
'KZ', 'MY', 'VN', 'AR', 'CL', 'DO', 'CO', 'NI', 'UY', 'ZA', 'BH', 'LB', 'VE', 'TR', 'IS', 'BA', 'MV', 'BB', 'BM', 'BZ', 'CR', 'CW', 'SX', 'HN', 'KN', 'DM', 'AG', 'LC', 'GD', 'FJ', 'TN', 'BJ', 'BF', 'CI', 'GW', 'ML', 'NE', 'SN', 'TG', 'BR'];
if ($.inArray(, ppUSD) !== -1) {
$(".paymentmethod-pp").remove(); $(".paymentmethod-pp-usd").show();
} else {
$(".paymentmethod-pp").show(); $(".paymentmethod-pp-usd").remove();
// Show any extra local payment methods, or remove them if not needed var extrapaymentmethods = {
'amazon' : ['US'], 'bpay' : ['AU'], 'ideal' : ['NL'], 'yandex' : ['RU'], 'webmoney' : ['RU'], 'dd' : ['AT', 'DE', 'ES', 'NL'], 'enets' : ['SG'], 'sofort' : [], 'bt' : ['AR', 'BR', 'CL', 'CO'], // Bank Transfer (Astropay) 'cash' : ['AR', 'BR', 'CO', 'MX', 'UY'] // "Cash" methods (Astropay)
// Methods with different labels per country if ( === 'AR') {
$('.paymentmethod-bt button, button.paymentmethod-bt').html('Santander');
} if ( === 'CO') {
$('.paymentmethod-bt button, button.paymentmethod-bt').html('PSE Pagos');
} if ( === 'UY') {
$('.paymentmethod-cash button, button.paymentmethod-cash').html('RedPagos');
} if ( === 'CL' && mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage') == 'es') {
$('.paymentmethod-bt button, button.paymentmethod-bt').html('Trans. bancaria');
for (var method in extrapaymentmethods) {
var $methodbutton = $('.paymentmethod-' + method); if ( $.inArray(, extrapaymentmethods[method]) !== -1 ) { // country is in the list $; } else { $methodbutton.remove(); }
// If there are no recurring payment methods available, disable the "monthly" option if ( !$('#{{{banner}}}-form *[class^="paymentmethod-"]:not(.no-monthly)').length ) { $('#frequency_monthly').prop('disabled', 'disabled'); }
// Set the form fields $("input[name='country']").val(; $("input[name='currency_code']").val(currency); $("input[name='language']").val(language); $("input[name='return_to']").val( encodeURI('Special:LandingCheck?basic=true&landing_page=Thank_You&uselang=' + mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')) );
// Handle pressing Enter on "Other" field $(document).on('keydown', 'input[name="amountGiven"]', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); $('.paymentmethod-options button, .frbanner-submit button').filter(':visible').first().click(); return false; } });
}); </script> <script> /**
* Localize amount options in banner forms. * * Dependencies: FR2013/Resources/Country2Currency.js * FR2013/Resources/CurrencyLocalize.js */
$(document).ready( function () {
var currency = getCurrency(; var language = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage');
// do fun things to localize currency in the banner and form $("input[name='amount']").each(function(index){ var id = $(this).attr("id"); var $label = $("label[for='" + id + "']"); var amount = convertAsk($(this).val(), currency,; $(this).val(amount); $label.html(currencyLocalize(currency, amount, language)); });
$otherLabel = $("#input_label_other"); $otherLabel.html( currencyLocalize( currency, $otherLabel.html().replace('$',), // strip the $ sign already on there language ) );
}); </script>
<script> $(document).ready(function() {
/* code for sticky "nag" banner */ $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(window).scrollTop() <= 160) { $('#frbanner-nag').finish(); $('#frbanner-nag').css('display', 'none'); } else { $('#frbanner-nag').delay(1500).slideDown(); } });
$('#frbanner-nag').click(function() { window.scrollTo(0,0); });
$('.frbanner-nag-close').click(function(e) { fundraisingBanner.hide(); e.stopPropagation(); }); /* end code for nag box */
/* code for legal text */ $('.frbanner').mouseenter( function() { $('#frbanner-legal').show(); }); $('.frbanner').mouseleave( function() { $('#frbanner-legal').hide(); }); /* end code for legal text */
if (!mw.centralNotice.bannerData.hideResult) {; }
}); </script>