Senarai mel
Yayasan Wikimedia mempunyai sebilangan senarai mel yang mana terbuka kepada semua yang melanggan. Sila lihat penerangan senarai untuk menyiarkan maklumat. Kebanyakan senarai tidak membenarkan sebarang siaran daripada bukan ahli, tetapi membenarkan sesiapa untuk melanggan dan membaca arkib.
Sila hormati Wikietika dan elakkan serangan peribadi dalam senarai mel, terutama dalam pengepala subjek yang mana ini kemungkinan akan diulang-ulang oleh sesiapa yang membalasnya. Untuk memohon senarai mel baharu, lihat arahan di bawah.
Maklumat umum
Senarai mel tersedia dalam beberapa format: melalui arkib web, atau e-mel, atau NNTP menggunakan gerbang mel-ke-berita Gmane. Arkib luar tapak senarai mel Wikipedia boleh didapati di Gmane, MARC, dan MarkMail.
BEberapa senarai mel kadang kala dirangkumkan di laman Senarai Khidmat Ringkasan.
Penyiar teratas dan lain-lain perangkaan boleh didapati di Stats Mel Wikimedia: indeks
Almost all mailing lists archive their posts, and you can view these archives online by clicking the link on the main list information page. As in all forums on the internet, you're warmly encouraged to search and scan the archives for past discussions, before asking a question or making a proposal. Not doing so reduces the signal : noise ratio, hence it is considered uncivil and disruptive.
Using digests
Especially if you're not used to mailing lists (or bigger amount of emails in general) or you care less about some particular mailing list, it's useful to read messages in digests, which means you'll receive a single message containing e.g. all the messages of the day. You can set this in your mailing list options.
With digests it's way harder to actively participate in discussion (in particular the most heated ones): it's mostly for "read only" mode, voluntary or self-imposed. The next step is to disable distribution to your address and read only the archives when you have time (or even don't be subscribed). For your occasional replies, here are some tips to follow the mailing list etiquette and be sure your message will be put in the correct places and recognized by other list members:
- absolutely avoid top posting, which is most horrible when replying to long digests: include only the message you're replying to, if any;
- don't reply to the digest or create a new message to the list: instead, go to the web archives (for instance mailarchive:wikimedia-l), find the thread you're replying to, select a message (no need to waste time finding the exact one), and click the link after the name of the author at the top.
- This will automatically retrieve all visible and hidden headers (mailing list address and others, subject, reply-to) needed for your reply to be correctly recognized by human readers, threads and all sorts of software.
- Sometimes the link won't work. In such cases, on Thunderbird under GNU/Linux you can copy the link from the HTML source of the page and use it to create a new message from the terminal (or Alt+F2), e.g.
thunderbird ""
(remember quotes!).
Senarai khusus
Terdapat juga senarai mel awam yang dijana secara automatik, disusun mengikut abjad, di
Senarai mel Wikimedia
wikimedia-l, sebelum ini foundation-l, ialah senarai mel utama bagi semua urusan berkaitan Wikimedia, samaada mereka cakna dengan projek, Yayasan Wikimedia, atau cawangan. Jika anda peduli tentang pengumpulan dana, memulakan projek baharu atau membahaskan isu dasar sejagat, ini adalah senarai untuk anda. Penyiaran dalam bahasa selain Inggeris adalah dialu-alukan, walaupun Inggeris ialah bahasa yang paling banyak difahami pelanggan. Siaran aneka bahasa (yang mana penyiar mengulangi teks sama dalam bahasa lain) juga dialu-alukan.
Pesanan mungkin disiarkan hanya oleh pelanggan. Arkib boleh didapati secara umum.
Senarai mel Pengumuman Wikimedia
Yyasan juga mengendalikan sebuah senarai hanya untuk Pengumuman sahaja, WikimediaAnnounce-l. Senarai ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan sebuah senarai ringkas dan mudah di mana orang boleh dengan cepat diberitahu mengenai pengumuman Yayasan dan Cawangan, acara-acara baharu dan akan datang. Senarai ini dikawal dan semua balas akan pergi terus ke wikimedia-l.
Penyeliaan senarai
List administrators have complete control of every aspect of the mailing list, they can change individual list members' settings, moderate senders, change settings of the list, and more.
Please see mailing list administration for help operating the admin interface of mailman.
If you feel a list you are on does not currently have enough active admins to keep up with the workload, please first contact the existing administrators at <listname> If they are inactive and don't respond, create a Phabricator task with your request and put it in the "Wikimedia-Mailing-lists" project (quick link).
Advanced questions and tips
Splitting up the Daily Digests
Linux users can split up the daily digest:
Put the following 3 lines into your .procmailrc and activate procmail support.
:0: * ^Subject:.*mailinglist.*Digest | formail +1 -ds >>mailinglist
Removing emails from archives
Emails should be sent to mailing lists with care, as removal of emails from archives is hard. If you want to request removal of an email from a list, please contact lists-archives-deletion-requestslists
Bear in mind that the email will still be in the Inbox of all the existing subscribers and in all public archives not managed by the Wikimedia Foundation.
Translating Mailman
If your language is not yet supported by Mailman, you can help by providing a translation for it. Instructions and an explanation on how to translate Mailman can be found at
Cipta senarai baharu
![]() | To handle queries, complaints, and comments an VRT queue may be a better choice. Please contact VRT administrators (instead of following this instruction) if you want to create a new VRT queue. |
To create a new mailing list, you have to request it in Phabricator. The bug should be placed in the Wikimedia-Mailing-lists project, direct link with all the information included.
Before making your request, you should familiarize yourself with the standardization policy.
Things to include:
- requested name of the mailing list, ending in
- reasoning/explanation of purpose (and link to community consensus, if applicable)
- initial list administrator's email address
- secondary list administrator's email address (as a backup)
- description of the list for the list info page (should include even if private list so ops and mailman admins know why it exists.)
Please note that all mailing lists are created public, and with public archives, unless stated/requested otherwise.
After submitting the bug correctly, your list should be created within the next few days. During that time you should read over the mailing list administration guide. Remember to add the mailing list to the Overview and to Gmane.