ويكي ديوان
ويكي ديوان | |
التواريخ | 22 فبراير 2025 |
وقت الاجتماع | 3 مساءً إلى 4:30 مساءً، بالتوقيت العالمي المنسق |
رابط اجتماع زووم | https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/89771319500#success |
The MENA Connect community call is a virtual platform for MENA Wikimedians to connect, share activities, updates, workshops, and meetups with a wider community audience who are contributing to MENA Community and Arabic speaking Community.The call is hosted quarterly, every third Saturday of the second month in each quarter. Everyone is welcome to participate, share their community activities, and ask questions in the moderated discussions.
Agenda Proposals
Please add your suggestion/submission for the agenda along with the presenter's name and the expected duration.
تفاصيل الاجتماع القادم
22 February 2025
Moderator: Manar/Farida
- Agenda:
- WMF: Partnerships & Grants/GRDC Farida & Ana
- Community updates:
- PTAC updates
- Survey & summary of wikiArabia Steering Committee
- Community presentations/updates
- An Arabic name for MENA Connect
- Open discussion
- Meeting details:
- Date: 22 February 2025
- Timings: 1500 to 1630 (UTC)
- Meeting Link: https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/89771319500#success