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Local & Regional Wiki Science Photography Competition

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Too many words here and no pictures, so here are some kittens

What is this page for?


This page is where we jot down all the organizational notes related to the contest we are preparing for.

What contest are we preparing for?


We are:

  1. Launching a local version of Wiki Science Photography Competition in Tunisia & hopefully Saudi Arabia.
  2. Re-running the local competition in Egypt for the second year (Read about the first run here).
  3. Launching regional competition (inter-Arab countries).

DELETED 4. Giving the regional winners the opportunity to participate in the international competition.

Who is organizing this?


- Reem Al-Kashif & Kamal El-Gazzar (Egypt)

- Sami Mlouhi (Tunisia)

What are we doing now?

  1. Trying to find out when does the international contest take place.

Update: Unfortunately, there will be no international contest this year. However, there are several local contests in countries like Russia, Ukraine, and Ireland. This gives us a good time to prepare.

  1. Reaching out to Wikimedians in different countries in the Arab World region.
  2. Considering the funds we would need for running the local contests.
  3. Thinking of the rules & prizes.

Work schedule

  • 15 September 2018 : Hangout to draft an agenda ( Reem Al-Kashif and Sami Mlouhi ).
  • 7 October 2018 : Participation in the Arabic hour. (Reem Al-Kashif talked to the attendees about the competition. Reda from Morocco and Alaa from Palestine said they will spread the word to their groups in hopes of finding a local coordinator there).