ग्रंथालय प्रवेशपत्र मंच

The Library Card platform is a tool run by The Wikipedia Library for browsing and accessing reliable sources of information for use by experienced Wikimedia contributors.
हे अवजार सर्वांना https://wikipedialibrary.wmflabs.org/ या ठिकाणाहून उपलब्ध आहे, येथे गेल्यावर तुम्हांला एकीकृत प्रवेशाची शपथ घ्यावी लागते आणि तुमच्या विकिमिडीया खात्यावरून तुमचा येथे प्रवेश नोंदवला जातो.
या मंचातर्फे एकूण ६० पेक्षा जास्त वेगवेगळ्या प्रकाशकांचे आणि संग्राहकांनी साठवलेली ग्रंथसंपदा आपण पाहू शकता, या सर्व संपदेला वहिवाट मिळवून देण्याचे मंचाद्वारे केले जाते, विकिमिडीया प्रकल्पांवर स्ंपादने करण्यासाठी आपल्याला या संपदेद्वारे नक्कीच मदत होते. अर्ज करा वर टिचकी मारून तुम्ही वहिवाटीचा अर्ज भरू शकता.
After applying, you can click your username in the top corner while logged in to go to your user page and view a list of your applications. If your application receives any comments, or is approved or rejected, you will receive an email.
Most resources have a set number of accounts available at any given time. If all accounts have been distributed, that partner will be flagged as 'Waitlisted'. Applications are still welcomed, however you may not receive access for some time – until The Wikipedia Library team are able to get more accounts or redistribute old ones.
Accessing resources
Click on 'My Library' to see the partners to which you currently have access. Many partners now use a proxy server for direct access to approved resources with users' single Wikipedia login. This will save needing to remember separate logins for every individual website used.
There is also immediate, no-application-required, access to a subset of proxied resources - known as the Library Bundle - for users who meet the minimum application criteria (500+ edits, 6+ months activity). These appear in the 'Instant Access' tab for those who are eligible.
Suggesting new partnerships
While we're continually seeking out new publisher partnerships, you can make specific suggestions on the Suggest page. Simply fill out the form with details - you can also add a +1 to other suggestions if they're of interest to you.
- Code contributions are welcomed – documentation on setting up the tool locally can be found at https://github.com/WikipediaLibrary/TWLight. Open tasks are listed on Phabricator.
- The interface supports internationalization via translatewiki.net. You can find more information and add translations at Translating:Library Card Platform.
- Provide feedback on upcoming improvements to site design and search
More info
- संपर्क करा : Sam Walton, Jake Orlowitz
- संकेत स्त्रोत : Github
- घडवणुकदार : Library-Card-Platform