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Learning patterns/Wikipress

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A learning pattern foronline engagement
problemWhat is the use and how do you make a periodical inside the movement ?
solutionGathering information and presenting it to the right audience
created on00:59, 18 February 2025 (UTC)


Regular publications on what has happened in the collaborative online project movement.

Why are we talking about it?

Some people are involved and some more are readers of wikipress, but how many know how they are made? Maybe some others would be kin to have their own publication? This page is based on a lighting talk made in Wikiconvention francophone 2024 by Noé.

Who are the people doing wikipress?

  • Volunteers who help out
  • Volunteers on a regular basis
  • Volunteers involved in the task
  • Staff who help
  • Staff who write and handle the publication

→ this is not a specific role, participation can be very diverse.

What are the publications?

They can be grouped into three broad categories: community-based publications, publications involving employees, and thematic publications. Since the latter are numerous, sometimes ephemeral or confidential, we will focus here on the first two categories.

Community-based publications (quantities as of 20 February 2025)
Title Scope Periodicity Creation date Issues
The Signpost English-speaking projects twice a month 10 janvier 2005 ~706
Der Kurier German-speaking projects monthly 2003 215
Wikimag French-speaking Wikipedia weekly 3 février 2006 ? 14 octobre 2007 881
Regards sur l’actualité de la Wikimedia French-speaking projects monthly 3 juillet 2011 277
ৱিকিপত্ৰিকা Assamese projects monthly 14 octobre 2012 117
Actualités du Wiktionnaire French Wiktionary monthly 24 avril 2015 118
Gazette de Vikidia Vikidia monthly then quarterly 12 janvier 2014 56
Publications involving employees (quantities as of 20 February 2025)
Title Éditeur Scope Periodicity Creation date Issues
Wikidata weekly summary Équipe Wikidata Wikidata (in English) weekly 13 avril 2012 729
This Month in Education Équipe d’éducation educational projects (in English) mensuel 11 août 2012 124
Tech News Équipe technique technical improvements weekly 23 mai 2013 617
Language and internationalization tech newsletter Équipe langues change in content quarterly 3 novembre 2023 6
Infolettre / Newsletter Wikimedia Canada in Canada and beyond (fr, en) monthly décembre 2023 11
Blog Wikimedia France News in France and beyond often 19 octobre 2007 752
Une semaine chez les Wikis Wikimedia France activities in France weekly (by e-mail) 4 janvier 2019 ~350
Bulletin d’information Wikimedia CH Switzerland and beyond (fr, de) monthly 12 mars 2020 55
Diff Wikimedia Foundation All Wikipedia projects often 14 juillet 2020 + 8,000
Bulletin de la Fondation Wikimédia Wikimedia Foundation Wikimedia Foundation activities twice a month 17 juin 2024 15
infolettre WikiL@b WiR in France Wikimedia and research in French monthly 6 avril 2023 20

What's in it?

  • information on the evolution of content, features, tools
  • highlighting small contributions and large projects
  • reports on collective activities and partnerships
  • announcements of upcoming activities, competitions, recruitment
  • press reviews and studies published about the projects
  • content or reading statistics
  • nice illustrations
  • opinion pieces
  • contribution tips: templates, gadgets, MediaWiki preferences, useful tools
  • interviews
  • games, jokes, and interesting snippets
  • future projects of the Wikimedia Foundation that may influence the project
  • evolution of allied dynamics or external influences (technological, legal, climate-related, etc.)

Why doing it?

  • reporting on changes
  • remembering that it is humans who make and maintain wikis
  • thanking and praising the work done
  • raising awareness of the importance of the efforts made
  • developing a common culture and knowledge about the project
  • creating an archive of project development and growth
  • helping and stimulating contribution
  • making known beyond our circles
  • learning to write as a journalist

Who's it for?

  • For current contributors
  • For potential contributors from other wikis
  • For current wikis readers
  • For future wikis readers
  • For allies and partners who follow our activities

How many people may read our publications?

Slides used to create this page. Figures are on pages 11 to 15.

See the slides attached for figures. The average reading quantities in November 2024:

  • Wikipedia Signpost: ~11,300 people per month per issue
  • Wikipedia Kurier: ~9,600 people per month per issue (the page is renamed each month for archiving)
  • Regards sur l’actualité de la Wikimedia: ~600 people in the month of publication
  • Wikimag: ~430 per month, 150 per week
  • Actualités du Wiktionnaire: ~400 people per month per issue

What is the current status?

  • French-language publications are less attractive than English- and German-languages ones
  • Several publications have existed since a while now
  • Different people are involved according to their interests
  • Some content are interesting and useful according to different views
  • Some content allows to keep up with the current developments of the project and society for the part that is connected with the project
  • Publications raise little controversy against them

What are the limitations?

  • It's time-consuming
  • It's periodical and monotonous
  • Few advertising and relaying by other media
  • Few readership feedback
  • Few community recognition
  • A dispersion of energy between multiple publications

What is the reach?

A printed issue of Actualités du Wiktionnaire made for a francophone Wikiconvention in 2017.
  • Publications are set in the project in scope or on Meta
  • They can be shared on mailing lists
  • They can be announced in community discussion spaces
  • They can be announced on the talk pages of registered users that ask to receive a notice
  • They can be announced on other channels outside of wikis (Discord, Telegram, etc.)
  • They can be shared on external sites, information federations, partners, or on digital social networks
  • They can be printed, mentioned in other publications, or even appear on Wikipedia pages as sources!

Some advice

  • Publish as much as possible according to the planned frequency, regardless of the document's completeness, there is no lenght requierement
  • You are free to be late, especially if you are volonteering
  • Regularly invite new people to participate, according to their interests.
  • Once in a while, improve the layout with simple yet elegant templates, mostly for mobile display
  • Write a help page to facilitate participation (for example, the French Wiktionary one)
  • Don’t get discouraged if you receive little feedback; it’s a long-term project!

What possible futures?

  • The wikipress will last as long as the motivation of the people involved, or as long as wikis projects stay online
  • The diversity of formats will interest a diversity of readers
  • The content will be all the more interesting as the number of editors increases
  • These publications will reach their audiences and have a positive effect at some point, or perhaps only in a diffuse, invisible, unpredictable way
  • The people who participate may be recognized for their specific involvement at some point

But also:

  • New formats of writing to report on activity?
  • New thematic newsletters or for other projects?
  • Better communication around existing publications?
  • New hybrid media formats?


See also
