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Learning and Evaluation/News/Learning Days for Wikimania Cape Town/WednesdaySessions

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

New Organizers Workshops




Learning Days participants accepted to the Traditional Track will engage together in a series of 3 workshops to improve their movement leadership skills. Sessions will focus on developing the knowledge and skills needed to be a Wikimedia organizer. Participants will hear practical advice from several WMF staff and experienced Wikimedians. Topics include overviews of programs, grants, and affiliates; critical capacities for involvement in the Wikimedia Movement; activities and events that are good entry points; evaluating success of projects and events; and demos of the most common tools available to organizers.

Time allocated:

  • Workshop 1 - Understanding the Movement in the context of your work - 1 hour

Specific learing objectives: Understand how your work fits within the organization and the programs of the movement


  • Alex Stinson, WMF
  • Woubzena Jifar, WMF
  • Dumi Ndubane, WMF
  • Edward Galvez, WMF
  • James Baldwin, WMF
  • Vahid Masrour, WMF
  • Georges Fodouop, Wikimedians of Cameroon
  • Kelly Doyle, Wikimedia District of Columbia
  • Olga Lidia, Wikimedia Bolivia
  • Sam Oyeyele, Wikimedia Nigeria

Experienced Organizers Workshops




Learning Days participants accepted to the Leadership Track will engage together in a series of 3 workshops to improve their movement leadership skills. Sessions will focus on listening and reflection to improve Wikimedia communities and programs. Topics include listening skills, collective problem solving, community listening using surveys, and engaging in reflective thinking. The workshops are designed to tap into the collective wisdom of the group and to foster a spirit of collaboration and sharing.

Time allocated:

  • Workshop 1 - Two hours


  • Develop movement leadership skills with a focus on listening and reflection techniques and practice
  • Tap into the collective knowledge of the group to grow as experienced organizers and identify opportunities to collaborate


  • Dana McCurdy, WMF
  • Winifred Olliff, WMF
  • Jackie Koerner, Wiki Education Foundation

GLAM Programs and Partnerships




An introduction to the basics of GLAM partnerships and their life cycles, and an introduction to some basic strategies for evaluating the likelihood of a GLAM partnership being successful. Come learn the common questions you should ask yourself before going into a conversation about

Time allocated:

60 minutes

Specific learning objectives:

Participants Will Be Able To:

  • Get an initial introduction to the various life cycles involved in creating GLAM partnerships.
  • Get an introduction to the general strategies for refining your project plan when working with a partner.

Slides: GLAM Partnerships and Programs

Measuring and Evaluating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion



Curious about how to measure or set meaningful goals around diversity, equity and/or inclusion? Or wondering how to evaluate efforts toward the 2030 strategic goal of knowledge equity? Come to this session where we will get clear on terminology, learn about best practices for measuring diversity, equity, and inclusion, and apply what we learn to the Wikimedia context.

Time allocated:

1 hour

Specific learning objectives:

  • Participants will gain clarity on the definitions and best practices for measuring diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Participants will understand how to apply this knowledge to their unique context in the Wikimedia Movement and develop concrete examples to use in their work

Facilitators: Dana McCurdy, WMF

Demystifying Grants




Wikimedia Foundation provides support to volunteers through different types of grant programs. In this session, participants will learn about rapid grants, project grants, simple annual plan grants and conference grants. They will also have an opportunity to learn from a community member on how to write a better grant application and build good project budgets. In this workshop, we have set aside some group time for hands-on practice. Participants will work together in groups on our “how to plan a pilot” worksheet.

Learning Days - Day 1, Wikimania Cape Town 2018 Demystifying Grants Presentation

Time allocated:

60 minutes

Specific learning objectives:

  • Participants will learn about the different grant programs
  • Participants will practice creating a pilot
  • Participants will learn the basics of building a budget

Presenter roles:

  • Woubzena Jifar presents the grant programs
  • Community presenter, Mykola (NickK), presents how to write better grant applications and building a budget

Lightning Talks


Lightning Talks are short, 5 minute presentations in which community members talk about their experience with wiki projects--what they learned, how they measured success, and how other Wikimedians can apply these lessons.

Day 1
Time Presenter Topic
15:45 - 15:50 Felix Nartey Introductions
15:50 - 15:55 Levon Azizian Peculiarities of organization and conducting Wiki events in a conflict zone
15:55 - 16:00 Sumit Surai What to Keep in Mind while Taking Pictures for Wikimedia Commons
16:00 - 16:05 Rupika Sharma Bridging the Gender Gap on Punjabi Wikipedia
16:05 - 16:10 Arash Event Design
16:10 - 16:15 Jacob Rogers Negotiation Skills
16:15 - 16:20 Felix Nartey Engaging Volunteers
16:20 - 16:25 Anmol Wassan Blogs
16:25 - 16:30 Sam Oyeyele How to Organize a Highly Successful Wiki Contest in Your Community
16:30 - 16:35 Anton Protsiuk Gender Equity
16:35 - 16:40 Spencer Graves How Wikimedia Can Counter the Balkanization
of the International Body Politic
16:40 - 16:45 Vassia Atassanova Teaching Media Literacy in Bulgaria
16:45 - 16:50 Walaa M Gender Gap and Female Content
16:50 - 16:55 Lisa Dittmer Communication Plans: Wikimedia Deutschland's Communication
Strategy around the EU Copyright Reform
16:55 - 17:00 Pavanaja Bellippady Education Partnerships
17:00 - 17:05 Snezhana Strkovska GLAM and Edu Partnerships

Storytelling Workshop




Storytelling is a skill that not everybody is born with, but anybody can learn. With a structure approach, we walk participants through key concepts in storytelling practice, using the ABCD framework. Participants apply this to a specific project they want to communicate, and leave with a clear idea of key messages they need to develop in their communications plan. In this workshop, we will also review the posters submitted to apply the ABCD and see what is good about the poster, and what could use more work.

Time allocated:

60 minutes

Specific learning objectives:

  • Participants will learn basic concepts and practices in storytelling.
  • Participants will draft first key messages they want to share about a project they want to communicate.
  • Participants will apply the ABCD framework to posters.

Presenter roles:

María Cruz, presents introduction and letter C and D. Also facilitates conversation around posters.

  • Community presenter 1, talks about letters A and B.
  • Community presenter 2, facilitates a small group
  • Community presenter 3, facilitates a small group
  • Community presenters could be Nikola Kalchev, could be May Hashem, also John Cummings (would need to see who expressed interest in sharing on the topic “telling your community story”).

Structured Data and Wikidata Partnerships




Increasingly, volunteers and affiliates in the Wikimedia movement are approached by external organizations (GLAMs and other knowledge institutions) who want to collaborate in partnerships related to structured data: data donations to Wikidata, or (in the near future) structured data media uploads to Wikimedia Commons. In this session, we look together at a general workflow for such projects - typical steps and phases in their development, and general tips and insights for each step or phase.

Time allocated:

90 minutes

Specific learning objectives:

  • Participants learn about the basic steps that need to be taken into account in structured data partnership projects.
  • Participants know where to find more information on each of these steps.
  • Participants gain new ideas about making such partnerships interesting and successful.

Presenter roles:

  • Sandra Fauconnier - general facilitator; talks about the general workflow for structured data partnerships.
  • Andrew Lih - showcases a media partnership project, which the group of attendees then analyzes in the context of the general workflow.



How might we more effectively use social media to further Wikimedia's mission globally and locally?

Join this hands-on workshop with social media guru Sree Sreenivasan (former chief digital officer of The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Columbia University) and veteran Wikimedian Andrew Lih as they march through social and mobile strategies via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and other platforms for community engagement. Come share your own strategies and success/failure stories for using social media with your own communities.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Anyone interested in furthering their social media and mobile skills, or the Wikimedia movement, personally and professionally. Especially geared towards Wikimedia movement leaders and chapter/user group heads wanting to make a higher impact and engagement with their community of readers and potential volunteers.

SPEAKERS: Lih and Sreenivasan have worked with multiple notable NGOs and GLAM institutions, including the The Met Museum, United Nations (headquarters, UNHCR Geneva & UNHCR Kenya), Pulitzer Prizes, Smithsonian Institution, U.S. National Archives, and the Global Teacher Prize, which gives US $1 million to one K-12 teacher in the world (nominations open now). They are co-founders of Digimentors, a new kind of consultancy of strategists and doers: http://digimentors.group

Time allocated:

90 minutes


  • What's working - and what isn't in 2018 in social, apps and more
  • Best practices for Wikimedians from working with GLAM institutions and NGOs
  • How to cut through the noise using innovative tools and strategies
  • Tips and tricks for communicating with your Wikimedia community and local readers