Subvenciones:Evaluación/Modelos lógicos

""Un modelo lógico es una gran manera de documentar el proceso de programación"" - desde el razonamiento subyacente y los objetivos previstos (teoría del cambio) hasta los insumos, productos y resultados que se esperan. Al utilizar una plantilla de modelo lógico para tus programas, puedes pensar en lo que realmente quieres poner en tu programa y salir de él. Cuando el evento de tu programa ha terminado, puedes usar un modelo lógico para evaluarlo: ¿las entradas que pusiste en la planificación del evento produjeron los resultados que esperabas? ¿Y esos resultados se convirtieron en impactos más duraderos?
Teoría del cambio y módelo lógico como herramienta de evaluación
Modelos Lógicos - Una herramienta para la planificación y evaluación
Plantilla de modelo lógico en blanco
Esta es una plantilla Open Office para un modelo lógico, descárgala y por favor úsala! (o, si lo prefieres, la plantilla también está disponible como MS Word [$mso-template download]. Asegúrate de compartir tu plantilla aquí.
Alternatively, you can find blank templates in spreadsheet format along with other useful templates for project and evaluation planning which you can copy by opening via google docs and selecting "Make a copy" from the File menu. Then you will have your own template copies to modify and use as you wish.
Pasos para la creación de un modelo lógico
- ""Empieza con tu "teoría del cambio"."" Una descripción o visión de cómo y por qué funcionará un programa. Explica el razonamiento detrás de las acciones que estás haciendo y los resultados que esperas que tengan las acciones. Normalmente, la "teoría del cambio" se basa en experiencias pasadas o en las mejores prácticas. "Puedes poner los puntos de tu teoría del cambio en la sección azul de la situación. Ejemplo:
Esta evaluación examina dos eventos, ambos titulados "WikiWomen's Edit-a-thon". Los dos eventos tuvieron lugar en marzo de 2012 y junio de 2012, en San Francisco, California. Ambos eventos se llevaron a cabo en las oficinas de la Fundación Wikimedia. La idea de organizar estos dos eventos surgió del deseo de conseguir que más mujeres editaran Wikipedia. En Wikipedia existe una brecha de género: más hombres que mujeres editan que mujeres, lo que provoca un sesgo sistémico en el contenido. El objetivo de ambos eventos era atraer a más mujeres a editar Wikipedia y mejorar el contenido de la Wikipedia en inglés sobre la historia de la mujer y temas relacionados.
— Biblioteca de Evaluación Wikimedia, Caso de estudio "WikiWomen's Edit-a-thons" - In the light blue section, list what your priorities are related to your theory of change. These are the big picture goals—for the WikiWomen's edit-a-thon, the priorities were have participants improve content, have participants socialize, and to train new editors to edit Wikipedia.
- In the yellow section, you'll place inputs. Every program takes something, to make something happen, right? That's what inputs are. Inputs are what you invest in the program. Inputs may include: staff and/or volunteer time, money, research tools (i.e. books about the subject theme, Jstor accounts for a contest), materials (handouts, note pads, swag, etc.), equipment (camera lens, laptops,), partnerships (sponsors, GLAM).
- In the green section, go outputs. Outputs consist of three categories that you expect do to make the program happen, who you expect to be involved in the program, and what you expect to be produced while the program is taking place. Outputs are broken into three sections:
- Participantes: quien si llegas—por ejemplo: existiendo colaboradores, colaboradores potenciales nuevos, donantes, GLAMs, profesores/maestros, personas quienes utilizan los sitios web de Wikimedia.
- Activities: This is what you do to make the program happen, and during the program itself. For example: write a how-to guide on how to upload to Commons, promote your Wiki Loves event, do the event itself, book the conference room, have a meeting with organizers afterwards to talk about the workshop, etc.
- Direct products: What you expect to come out of the program while it's happening—it's what you create during the event. For example: new editors out of a workshop, new photographs of monuments, new articles during a contest. These aren't the things that happen a day, week, or month (etc.) after the program stops. It's during the program.
- Next, you'll fill in your expected outcomes in the pink section. These are the deliverables and impacts you expect to take place AFTER the program is over. These are the things you hope and wish will happen after the program or event ends. It's broken down into three time periods:
- Short term outcomes: What do you hope, expect, and wish to happen just after the program is over (day after until about 3 months after). Examples include: participants leave workshop with a better understanding of how Wikipedia works, contest participants will continue to expand contest articles, edit-a-thon participants become closer/friends, organizers to plan next event, judges will judge photographs from Wiki Loves Monuments, and even this one: organizers send survey to participants via email.
- Intermediate outcomes: These are the impacts and outcomes you expect to happen three to twelve months after the event. These can be a little more broad. For example: All edit-a-thon participants keep editing, contest articles developed into featured articles, a second program takes place, a new GLAM partnership develops out of a content donation.
- Long term outcomes: These take place one year to five years after the program ends. Examples include: editors are retained (making 5+ edits a month), more women edit Wikipedia, all monuments have photographs and a new subject is chosen for Wiki Loves, university makes Wikipedia editing a permanent class component.
Don't forget to think about assumptions and external factors. Assumptions are things that you think will happen without having proof. For example—you'll assume every participant at your edit-a-thon owns a laptop they can bring. Don't assume that, make sure to have extra laptops just in case. External factors are things that could effect your outcomes, such as culture, economy, politics, belief systems, laws, etc. For example: you want to retain editors one year later, but, most people in your country don't own computers at home, and connectivity is weak, so you have to consider that—perhaps a retained editor means someone making five edits every two months.
Voila! You're done. Great job! Be sure to refer to your logic model throughout the planning process, and when you are evaluating your program.
Ejemplo comunitario con modelos lógicos creados
Acciones de Modelos Lógicos
Editar maratones y Talleres
Programa Educativo de Wikipedia
Asociaciones GLAM
Competiciones de carga de imagen
Concursos de escritura En-wiki
Editatón Ramona Park
Escaleras de Modelos Lógicos
As an easy start for working with logic models, a slightly simplified step-by-step model (aka staircase logic model) can be useful.
To better understand how to make a staircase logic model, visit the presentation Logic models. A tool for planning and evaluation.
Taller de edición de Wikidata
Concurso de escritura de caramelo
Gender Gap editathon
Girls Wiki Club
Wiki Camp
Más en Commons:
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