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This page is a translated version of the page Leadership Development Working Group/Updates and the translation is 32% complete.


2023年6月 Group meeting dates
  • 6月1日
  • 6月8日
  • 6月15日
  • 6月22日
  • 6月29日





2023年5月 Group meeting dates
  • 5月4日
  • 5月11日
  • 5月18日
  • 5月25日





2023年4月 Group meeting dates
  • 4月6日
  • 4月13日
  • 4月20日
  • 4月27日

作業グループは4月をもってリーダー開発計画※1の草案づくりを終えました。作業は小グループが分担して進めたため、それぞれを遂行し、つづり合わせる作業が残っています。これを効率よく仕上げるようと、当グループからウィキメディア財団のコミュニティ開発部門※2に応援を要請しました。4月はまた、グループ参加者にとって将来を見つめる時間でした。6月には1年の任期が終わるため、リーダー開発計画の将来に関して、実施その他の可能性を話し合いました。これら参加者にとって、リーダーの開発がいよいよ実践されるであろうことは心が躍ることでした。(※1=Leadership Development Plan。2=Community Development team。)


In order to prevent burnout and allow for strategic thinking, the working group decided to have the Community Development team help unify and polish their separate drafts. At the end of April, the unified draft was “returned” to the working group for final review and agreement.



2023年3月 Group meeting dates
  • 3月2日
  • 3月9日
  • 3月16日
  • 3月23日
  • 3月30日

3月に作業グループはLDP草案づくりを続けました。作業内容は多くの協議を重ね、オンライン調査、改訂、フィードバックなどです。リソースの下書き – 特にオンライン版で国際版のもの – というものは、なかなか大きな作業です。当グループは現状、執筆過程を進めています。

March has also been a busy month for several members of the group due to other commitments and occasions like the start of Ramadan. This has given the group an opportunity to openly and honestly discuss their working dynamics, accountabilities, and progress. The visual below captures the working group’s journey so far (also available in Russian and Spanish).


Fun fact: birds flocking together is a beautiful analogy for collective leadership. Birds flocking remind us that we are stronger together. Inspired, the Leadership Development Working Group adopted the imagery of birds flocking together for their logo.


The drafting work continues!

2023年2月 Group meeting dates
  • 2月2日
  • 2月9日
  • 2月16日
  • 2月23日

当グループは2月も引き続きリーダー開発計画に取り組みました。月初に調査期間の〆切を迎えて分析に入り、データから得られた結果を議論しました。さらに当グループ参加者はリーダー開発計画のそれぞれの部分ごとに分かれ(訳注:以下の4班)、毎週、小グループ単位で取り組みました(※=リーダーシップ開発計画=LDP、Leadership Development Plan)。グループ1は私たちの運動に存在するさまざまなリーダーの役割と技能を文書化し、ウィキメディアのエコシステム内でコミュニティ参加者がリーダーとして自分自身の成長と担当分野の発展を認識できるように目指しています。グループ2の目的は、このリソースがコミュニティにおいてリーダー開発の取り組み作りに有効に役立つことであり、トレーナー、ファシリテーター(調整役)、メンター(指導役)などを対象にリーダー開発プログラムの構築に関する推奨手順をまとめています。グループ3はリーダー関連のトピックの視点とガイダンス提供に重点を置いています(有害なリーダー像、燃え尽き症候群、公平性など)。最後のグループ4は将来を見据え、総合的な計画実施の次のステップを提案します。

The working group also had the opportunity to share updates with community members at two community calls: first at the Community Development Community Call and second at the conversation session with Wikimedia Foundation's Board of Trustees’ "Community Affairs Committee" (CAC). In both sessions, the group received positive responses to the work they have done and the progress they have made in less than a year of working together.

Lastly, the working group saw a membership change with the departure of Rae (US + Canada).



2023年1月 Group meeting dates
  • 1月5日
  • 1月12日
  • 1月19日
  • 1月26日


After a December pause to refresh and re-energize, the working group reconvened in early January and resumed their work on the Leadership Development Plan. This month, the group began a research phase to collect community insights about leadership that will inform the writing of the Plan. The group shared 3 surveys according to 3 audience categories: 1) People who do work related to organizing, coordinating or governance, 2) People who train, facilitate or mentor, and 3) Active and engaged community members who want to improve their leadership. The survey was shared in 6 languages across the 8 regions.

In parallel with research, the group set up subgroups for working on the content of the Leadership Development Plan. The subgroups will allow the members to work efficiently and semi-autonomously. They will continue to convene on a weekly basis as a whole group to share updates, cross-share learnings and exchange feedback.


The group decided that the Leadership Development Plan will be written as a resource kit with helpful suggestions, information, and support for community members interested in improving leadership abilities in themselves and others. Though the topics (and their wording) may change as more progress is made, the group determined 4 themes to frame the Plan:

  • How to build successful leaders
  • How to build a leadership development program
  • Specific aspects of leadership (e.g. burnout, diversity, passing on knowledge)
  • Possibilities for leadership development that require further attention



2022年11月 Group meeting dates
  • 11月3日
  • 11月10日
  • 11月17日
  • 11月24日


In November, the working group published a summary of feedback. This summary highlighted the main themes of the feedback received during the September-October feedback period. The summary also includes revisions made to the leadership definition. You can read the summary of feedback on Diff and Meta-wiki in 13 languages.

In the weekly meetings this month, the group discussed their approach to drafting the Leadership Development Plan. A “prototype” of the Leadership Development Plan was created with the purpose of helping the group align and more concretely imagine the future end-state of the Plan. This prototype included a proposal of the goals, audiences, and content of the Plan. The proposals were discussed and consent decision-making was used to agree on the direction of work.

The group also started planning for a short research phase that will inform the Leadership Development Plan. This included determining the focus of the research, deciding on the outreach approach, and preparing research materials.

Lastly, in the past two months, working group members attended and presented at regional conferences. Donia in the MENA region represented the Leadership Development Working Group at WikiArabia while Goodness and Isaac in the Sub-Saharan Africa region represented the group at WikiIndaba. Anthony from the ESEAP region attended the ESEAP Conference as well. The working group members continue to share their work within their regions and communities. The group plans to participate in upcoming conferences in 2023.


The working group agreed on the need to conduct research before drafting the Leadership Development Plan. The goal of the research phase is to better understand movement leadership needs and experiences. The information collected will be used to draft a Plan that is useful and relevant to those who want to improve leadership abilities in themselves and others.

In the research phase, the working group intends to collect information from various community groups and individuals according to three audience groups: 1) People who do work related to organizing, coordinating or governance, 2) People who train, facilitate or mentor, and 3) Active and engaged community members who want to improve their leadership. The research phase will begin in January 2023.

Finally, the group will take a break to recharge in the month of December and will reconvene in early January 2023.


The working group continues to discuss the contents of the Plan and prepare for the research phase. They will take a well-deserved break in December after six months of intensive work together.

2022年10月 Group meeting dates
  • 10月6日
  • 10月13日
  • 10月20日
  • 10月27日


In October, the working group closed the feedback period, which invited community members to share their feedback about the draft leadership definition. The group received responses through the surveys (shared in 14 languages), Movement Strategy Forum, talk page, local community calls, and email. A subgroup reviewed each response, clustered common themes, and revised the definition based on the feedback. In general, the feedback was positive, with a majority of responders agreeing with the definition. The group received feedback about certain phrases or sentences of the definition, for example, the words “complex,” “phenomenon,” and “release ideas” were debated. The group also received questions about the usage and context of the definition. Some community members asked, “How can one use this definition?” and, “In what contexts does this definition apply?”

After incorporating feedback, the working group published a revised definition. The revision includes a supplementary text that answers common questions and provides more context to the definition. At the end of October, the working group also hosted two global community calls to share the revised definition, listen to community stories of leadership, and engage in open discussion with community members. The group is celebrating this major milestone! They drafted and published a shared definition of leadership, accomplishing one of their goals.


The group recognizes that the leadership definition is not static. It will continue to evolve and improve with new movement insights and experiences. Acknowledging this, the group will move forward and focus on the next goal: drafting a leadership development plan.


The working group is writing a summary of feedback and plans to publish this in November. In the following weeks, the group will discuss and prepare for the next phase of work related to the leadership development plan.

2022年9月 Group meeting dates
  • 9月1日
  • 9月9日
  • 9月15日
  • 9月22日
  • 9月29日


In September, the working group published the draft leadership definition and hosted a feedback period. Read the announcement on Meta-wiki, Diff or Movement Strategy Forum. The purpose of a leadership definition is to develop a movement-wide, shared understanding of leadership. With a shared understanding and vocabulary, the working group believes that there will be better coordination, alignment, and mobilization of local groups and individuals pursuing leadership development initiatives. This definition will also inform the next phase of the working group’s work, which includes drafting a leadership development plan.

Feedback about the draft definition was collected in 13 languages through multiple channels: a survey, Movement Strategy Forum, Meta-wiki talk page, and email. The working group members also collected feedback on an ad hoc basis through local and regional community calls. Feedback was iteratively analyzed, discussed and incorporated into the draft definition and other aspects of the group’s work.

Additionally, the group saw membership transitions: welcoming Anthony (ESEAP representative) and seeing the departure of Imelda (ESEAP representative).


The working group plans to host community calls at the end of October in order to discuss the feedback collected and learn more about existing leadership initiatives in communities. The group recognizes that the definition can evolve after this initial feedback period. Keeping this in mind, they plan to launch the next phase of work during the community calls in October, which includes learning more about the existing leadership initiatives and gaps in the communities. The intention of this next phase of work is to conduct leadership mapping research which will inform the leadership development plan.


The group is analyzing and incorporating feedback. They plan to host community calls and share a revised definition next month. The group is also preparing for a research period to collect and map leadership initiatives and gaps in the movement.

2022年8月 Group meeting dates
  • 8月4日
  • 8月11日
  • 8月18日
  • 8月25日


In August, the working group reached a major milestone by presenting its work for the first time at Wikimania 2022. The group hosted a session titled "Leadership in Wikimedia" which was a panel discussion involving 6 of its members: Nitesh Gill, Goodness Ignatius, Francesc Fort, Jan Lukas Hobrock, Nada Alfarra, & Rae Adimer. The panelists discussed the purpose and goals of the working group, the importance of leadership, and the progress the group has made. They also discussed opportunities for communities to participate. The session was attended by 60 audience members with several audience questions. See the session recording to learn more.

Additionally, the group saw membership transitions: welcoming Ryuch (ESEAP representative); welcoming back Nada (Middle East & North Africa representative) who took a momentary pause; and seeing the departure of Gnangarra (ESEAP representative), who has shifted to an informal advisory role.

Finally, the group has been finalizing the draft definition and preparing for a call for feedback. This call for feedback will share the leadership definition draft and invite communities to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.


The group has decided that their outreach plan will have a multichannel and multilingual approach in order to reach different audiences during the call for feedback period. They have divided their outreach preparation work into various workstreams, with different group members taking the lead on each in order to distribute and coordinate efficiently.


The group is preparing for the call for feedback that will launch in September.

2022年7月 Group meeting dates
  • 7月7日
  • 7月15日
  • 7月20日
  • 7月29日


In July, the working group focused on drafting a shared definition of leadership. Once drafted, this definition will be shared with the wider communities for input. To create this draft definition, the group reflected on the experiences and activities of their communities (their linguistic, geographic, project-based, and other communities). They told and analyzed stories to root their proposed definitions in real experiences. The group members discussed different terms associated with leadership, such as vision and empathy. They noticed that terms such as “resilience” and “empowerment” have different meanings and associations depending on one’s context. They reflected on the plurality of the Wikimedia movement -- there isn't just one "Wikimedia way" but rather different ways of working and interacting. In general, the group agreed that the definition of leadership must be considerate of these differences and allow for flexibility. The group went through a multiphase and iterative process to draft, align, and find consensus on a set of definitions. They worked in small groups and pairs to include their different perspectives and specific communities in the definition building. Their goal in this process was to ensure that the definition they drafted considered the nuance and relevance of the words included.


The group is in the last stages of agreeing on a set of definitions. This set of definitions includes a broad definition and additional sub-definitions. The broad definition provides a general description of leadership and the additional sub-definitions detail the particular qualities of leadership. This set of definitions will be shared with communities for input once the draft is finalized.




Group meeting dates

  • 6月3日
  • 6月10日
  • 6月17日
  • 6月24日
  • 6月30日

The 15-member Leadership Development Working Group (or LDWG) met for the first time this month. The group met on a weekly basis and continued their discussions asynchronously through group chat and other working tools. The meetings and group chat were facilitated by the group’s facilitator, Jyotsna, with support from two interpreters, Andy (Spanish) and Anna (Russian), and two staff members from the Community Development team, Cassie and Beverly.

  • This month, the group focused on 3 areas: getting to know one another, setting up how the group works together, and agreeing on the group’s purpose, vision, and goals. The group also began sharing their perspectives and definitions of leadership based on their experiences in the movement. In the first meeting, members of the group shared their excitement to be working together and working on leadership development. There was much appreciation and respect for the diversity of the group and the multilingual support available. Members of the group saw the importance of the different perspectives and communities represented in the group. There was consensus that supporting leadership development is important for the future of the movement.


  • Group work - group members agreed on the purpose of the synchronous and asynchronous time. Due to timezone differences, accessibility reasons, and busy schedules, group members decided that in order to make progress and give everyone the chance to participate, the asynchronous time will be spent drafting ideas, researching, writing, and thinking on one’s own or in small groups. The synchronous sessions will be spent debating, asking questions, building consensus, making decisions, and building trust and connectedness within the group.
  • Purpose - the group asked the question: why are we here? Members agreed on these answers as their common purpose:
    • "Because we believe that developing leadership leads to the decentralization of power and ensures diverse inclusion."
    • Because we want to make the movement a place where new, small, disadvantaged (emerging) groups and individuals who want to join and grow feel empowered to do so.
      • This includes women and other groups that have historically been underrepresented in leadership in the movement.
  • Vision - the group asked the question: what future do we want to see? Members agreed on this as their common vision:
    • "As a result of the Leadership Development Working Group's work, movement members across the Wikimediaverse have an understanding of leadership and how to nurture it in themselves, in others, and in their communities."
  • Goals - the group discussed and agreed on 3 goals of the working group:
    1. Draft a shared definition of leadership
    2. Create a leadership development plan
    3. リーダーシップ開発の実施を導く
